Tag Archives: bindings

A printing press of one’s own

A museum without walls has been opened to us, and it will carry infinitely farther that limited revelation of the world of art which the real museums offer is within their walls: in answer to their appeal, the plastic arts have produced their printing press. Museum Without Walls, André Malraux.

Bindings II (nobody knows what a book is)

The Book as Diagram

“People say that nobody knows what a book is any more. It is observed that people sit on trains, or buses and in waiting rooms and where a few years ago they would have been reading a book, they will instead be consoled at their phone doing some data processing. This might be the case, […]


Many books are depicted on the photos of the Guttormsgaard’s collection. Their view is standardized. The book is displayed wide-open. The binding occupies the centre of the image. The binding is the invisible element that distributes the symmetry between two pages. This probe extracts the bindings of the books and display them side by side.