Category Archives: Probes
Agatha Christie smoking Asger Jorn’s cigar
Ellef Prestsæter: Readers of Concreta, beware! … Engaging with you, Asger, in the context of this special issue on Vandalism and Iconoclasm calls for a strict demarcation between vandalism on the one hand and iconoclasm on the other. While the Scandinavian Institute of Comparative Vandalism (SICV) connects you intimately with the concept of vandalism you […]
SIFTing through the pages of ARKIV
A book in one sense is an ordering of a set of images. Here, a probe to consider how the layout of a book could be used to (reconstruct) an ordering of its original constituent images using SIFT feature detection. Read more…
A scan is not a photograph. The scanner head is like a comb of light-emitting fingers that slowly strokes its subject in order to see it. The final image denies this temporality in its conventional single and simultaneous presentation. This probe attempts to reintroduce the temporality of the scanner. Continue reading…
Image gradients
imagegradient Image gradients are a fundamental transformation used in image processing, search indexing, and computer vision. Like a weather map showing the direction and strength of the wind, an image gradient depicts the strength and direction of changes in intensity over the surface of the image.
Many books are depicted on the photos of the Guttormsgaard’s collection. Their view is standardized. The book is displayed wide-open. The binding occupies the centre of the image. The binding is the invisible element that distributes the symmetry between two pages. This probe extracts the bindings of the books and display them side by side.