Category Archives: Photography

Green Mamba

Tensorflow, an open source library for Machine Learning developed by Google, comes with a demo program that labels images. The output of the program contains the labels (or class names) and their scores. The score represents the probability of the image to belong to a certain class. green mamba (score = 0.43074) vine snake (score […]

This wandering over the surface of the image is called ‘scanning’

The significance of images is on the surface. One can take them in at a single glance yet this remains superficial. If one wishes to deepen the significance, i.e. to reconstruct the abstracted dimensions, one has to allow one’s gaze to wander over the surface feeling the way as one goes. This wandering over the […]

Francis Galton’s Composite Portraiture meets Wittgenstein’s camera

Galton also devised a technique called “composite portraiture” (produced by superimposing multiple photographic portraits of individuals’ faces registered on their eyes) to create an average face. In the 1990s, a hundred years after his discovery, much psychological research has examined the attractiveness of these faces, an aspect that Galton had remarked on in his original […]