Tag Archives: face
like four-eye machines made of elementary faces linked together two by two
[…] The face is not a universal. It is not even that of the white man; it is White Man himself, with his broad white cheeks and the black hole of his eyes. The face is Christ. The face is the typical European, what Ezra Pound called the average sensual man, in short, the ordinary […]
All form is a face looking at us
If as Serge Daney writes, “all form is a face looking at us“, what does a form become when it is plunged into the dimension of dialogue? What is a form that is essentially relational? It seems worth while to discuss this question taking Daney’s formula as a point of reference, precisely because of its […]
“One Millisecond Face Alignment with an Ensemble of Regression Trees”
This paper addresses the problem of Face Alignment for a single image. We show how an ensemble of regression trees can be used to estimate the face’s landmark positions directly from a sparse subset of pixel intensities, achieving super-realtime performance with high quality predictions. We present a general framework based on gradient boosting for learning […]
Francis Galton’s Composite Portraiture meets Wittgenstein’s camera
Galton also devised a technique called “composite portraiture” (produced by superimposing multiple photographic portraits of individuals’ faces registered on their eyes) to create an average face. In the 1990s, a hundred years after his discovery, much psychological research has examined the attractiveness of these faces, an aspect that Galton had remarked on in his original […]