Category Archives: Archive
The Recognition Machine
Try out of “The Recognition Machine” a collaboration with Antje van Wichelen part of working title festival at workspacebrussels 30/11, 1 & 2/12/2018 – 12:00 > 18:00 free entrance With The Recognition Machine Antje Van Wichelen translates her years of research into photographic archives from the colonial era into an artistic-political installation. The machine looks […]
SICV in Barcelona
Tras poner en marcha mi Instituto Escandinavo de Vandalismo Comparado, muchos se preguntan por qué le puse un nombre tan peculiar, sin llegar a tener del todo claro si tomárselo en serio o no. “Giving the Finger (Back) to the Digital: The Art and Politics of Archival Practice”. Presentation at the MACBA symposium La condició de […]