Nlchl
Hlnauslehnen!
Ne
pas
se
pencher
au
dehors
perlcoloso
sporgesl!
Danger!
Do
nol
lean
oui!
De!
är
livslarllgl
a"
lulu
slg
ul!
Nlel
naar
buiten
hangen!
Paris,
a
wi'ches'
cauldron
oi
poli'ical
instigalions
and
demonsh’a'ions,
armoured
car:
in
rhe
slreels,
the
bloody
shadow
of
lhe
AIgerian
war,
clearing
murders
and
îorîure.
Slrikes,
Police
raids,
censorship,
no
gallic
clarify
but
a
dark
wilches'
9rial,
shoo-
îing
and
reprisals,
many
dead
and
wounded.
Paris,
where
aur
Conseil
Central
hold
a
mee'ing
in
îhe
Internationale
Situa'ionniste
lhe
10th
and
llth
February
1962,
Boulevard
Saint-Germain
—-
even
here
bro'her
againsl
broîher!
The
conseil
central
of
lhe
hos
members:
Dieler
Kunzelmaan
Germany,
Jacqueline
de
Jong,
Hollandl
Ansgar
Elde,
Swe—
den,
Jôrgen
Nash,
Denmark,
Guy
Debord,
France,
Uwe
Lausen,
Germany,
Ahila
Kolanyi
and
Rooul
Vaneigem,
Belgium.
On
lhe
very
first
day
of
the
meeting
a
reviously
printed
ultimolum
was
presenîed
by
ihe
four
las?
named
members
declaring
f
e
German
group
of
artists,
(Slurm,
Zim-
mer,
Prem,
Fischer
and
Kunzelmann]
excluded
in
rhe
nome
of
lhe
Conseil
Central.
Those
four
o
as
far
os
îo
accuse
cf
"fractionisî
oclivily
based
on
o
sysfemalic
misunder-
stan
ing
of
îhe
situationnisl
lheses
That
is
precisely
whaf
lhey
themselves
mighl
be
denounced
for,
if
we
chose
îo
adopl
rheir
iesui!
melhods.
We
came
îo
îhe
meeling
also
pre
ored
fo
criîizise
lhe
members,
but
in
quile
onolher
wayc
We
proies!
ogainsl
all
îinds
of
fraclionist
acliviîy
wilhin
lhe
lS.
In
fhis
council
meeting
in
Paris
we
were
confronled
wiîh
a
fait
acompli,
which
made
an
empîy
farce
of
îhe
enîire
meeting
An
organizaîion
whose
essentiel
decisions
are
not
based
on
lhe
principle
of
debate
is
lololilcrion
and
does
no?
agree
wiîh
our
rules
of
collabora-
tionr
This
was
a
fracîionisî
anock
againsl
us,
which
is
unaccepfable
îo
lhe
silualionnisls.
To
call
in
comrades
from
other
counfries
only
lo
hand
ou?
a
rinled
leaflel
is
a
no?
very
positive
melhod.
Il
can
be
explained
only
as
an
oufcome
ofîhe
non-activify
policy
of
lhose
four
members.
This
i5
no
good
amen
forthe
future
of
our
movemenî,
lnrernaîionale
Situationnisfe.
If
is
no?
only
poimless
bu!
ridiculous
indeed
ro
pull
lhe
emerqency
brake
when
lb.
train
has
already
stopped.
Paris
13"!
February
1962.
Jacqueline
de
long,
.lôrgen
Nash,
Ansgar
Elde
a
,w-m;;‘ge‘
—\
v
'L..-
Mm:
c
.__-..
Mm
tu
mamie“
.
7.
I‘
l
.
,letentoiohon:
1o
u
Je
2505/61
'
peglaublgte
Abeonru
1o
c
Je
261c
a—d—/61
la
don
Barra
Antsrichter
bain
Antagoricht
Strargericht
ü.n
c‘h
e
n
'1.
mfynfire
1)
u
n
e
n
a
n
n
Dieter
2)
t
n
r
aelmut
5)
r
e
n
Heinrafl
3j!"
6/41
I.Besch1uB
des
Amtsgerichts
München
geboren
am
14.7.59
in
Bamberg,
lediger
Schriftsteller,
deutscher
StA..
wohnt
in
München
15,
Bauer-
atr.
2“
(Keller)
Eltern:
Otto
u.
Ama1;e
K..
geb.
Ketscher,
—unbestraft-
geboren
am
21.2.52
in
Furth
i.
flald,
lediger
Maler,
deutscher
Stà..
wohnt
in
München
2,
Thorwaldsen—
sur.
5/IV,
Éltern:
flans
und
Hermine
3c.,
gebu
Lemberger,
—vorbestraft—
geboren
am
27.5.54
in
Roding/Opf.,
lediger
Kunstmaler,
deutscher
StA.,
wohnt
in
München
5.
Klenàestç.
81/1
Rgb.
.
'
Eltern:
Viktor
und
Karola
I.,
52:.
Stangl,
—vorbestrart-
m
z
'
v
(A
'
_
fàK
ÿ
dm‘nüx
ssârâÿïæw
t
r
\\
59(an
Ë.
Jîñ.
..,.5\\IŸS\:
l
i
Nàwa
\l1,
.
J.I\
vd
.mPWlT:
{W
\h\Ë3.xw3
Sèêxï
b
m
ÉË\\
{Mg
vM
(
l
rNWl
l
ävïêh
binlGth
küfi‘
êâxè
wwù
aîêæmâ
issus,
fin
ijx
“w
:fixxäîrvlï.
Whoeù
.Näaxwüwvwn
3km\\\.a\7
dyæëä
«3%
3.3i
.ïëx
L“...
2-,
kacù
.Wo
9V
dïvïËWäÈgË\ä
n
\
Nm.
êg
.Jàäxkä
Ü.
vsfwfiës
ïxäää
13W
Nîä
:31---
waiù
un
m
Ilnllwxf
\\l
J.
.u
“&ë
\
\
“Un
W.
Êdäflëkâüê
“Ÿ
fi.
êèfi
ê
v
34%
u.
49‘
Ëëfiv
ïâäw‘væ
1‘k‘NËËxè.»
ænmïx
Àueflæïèëäïêàâ
_êäæaî
Èuëèx
Jvî
dèâfl
à
à
à
:
:
à
:
:11
deux
:
à
que
à
à
de
à
à
à
z
-
:
Ce
:
de
de
?
Am
larc
lieûcn
sich
ïerur,
_
....
....
.....;..
,m
..
.
«.A
;
u
«Ha.
2?.
le
2>22mww._,wmw
zue
a,me
:zao
322A
_
.KrU
.;\«..s
and.
‘,
Dl
914R
Des
cedicht'ist
srob
unzüchtïg
und
naoh
der
Melodie
des
Weih—
nachtsliedea
"stille
Racht,
heilige
Nacht"
gesungen
werden.
Dde
ge-
samte
Zusemmenstellung
stellt
durch
ihr
Nechäffen
der
zehn
Gebote
Gottes
und
eines
religiäeen
Liedeb
eine
Besehimpfung
der
beiden
groBen
chrietlichen
Kirchen
der.
4)
In
dem
Aufeatz
"Hommage
ä
C.G.
Jung"
(S.
16)
vergleicht
der
Ange;
schuldigte
Knnzelmegp
dan
Schatten
einee
K1rchturms,mit
einem
Phallus.
nann
achreibt
er
u.a.
"Dir
habe
1ch
es
zu
verdanken,
deB
1ch
noch
nicht
due
Axiom
der
Maria
assozi'iere
mit
Koprophagie..."
Anch
dieaer
Setz
beschimpft
durch
seinen
Hinweis
auf
des
"Kot—eseen"
die
Marien-
verehfung
und
damit
eine
Einrichtung
der
rëmiach-kaÿhoiischen
Kïrche.
Heiter
unten
(S.
17)
heiBt
se:
"wenn
Du
nicht
bei
mir
biat,
iet
Dein
Tulku
bei
mir
Buddha
und
christus
werden
von
Sekten
für
einen
Tulku
gehalten
und
wir
unter—
halten
une
durch
xenogloaeie.
Wir
werden
im
këniglichen
Inzest
des
güttliche
Kind
zeugen
und
von
Ganzheitssymbolen
überschwemmt
werden.
"Mandele,
Trinität.
Hermaphroditus"
"Cohabitatio
von
uterus
und
penis
iet
nur
des
Bild
einer
Conjunktio
oppositorium."
Einige
Zeilen
weiter
unten
wird
Christus
als
Hitzkopf
bezeichnet
und
u.e.
mit
Iwan
dem
schrecklichen,
Hitler,
Lenin
und
den
Angeschuldigten
Prem
und
Zimmer
auf
eine
stufe
gestellt.
AuBerdem
heiBt
es
u.a.:
"Der
BeachluB
über
die
Konfiszierung
von
kureierenden
Flugblättern
in
südemerikanischen
Bordellen,
auf
denen
dargestellt
ist
wîe
Christus.
der
psychologisch
leicht
zu
beweisenden
wehrheit
entsprechend,
von
eeinen
eigenen
Tugenden
ans
Kreuz
gesehlagen
wird,
iet
nient
ein-
etimmig
gefaat
worden."
Mit
diesen
Auaführungen
wird
dia
Christus—
verehrung
and
damit
eine
Einrichtung
eämtlicher
christlichet
Kirchen
beschimpft.
Die
Zeichnung
daneben
(S.
17)
offensiehtlich
eine
Beiachlafszene
darstellen,
während
auf
s.
unten
eine
Entkleidungs—
ezene
("Tu
des
nicht,
Angelika“)
angedeutet
iat.
5)
Auch
der
auf
s.
ebgedruckte
"Brief
einee
zurückgebliebenen".
von
uwe
Lausen
(s.
Anlage
s.
3)
hat
einen
unzüchtigen
and
gottes—
läeterlichen
Inhalt.
Texte
sue
der
ueBIiturgie
nie
"gloria
in
exhlsis
Deo"
"halleluja"
"sanctua,
aenctus,
sanctus,
nominus
Deue
Sabeoth"
bzw.
ana
der
Passion
Jean
Christi
"main
Gott,
main
Gott,
warum
hast
nu
mich
verlassen?"
sind
in
dan
grob
unzüchtigen
("während
ich
einen
steifen
bekam...
nur
bei
Huren
ist
der
steifa
aofort,
wes
mieh
be-
trifft...
wurde
nafl,
main
Penie
echlaff")
und
ordinären
("main
tunqnecàdà
deüpfteÿ)‘éekt
singeiugt.
Zum
T911
werden
liturgiache.Ïexte
:jiphùldfizmiêfiei
nuise
(bien
heule,
aber
meine
Hilfe
ist
fera")
nachgc-
agi;
msènç'tat
pues.7w911
es
ihm
n‘aide
meehté
"bestimmte
Stellen
'Ëäuè
dep.ueaüe
der
Ketholikeh
mit
Pornographischem
zu
vezmiachen"
_3gññ-ez'd1esenadegenaatz
"reizvoll"
findet.
nie
Angesohuldigten
und
,peueeg
kannteñ
dan
unzüchtigen
gotteelästerlichen,
beechimpfenden
and
Âigeâdïe
erregenden
Chârakter
diesee
Aufeatzes.
x
_
'6)
seïe22'enthä1t'folgende
Zitatez
“Dein
Busen
hängt
heraus"
"eh!
esen
wilden
uänner1_31e
sind
eo
etark
1m
Bett
oh!"
(Daneben
bqfindet
eieh
eine
Zeichnung,
die
den
Begattùngeakt
endeutet.)
Auflerdem'ist
uhter
der
Uberechrift
"Sitùationietischea
Abendmahl"
-eïne
skizze
zu
eehen,‘euf
der
dia
einzelnen
Teilnehmer
des
“Abend-
fiable"
mit
vorten
angedeutet
bzw.
charekterieiert
eind
wie
folgt:
"sehnarchen-stôhnen-Rülpsen—vfigeln—Schmatzen-Ethik
mangelh-Luxuekusse-
Schleim-Kaffaeund
Eusee—Moral—Gnede-Bauhaus-ScheiBe-Geigen-Âethetik-
'Dae
schüne
and
des
Heilige."
Au;
einer
weiteren
Zeichnung
segt
Gin
uenn
zu
einem
Mädchen:
"was
nain
iet,
iat
Hein.
Aber
waa
Hein
iet
gent
Ddch
einen
Dreck
an.“
Des
Mädehen
antwortet:
"Du
Don
Juan."
D13
zitete
aind
unzüchtig.
nerüber
hinaus
wird
in
ihnen
des
"Aband-
mahl"
und
damit
eine‘gleichnamige
Einrichtung
der
christlichen
Kirchc:
durcb
dis
Art
der
zueamnenetellung
mit
ordinärsten
Ausdrücken
euf
unflätigste
and
widerlichete
weise
beachimpft.
An
dem
Inhalt
des
Heftes
nehmen
verschiedene
Personen,
nämlich
der
italienische
staatsangehôrige
Ferrari
eowie
mehrere
Angehärige
des
Ordinariats
des
Erzbietums
München
und
Fraising
wegen
des
unzüchtigen
Charakters
des
nettes
und
wegen
der
Ausführungen,
in
denen
entweder
Gott
gelästert
(s.
5,
1o
u.
=
hier
Punkt
1,2,3
u.
4)
oder
die
katholieche
Kirche
und
Einrichtungen
(S.
5.9.17,21
u.
=
hier
Punkt
1,4,5
u.
6)
beachimpft
wird
(Bl.
u.
d.A.).
Anstoû.
Etwa
Examplere
des
Heftee
Nr.
verechickten
die
Ange-
achuldigten
an
nach
ihrer
Aneicht
hieran
interessierte
Personen
in
Frankreich,
Iarael,
Guinea,
Kanada,
Holland,
Belgien
und
Skandinavign.
Zuei
Exemplare
gab
zimmer
1m
0ktober
an
die
Buchhandlung
Lehmkutl
in
uñnchen
23,
Leopoldstrefie
in
Kommiesion,
holte
sic
jedoch
wieicv
‘ab,
de
sie
nicht
abzusetzen
waren.
An
12.9.1961
belieferte
Prem
dia
Buchhandlung
neck—Huile
iq
München,
Theatinerstraae
mit
ehenïalls
ï
t
"
Du
dich
Hand
n
dali
‘I'o
:Y‘“
13'
1b
1,.»_.
-.._._
,,
n
'/4
I/4
No.6
Mesh
Rua?
Proof
Scr
en
c
Solder
toä
2"
Sleeve.
-—
<3
:
“N
(—3
/Secm
tÿg
Goqe
Golv
Sheeî
Mefol
/Seom
by
overlop
l
4-
/I6X/2x3/2
Meml
and
5Mî
we'd
Straps,
Weld
to
Cover.
-
V2
Self
Tapping
Meîol
Screwa.
“Spot
W'eld
îo
Sleeve.
_L
'
ÿa
V2"
L's
ben?
"on:
lôgoge
metol
with
I/2
il
Bol!
and
nuî.
l__4_k
’4
..._
ià.
3'/2"inside—Tom
3"Std‘piper
l5
me
musu—
cuan
noou.
ooosenacx
on
wnH
z
'
-v.Â:a
.ov.959
anaon
g..—
c-
1:3!
zw
,vJuñmaï
gëœ,
Nîxèleä
Ssuñxwvùüïñfiepüièsx
56x
,1
Yzùäàwüxàfi
ëun.
nèxaîx.
Qÿ
3%
m
à
.....w.\bw\.vk
3‘.va
w.
Nüxuuzd
Ëâ
s‘u‘gâïnäfibä
.353“
3x1
405.033?
.xù
AN.“
_
NWüoNda
Ên‘
“‘3‘:wa
nêcfix
Nxëq
flèxækfl
.NHx
Ëxän
Ëx
Èxäm
N\
.....t.m\
....
dmïsmu
.vd.
êàùfl
ëä
ä
..
Ilv
.Àxâî
ïsflàä
nNa
a
.
sa}
o
.
Jîmwnàg‘
Aï:
8è?
.
à“
dadævêuflæä
È:
ëèä
gdh
wfl.
Nmnâuîëçx
4V?!
èfixflë
Ans
.
Jäxü
dm
a,“
1%
_
drflù‘ë‘în
à
3%
1%.
Un
\ëèë\èww
Wâ‘w
Éæ
3‘
xlrm
xnw.‘|\è\vvw
i104
V43»
«.3
mâàïw
Îàè
illJ
Êflaxüxkîgè
€33?
n
à
à};
&æærùwvæîàpî
6m
‘ävâäîî
Ftk
Èmîkäexvvwwxlë
Ê!
\Ë.&W\xf
È:
murmxäxx
far
.xswmmâ.
ë
z
À?
ŒtnÎNmm
sli
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ç.
.
ÿ
g
fi)
1'.
e'r
Hue-Peur
amn-
maman
and
3mm:
hando'm
\w.
soboron
n
23.10.35
“n
Berna.
in.
hast-nier.
Mtaeher
8%.,
wolmtdq
maan
23,,
Siegfrïedatr.
11/1.
Eltern:
2m
und
Imam
z.,
set.
‘Relfa,
'
«armature-
.\\
r9
h
“t
durch
eelbstëndige
Handlungen
1)
durch
du
gleiehe
Tet
_
q)
unzüehtige
Schriftcn‘teilgehalten,
verhu'ft.
"mm.
an
Owen,
2)
b)
welche
du
mnm
“ganglion
Bind.
eussestellt
odor
tonne
venu
breitet,
une
ne
au
ancre
'der
Verbreimg
bagatelle
ode:
au
densean
vouütig
39men.
angekûndigt'
ode:-
ugee-
prieeen
|
_'
dedmh,
un
.1.
arrontncn
nvbeschs‘nptenaen
lnse‘rnngen
cote
lanterten,
en
hernie
ses'eben
ode:
Strontium
oueds:
..
ohrintlichen
Kitche'n‘
oder
ilu'e
Enrichtung
oder
Ge‘brâunh’e
be-
achinpft
und
ôrfentllch
nnd
duroh
Verbreitung
van
menton
3mm:
beletugt
n
hahen.
.1-
"Clé[gichverfixalt
.
Ils
Añgeeehuldggten,
96.16
der
enderweifïg
verfolgte
Laueen,
gegen‘
afin
e13
secondertés
ÿerfahren
var
dem
Iünehen,
Jugendgericht
duriïsefühxt
nirdl
aind
Angehüæige
einer
loeen
Kunatlergrùppe,
die
l19h"Gruppe
SPÛRP'nennt,
Ale
ihie
Adfgabe
betrechtet
dieae
Grappe
Idie“rropnglerung
aine:
"neuen
Idee"
au?
allen
Gebieten
der
Kunst,
insbesondeçe
dis
Revolùtionierung
der
deutechen
Literatur.
Der
achriftlichen
Hiederlegung
dieser
Gedanken
dient
die
in
unregelmäûi—
ger
von
den
Angeschuldigten
in
wechselnder
Redaktionsbeeetzung
herauagegebene,
gleichnamige
Zeitechrift
nie
Hefte
u.
der
Zeitschrift
weisen
zwar
nihilistisch—
anarchietieche
Tendenzen
auf,
in
strafrechtlicher
ainsicht
aind
31e
jedoch
nicht
au
beanstanden.
Des
Heft
liegt
nicht
vor.
Bas
Heft
bringt
einen
Artikel
"Der
Kardinal,
der
Film
and
die
Orgie",
in
dem
der
Angeschuldigte
Kunzelmann
in
wirren
SËtzen
orgiastische
lèste
und'ekstetische
Spiele,
die
auf
der
aktiven
Teilnahme
aller
beruhen
aollen,
in
den
Kirchen
fordert.
Eine
unzüchtige
und
gotteslästerliche
Tendenz
161;
hierin
bereits
erkennbar.
Seite
12'
des
Heftea
und
die
letzte
Unecblagseite
des
Heftes
enthalten
die
unzüchtigen
Sätze
beginnt
man
den
Frauen
unter
die
Rôcke
zu
greifen"
und
"Leider
iat
er
nient
echwul".
nie
angeführten
Stellen
werden
Jedooh
vom
ubrigen
Inhalt
der
beiden
Hefte
noch
neutralisiert.
Bereits
vor
der
Herstellung
des
Heftes
wurden
dia
Angeschuldigten'
von
dem
Justitiar
der
Süddeutschen
Zeitung,
Recbtaanwalt
wenk,
ein—
drlnglich
‘gewarnt
und
darüber
belehrt,
daB
ihre,
pubuxèationen
unter
umständen
ale
unzüchtig
und
gotteslästerlich
augesehen
werden
känn-
ten
hnd
aie
daher
Gefahr
Iiefen
deswegen
bestraft
zu
werden.
Trotz
àieser
von
einem
Pachanwalt
erteilten
Warnung
brachten
die
Angeschul-
digten
die
nummer
6,
die
nach
ihrer
Ansicht
einen
Hähepunkt
der
künst—
loriechen
Entwicklung
ihrer
Grdppe
darstellt,
heraus.
Nr.
enthält
jedoch
zahlreiche
zu
beanatandende
stellen4
nie
Angeschuldigten
waren
sich,
nie
der
Artikel
(8.4)
beweist,
über
den
unzüchtigen
und
gotteeläaterischen
charakter
dleser
Nummer
1m
klaren.
31e
nenhten
nämlich
ale
zukünftige
"Anklagepunkte"
einer
gegen
aie
ansebllch
eingeleiteten
Verfolguhg
u.a.
Gottesläeterung,
eittlichkeits—
gefährdendee
verhalten,
Verführung
der
Jugend.
Beleidigung
dreier
Biechüfe
und
des
päpstlichen
Nuntiue
in
uünchen,
aniireligiëse
Tätig—
tait
and
Verbreitung
von
Zeitschriften
pornographischen
Irhalte
(a.
überfletzupg
Dl,
40);
1'
Internationale
situationniate,
skanâinaviske
sektion,
Strämmen
22,
Randers.
Danmark.
Den
4.
april
1962.
Til
redaktionerne
af
dagblade
kunsttîdsskrifter
i
Skandinavien.
Foranlediget
af
et
flyveblad
som
digteren
Järgen
Nash
har
udsendt
mod
avantgarde—beÿægelsen
l'
Internationale
situationniste,
beder
v1
Dem
venligst
bringe
til
Deres
læseres
kundskab
at
digteren
Jergen
Nash
er
blevet
ekskludere:
bevægelsen,
han
har,
som
det
fremgàr
af
vedlagte
proklamation,
gennem
vor
bevægelse
szgt
et
under—
stette
en
kreds
af
privatsamlere.—
Denne
handling
strider
mod
bevæ—
gelsens
teorier,
der
netop
er
baseret
at
kunsten
ud
af
den
pri—
vatkapltallstlske
Dlînagyue
hvorl
den
Er
navnet
grand
af
spekula-
tions—
og
accepteringstrang.
Samtidig
skal
vi
henlede
Deres
opmærksomhed
pâ,
at
1'
1.5.,
ensker
et
lade
glemslens
slor
over
den
af
Nash
ejede
gàrd
Draka—
bygget,
som
han
uden
bevægelséns
godkendelse
kalder
"Bauhaus
Situ—
ationniste",
denne
benœvnelse
er
direkte
modstrid
med
vore
teser
og
disse
nnsker
vi
1kke
udeat
forfalskning,
der
ikke
under
no—
gen
form
kan
eksistere
situationnistisk
kunst
ville
det
vist
være
temmelig
latterligt
om
1'
I.S.,
oprettede
et
situationnistisk
ska—
demi.
*
Ievrigt
er
vor
bevægelse
udelukkende
baseret
kollektivi—
tetsprincippet,
men
ogsà
dette
punkt
har
Nash
direkte
modarbejdet
vore
teorier,
ved
gentagne
gange
interview's
og
lignende
have
ud—
talt
sig
som
værende
Leder
al
l'
Ï.s.—
ledersystemet
eksisterer
335g
l'
I.S.
Vi
henleder
endvidere
Deres
opmærksomhed
pâ,
at
det,
af
Nash
nær
fremtid
udsendte
tidsskrift
hvilket
det
for—
hàndsmeddelelsen
bar
heddet,
et
være
udgivet
af
l'
1.5.,
absolut
intet
har
med
l'
Internationale
situationniste
at
gare.
For
retfærdighedens
skyld
beder
vi
Dem
venligst
bringe
ved—
lagte
proklamations
fulde
ordlyd
Deres
og
om
nadvendigt
da
vert
ansvar.
Skulle
êeä
være
'æmligt
for
Dem
3€
hnnsyn
tîl
evI.,
pladsmangel,
beder
vi
Dem
venligst
bringe
en
notits
om
eksklusionen.
Säfremt
Deres
blad
er
interesseret
i,
engang
ved
lejlighed,
et
bringe
artikler
om
hvad
vor
bevægelse
autentisk
er
(v1
prætendèrer
ikke
blot
at
vœre
den
eneete
avaftgarde
der
findes,
men
er
det
ogsà),
beder
vi
Dem
venligst
rette
henvendelse
til
ovenstàende
adresse.
Med
de
venligst
hi
ener,
:;;.
'
I.
i
l
beder
redaktionerne
for
aviser
0g
tidsskrifter
i
Norge
0g
Fin—
iand
bringe
en
efterlysning
tilknytning
til
eksklusionsmeddelelsen.
Jet
drejer
sig
om
en
hîrîkog
en
Iinsk
avantgarâe-kunstnergruppe
der
har
szgt
optagelse
l'
I.S.—
Jergen
Nash
ikke
agter
et
udlevere
adresserne
disse
grupper
bede;
vi
venligst
Dem
være
behjælpeli—
go,
sâledes
ut
disse
grupper
gennem
Deres
blad
kan
et
vide,
hvor—
til
en
ny
optagelsesbegæring
kan
sendes.
Adressen
er:
l'
Internationale
situationniste,
skahdinaviske
sektion,
Strommen
22,
Êgflüersl
Danmark.
I’
On
Il.
l5"!
pv'oclomnion
mlml
l'Inl-malioncl-
silunl’onnltle
un
pablhhod
ln
indu!
by
A1119”
Eldo
and
lagon
Rash,
lama
mombon
ol
lhl
Conseil
Cnnlnl.
lr
lundi.
Unqulll
mollet
cl
l
I.S._
lhm
conspltglgn
Inv-
nuddcaly
shalwn
lb.
n
bled
ce
lupporl
n'ai-bu
d'échelon
il».
0h.
nid
cl
Iln
monny
ropcllod
ludlon
whll‘h
w“
deudod
lm
lln
Owen
soclion
al
lb.
Puis
coan
cl
Il).
Canal]
Conlul
on
lhc
lOlh
Fobruuy.
7h.
cynl:
lorqorlos
al
me
Plume“:
gang
molnly
relu
la
lluu
lllms:
.‘o
“1mm.mhwwhudemadmc.mllcmmhuw
Jodmonmmudlnhmmflhslhunngnsflhmd
h'm-lmmhem'upuudbyînhanl.wmcmm
b.mWM'u-MOM:mlnm.
niant-In.
unnnünhn-n-nahonnn‘thfiùùdhlnvmù—ü4oanC-ulllh
mit-MIIWMGo.
m'enhtcllwmmmmndmnmm-Mn—hrdMCw
Mcmmhnllhhnthuulflwhoplnm
ïhllpmhlnnvuhco
mat-(mlculnl.MW.InMInwmhlmmllo_h
(lampionponodmhmrmmlnmmvmbhummdmm
[aulne—l'un...
leduing
llnn
lad;
lb.
Conseil
Ccnlul
cl
l'
lnlcmalionclo
allunllonnixlo.
lhal
ull
lollowors
cl
Nuh.
lb-
lnlsillu,
and
Eldl,
hi:
ngonl.
will
b.
:omîdond
min
ol
l'
on
l.
V.
Min
lb.
supan
nulhorlly
la
npnunl
l’
lnlcmlllonnlo
xîlunllonnlllc
In
lln
convnnd
by
[ho
lama
Sundlnnlnn
mlion
(Doumurlt.
Finlhnd,
Nomfy,
and
5M“)
logclllu
wllh
lho
lut
nndllw
nsponublllly
lo
nugcnlu
lln
l'un
uluallow
nlslk
olmnh
ln
llnn
counltlu
50h"
lb.
aponan
cl
lb-
6lh
congre”
ln
Anlwup.
F0:
lb.
ol
l'
23“!
Mnrch,
1962.
nümMHLKdMfiJLu—leVmMpn.
.
v“:
8“);
l‘
__/'
Ëê
Ü‘io
auval
du
olÂÂ-écal
fichul'
wfsidemdb
hart
117;"
un.
.oLi
Humsis
x
uL.—'
Éäbgñd
'
-
ê‘aiuœ’A.
xi-
'5
à»:
‘rz‘
“Ç‘Y
s
r‘w‘
.
l
u
a
xq’uLs:
nggememk
of
.
lurch
L'
_
.
i
a
ÿ:
‘L
.
*
‘Tv1‘7
..:t
:‘vz,
d'4?
der"
eisernc
Vor-
w.
v1
:rzrttivm
au
styl—
._,
_.
wu‘dez:
miissen.
Dia
qun
and
L,1p<,‘r{1àl
Flugblafl
.
cm
9.
November'l96'l,
besnB
die
Münchener
Staotsanwoltsdmfi
clie
herausfordernde
Frechheit,
die
gescmte
Auflage
aller
sechs
Nummern
der
Künsîler-
a
zeilsdarifl‘
zu
besdrlagnahmen.
Zum
ersten
Mol
seit
werden
bei
Künstlern
wie-
.
der
Hausdurchsuchungen
durchgeführt.
Durd'l
plumpe
Drohungen
sollen
die
eingesdaüchîer'
werden.
Diese
zynische
Polizeiprovakafion
will
uns
mit
Publikotionsverbot,
ProzeB
und
Gefängnis
drohen.
Agenten
veralîerter
religiôser
lnsfituîionen
oder
der
herrschenden
Klasse
müssen
uns
denunziert
haben.
Wir
rufen
alla
Künsîler
und
lntellektuellen,
sowie
alle,
die
für
ihre
Selbsfverwirklichung
durch
eine
mensch-
lid‘le
Handlungsfreiheit
kämpfen,
zur
Solidarität
ouf.
Zusammen
sind
wirfähig,
die
heutige
Zwangsbevor-
mundung
der
menschlid'len
Ausdrud<sfreiheit
von-
seiten
nid1tkompetenîer
Institutionen
wie
Bürokrufie,
Polizei,
Kirche
und
Justh
zu
zerbrechen.
Vernntwunlkh:
Sîurm,
Fischer,
Zimmer,
Kunzelmonn,
Prem
Solldnñsdl:
Lousen,
Koîanyi,
Debord,
Jorn,
Nosh,
Martin,
Lorsson,
J.
de
Jong,
Voneigem,
Lindquisî,
EIde,Trocchi,
Strorcm,
Ovcdiu,
Bernsrein,
Eisch,
Stodler,Sîrock,Lober,Senfiî-Hohburg,Engelhord,Hesîerbergfieichert,
Grieshaber,
Rainer,
Feuerstem,
Dôhl,
Pzillos,
Rôhl,
Plotsdxek,
Dohmen.
.7
':‘
z
k‘
“ü‘wlnnäntlmvu
‘7
'
1:6
1014M
_
.ffaèn
Wahrheiœ“
'
näher
annaî‘e'ï‘
Ab
rund
_
kegpe
Saine
Leichthent
fuhrtBläcvâeenmitglogtflgermtïl‘À
.
.
le
..
er
om
uch
_
und
Platscher"
__
_,
Ë‘nulfgsule
A99“
rüner
Wiesœn
.ekü
r,’
‘en
P]
"ÿ
:(Penis)
.2
in;
w
v
t
l
l
'
.
l
denn
Il,
..
.
..
.
nul-t
_
.
1...,
24::
Èäilaîäü
on.
“lin-“Æ.
.
(au
tian.
‘5‘
{21?
4......
z
ä-..
.
,.
.
.
'-
I"
.
.
.
.
Le
lllfll's,
en
Sut‘de,
Jô'rgen
Nash
et
Ansgnr-lîlne
se
sont
runnnc‘.
Zen
Ç:
au
._
dulnt‘menl
contre
l'lntemationnle
situationnisle.
ct
ont
entrepris
Il}?!
transllrjrlrîjlïr
tionale.
hat
in
der
Zmammnhnft
m
Pintn‘aÿl
il):
M,
»
{fitgecâfifg‘scgg'd‘nîgg
"1d?"
ligufiçus'm
erg!"
un
susclevt‘ble
de
n"mndrv
..
.
u
ma
an
Iscs
a
is
ques
ren
n
95,
estannilces
si
s."
le
l
Febnutr
hegchlçssen,
ans
de:
m0)!
r
;
.
situayunn‘sme.
Len
cruulcmenl
(le
cette
conspiration
a
(M!
sans
(hui):
Grévipi‘tî
der
5_I_
dm
ml.
dia
Huausggbc
der
Zgltwhnff“
59mg,
._
|
:xlèll‘flÿäl‘l’uàtll‘oell
(1543“;
drçiî?
de
surl
Igntluelllc
les
nnshilstcs
mxngr
ÿ
..
.
.
.-
u
(c
,pur,
c
rnjc
m'ai
(‘muvcrl
'
1'
t2
verantworthche
e
ausznmhhessen-
(D-
K13!“
de
inntioua
—sltual}0nnisme.
nui
s'urganigall
comma
l‘aria:
numnumé.
‘î'çlerîfilnll
zelmnnn,
H.
Prm.
.
Stutm
und
H.-P.
Zîmmor).
v
à
"Fendre
à
la
Suisse
cl
à
'Aulrirhe.
qui
lrfnn'nik
des
nppuis
dans
l'liumw
E8
iñt
hawieeen
dass
die
fraktionistîsche
du
Àord)‘
Les
"asmsmsv
dans
leur
proclnnmllun,
n'unl
pas
('ruinl
de
Wrouñr
a
dieser
Gmppe
auf
einem
systematiaohen
Missver-
.
stând‘nis
der
situatiom'stischen
Thesen
basiene;
and
r
.
,fi
dues
(lie
Mitglicder
dieser
Gru
pc
vollkommen
dîne
Diszipün
der
S-I.
miGSEChtet
h
en,
“m
Kansder
_
(-Ihrrlnn‘lx
nn'nwngfs,‘
luismn}
Infime
entendre
qlll'
le
février
nu
.unstl
(.cmrnl
de
l
swgcnnl
t‘n
quclque
sorte
sous
la
prcs'sinn
saçsguuognnus
swaçuauôgasuaa
1.“
arrivieren.
uh‘
In
rnv!
on
au
n
Il"
q,
.
.
.
.
.-
.
_
_
V.
v.
l.
.
1mn]:
mllnndcr
lu
nnnnnlr.
«lr
l'nllnos
h‘r'
Dxe
Zeltschnft
(l
))
wu'd
durch
cule
ncue
n
l“;
juurs
Iln‘lux
H.
Ils
un!
mêlficlpî-n‘l:
_
.
'r
c
nm
;
'
-'
x
.
.
schnft
ah;
Orgnn
der
5.1.
In
Deutschland
argent.
mure
wrwnnl'.
4....1
n,
.mim'nÏQL"3:23.12;
221,12%"3?,äfirhfirüfi"m'fl“
"r,"
(113..nvvrsquctnulv[1.5.xnilmidrnmmn
r
'm
m:
[u
Füf
de"
Zemralnu
.'
_
Il?
ullt'ndn'
(le
nuui
:nn‘mw
l‘ulftl‘lill;21(Li:):lt.Lulk
[j‘sgunmhnmnhhm“
G.-E.
Uwe
l'r
murs“
lr
(l""w"
(l“"tml
d"
“05-
i‘
alu
sihmliunnislt
nlanuix
J.\.
\l-|riin
thuâ
lxnn'Uin
'
w
.
.
pour
n'pn-xcnlcr
Inll'nlnllnnnh-
'
'
Raoul
Lu
mm-
qul‘
l‘nm‘rznl
_ln
sl'ctinn
M‘nndinnvv
(lmnm
.
.
ullltrgtfÀjlh-llll
‘ln
n"nmnn
dt‘
lu
(InnNrcIM'v
:l‘.\n\‘('r\
pour
\'
regrdnin‘r
(ou!
dz
un
x
‘Lä
Mluullunnlsln
nulhcnliqnæs
punr
nnlnnnvr
louis-s
1h
nu‘surefi
lll'('('5.\llt'f:l
In
lulu-
:mli
th.
l
qm
mamies!
nomma
uœmmsnsr
mer)
vln
ammo‘o.’
7%
Qm'
prlm'r
Ill‘w
nle
n-nls
prufrxdlu\
«h-
hum-x
In
uniu-rsm-x
n-l
1|“
Inÿux
1M
inshlnls
rlr
:‘wlwrrhn
Martln.
après
la
punch
de
Nllh.
.‘h'Î
d"
"‘
“'"h'xl'
I.
Pain-nu
du
élémen“
.qm
f?
wnt
Mnlvnnrllvlnrm
min-“m.
h'
drn'mhn-
It‘ül
dans
k-
.\
'-
y
.
Traducncn
Snbougt!
Prcnez
(onun
.‘
“'
h
Î"
_”'
"”"_
Il"
"1:.
du
[nu-
xuk-nt
kn'nnculy
v!
un
gnlluTwm.
ne;
In
qmrmr
pneu!
plr
"d'0
wam‘t
“(u-“4.41”
.\'nu\
‘um
l'lh‘,
n|:|n\
[1ner
[n'u'tïnll-nt
nnnuïru.
1M
nwnzmw
nlc
subit"
qui
m‘nirn!
rr
,nnlv.
in
\Iunu'h.
('u
mm.
ln
surlxr
du
u’
dz
Spur
mhl
.
n!
un
n'l'm'll
xh-
sur
l‘nrlvnnixnn‘
unilnirc.
1.1-
nuwmhn‘,
nus
fin
pnrutmn
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Ennui!
Central
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ximulionnistn,
réuni
Paris
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Allemagne.
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._
L'Allemagne
d'après-guerre
pourra
se
vanter
d'avoir
connu
deux
grands
moments
Judiciaires
:
les
Procès
de
Nuremberg,
inten—
tés
par
un
monde
en
mal
de
liberté
contre
certains
dirigeants
nazis
exagerément
compromis,
et
l'inculpation
des
membres
du
groupe
Snuz
décidée
par
la
justice
allemande
théoriquement
purgée
du
nazisme.
En
fait,
les
procès
de
Nuremberg
n'avaient
porté
condamnation
que
des
excès
du
fascisme
et
des
anus
de
la
guerre,
excès
et
abus
pesés
à
la
balance
d'un
christianisme
qui
n’avait
songé
à
les
dé—
noncer
qu'à
l’heure
ultime
il
pouvait
craindre
d'en
être
souil-
lé.
on
sait
de
reste
que
le
fascisme
ne
constitue
pas
en
lui-même
une
gene
pour
l'Eglise;
qu'elle
s'en
accommode
fort
bien,
quand
elle
n’en
est
pas
l’inspiratrice
:
Espagne,
Portugal
gémissent
à
deux
pas
d'ici.
Il
est
clair
que
la
liberté
de
pensée
et
la
liberté
d'expres-
sion
que
le
fascisme
étouffe
-
sont
également
Jugées
nocives
par
l’Eglise,
laquelle
ne
craint
pas
de
traîner
dans
la
boue
et
devant
les
tribunaux
l'athéisme
et
ceux
qui
le
professent,
après
les
avoir
traînés,
il
y
a
peu,
sur
la
Place
de
Grêve
et
sur
l’écha-
faud,
tout
en
exigeant
qu'on
la
respecte
dans
toutes
ses
supersti—
tions
et
dans
toutes
les
imbécillités
notoires
dont
elle
est
por-
teuse.
Ces
constatations
élémentaires
ont
été
faites
depuis
fort
longtemps
par
des
hommes
qui
ont
conquis
en
dépit
des
Eglises
quelque
réputation
et
qui
ont
pu
s'appeler,
par
exemple,
Diderot.
»Le
mérite
du
procès
saur
est
de
nous
faire
souvenir
que
toutes
les
conditions
de
la
tyrannie
subsistent
aussi
longtemps
que
l'Etat
est
laissé
maître
de
légiférer
en
matière
d'opinion,
aussi
longtemps
qu'il
fonde
son
autorité
sur
une
"vérité
révélée",
aussi
longtemps
qu'il
s'arroge
le
droit
de
soumettre
toute
activité
humaine
et
spécialment
dans
l'art
et
dans
la
littérature
aux
seuls
critères
que
lui
fournit
cette
"vérité".
Il
va
sans
dire
que
nous
ne
négligeons
nullement,
pour
apprécier
les_motis
de
l'action
coercitive
dirigée
contre
snun,
l'assimilation
des
va-
leurs
morales
représentées
par
les
églises
chrétiennes
aux
valeurs
économiques
et
sociales
que
l'Etat
allemand
entend
protéger.
Mais
ce
serait,
à
mon
sans;
avis,
réduire
sensiblement
la
portée
de
Pévénement
que
de
le
ramener
des
considérations
trop
actuelles.
Comme
on
Il!
le
verra
par
le
résumé
que
nous
offrons
ci-dessous
de
l'acte
d'inculpation
(l),
l'intéret
prodigieux
de
ce
procès,
et
par
quoi
il
touche
l’ensemble
des
artistes
libres
et
des
hommes
libres
dans
le
monde
entier,
est
de
nous
rappeler
les
plus
(l)
Ce
document
est
reproduit
intégralement
ici
dans
sa
version
originelle
allemande.
Le
Dossier
18-19
du
Collège
de
Pataph
sique
(Librairie
Le
Minotaure,
rue
des
Beaux—Arts,
Paris,
en
donne
la
traduction
complète
en
français.
l
_L
_k1
sinistres
opérations
de
l’Inquisition
moyen—âgeuse
et
les
plus
stupides
mesures
des
gouvernements
(il
y
en
eut
en
France
et
ailleurs)
fondés
sur
l’Ordre
Moral.
Féodalité,
Monarchie
abso—
lue,
Empire,
Restauration,
Sainte-Alliance
ont
pu
être
submer-
gés;
la
démocratie
bourgeoise
qui
avait
manié
durant
sa
pé-
riode
ascendante
l'arme
de
la
tolérance
et,
par
consé
uent,
de
l’anticléricalisme
-
récupère
aujourd’hui
dans
la
miserable
panoplie
moisie
des
inquisiteurs
les
garrots,
la
caroche
et
la
corde
frontale.
Car
le
but
de
ce
procès
d'intimidation
apparaît
en
pleine
lumière
:
i1
s’agit
d'interdire
toute
pensée
neuve,
d’empêcher
toute
étude
sérieuse
et
celle
du
jeu
n'est
pas
la
moindre
des
conditions
dans
lesquelles
l’homme
peut
conquérir
de
nouveaux
d'expansion.
Char
1;:
Il
est
significatif
qu'une
instance
ait
été
engagée
par
la
justice
allemande
contre
les
rares
artistes
allemands,
nés
sous
le
nazisme,
qui
se
soient
montrés
dignes
de
l'art
et
de
la
pensée
allemand:
dans
sa
tradition
vivace.
On
comprend
que
nous
ne
plaidons
pas
ici
au
nom
et
en
faveur
de
quelque
"patriotisme"
que
ce
soit.
Mais
nul,
pensons-nous,
ne
contestera
que
lorsqu'un
peuple
parvenu
à
un
niveau
culturel
très
élevé
se
trouve
anesthé—
sié
pendant
plus
de
vingt
ans
c’est
pour
l’Europe
une
grande
pri—
vation
et
que
c'est
une
heure
faste
quand
on
voit
renaitre
chez
ce
peuple
des
énergies
qui
lui
sont
propres,
des
productions
dues
à
son
particulier
pouvoir
créateur
et
qui
par—là
même
s'ajoutent
aux
nôtres
et
les
renforcent,
au
lieu
d'être
comme
c'est
encore
le
cas
dans
les
plus
larges
secteurs
de
l'art
alle—
mand
de
simples
produits
d'importation
témoignant,
au
mieux,
d'un
heureux
écoulement
de
nos
surplus.
Alors,
et
dans
cette
optioue,
le
proces
contre
les
spu—
ristes
signifie—t-il
que
l’ALlemagne
démocrate—chretienne
cherche
désormais
et
ouvertement
son
point
d’appui
dans
l’obscurantisme
franquiste
et
le
néant
salazarien
Entend—ellc
reprendre
à
sw;
compte
la
lutte
d’Hitler
contre
l’
"art
dégénéré"
?
On
peut
lé-
gitimement
se
poser
ces
questions
devant
les
griefs
insensés
contenus
dans
l’acte
d’accusation.
Quant
à
la
réponse,
les
fluge-
de
Hunich
ont
été
chargés
de
nous
la
donner.
Dîeter
Kunzelmann,
Helmut
Sturm,
Heimrad
Prem
et
Hans-
Peter
Zimmer
sont
traduîis
d‘vant
le
Fribunal
de
l
ère
Instance
de
Munich,
et
Rrwe
Lausen
devant
le
Tribunal
pour
Enfants
de
la
même
ville,
sous
l’inculpation
d’avoir
mis
en
VPnuç
»L
distribué
des
écrits
licencieux
(il
s'agit
exclusivement
de
la
revue
artistique
Sang)
et
d'avc
r
nuolicuement
blas_.émfi
Dieu
et
injurié
l’une
des
églises
Chritlennes,
ses
institutions
et
ses
dogmes.
Le
Einistêre
Public
observe
d’aboru
que
les
numéros
l
et
de
la
revue
Saur
dénotrnt
des
tendances
nihilistes
et
anar—
chistes,
sans
cu'on
puisse
cependant
les
mettre
en
cause
sur
le
plan
pénal.
Le
numéro
est
laissé
de
côté:
on
ne
sait
trop
pour»
quoi,
tant
il
eût
été
aisé,
sous
le
verre
grossissant
et
défor—
mant
d’un
argousîn
lubrioue,
de
faire
surgir
de
quelcu’unc
des
lithographies
oui
le
compose,
une
croupe
audacieuse
ou
l’ombre
d'un
visage
convulsionné
par
l’orgasme.
on
en
vient
penser
t;
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d'r-
Minium“.
i.“
1,
mm"
HI'\\\H
un.
l’nnleuru!
,m
un
1mm
1m,qu
ru
,‘hwx
"mi
han-y},an
.v
‘lumrb.
1'
1mmmnnuvnmu-mu,
7.,-
l'ynfynnn
F\Il\
N1
H\T/\|\\‘
l'nvl‘nuur
Main-unr
l:
,an-u
dr
lu
um.;mnn
Hrtlnlmqur
du
mmm
eo-r'nqur'
pummfll.
p:
\[
l;uutppe
Immulo
d.
mnm
Enubr
x“qu
l'uulreuxnlxn
[mu-nu:
«h
“xllllu
(nllrdya
d»u..
haie:
Suprnmt.
mm,”
Tnhmqu.
m...
1..
I'rlndmu
m.
mon-mur
nul
onkmu.
n
1..
Nulmvuu
Dunnnr
du
lnlwulmrr
xl'Ahnrhnmnlur
du
1\N\
v.
lul‘x
hwwn
Prr'n
14m
R:
la
Nuit-u:
\I.
J.
ll’prnnwu
.n
4!”
pmumu
.1,
Mm
mm".
.rw
J.
pond...
ll
h.
vu
\l,
\\l)}‘\kll(hll(l\l‘
Y--.-
"-Hîwh
Hnnrnnz
de
lhnvlïu,
Il“!
Vu
Hruuu
4l
h.
.
.Ir
la
lhl’hK5.
hv
un
L”
mm!“
mana“.
4mm,
m!va
"In/r!
l'II
puy
\l
hll\!
l»!
H/l
.
Un!
du
>nxnu-
“(rhrnln
Ïunnhmvnhdn
<
J'hml.»
4.
2..
Inulmum
pu
K44
lpphœnum
u;
nun‘vd!
[mun
.-.
3m”
w»,
"nm."
m
canna“
[vauu
.rmflw
,ur
\1,Ll.1H\<'rn\
.
Mulxmrnk
li.
h
4|"
«inhalm‘l
un
vn
umvnm.”
unlnan;
I'l'ulxu
mnñuuu
par
“un
ll.,<l'>H-,r
Al.|\\|1‘}\
M.
nuanlwvu
dm
n’y”
u;
w'
y."
[Imm-
«z,u..v..m
14.1..
:n
b
nu
cm‘naul
(in
nur'
a
ml
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Jx
\r.|uu:-
lhudrv)
\|H|I
“un
'{o
riz-nu»
wun
1..
i‘n»
[Il
I.
thl'lllhlllr
Prnubuv
A.
L-Jèumn.
[‘Ll4inx'ln
.\
mm
(mm
m.“
,r.”
,.
lw
z,
xr
L'un"
n
“MM,
Iln
hum.“
!'
wr‘»wv1
\‘
n
[nu—Mm
Nm
fwwm
,Hm.
n
\:
r,”
|th‘.\'.ll:
1m.“
\w
\1I
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Nm“
_]-u!
un
J.
Hum
Vu
iw
l‘y
4'
[V-J‘Whur
1,11m!
Iunmu
l.“
1.
Il:
—|nvmm-
m.
‘2
hl
I.
h:
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u
\1\\\\|l|
I'
l‘lngrnI-nr'unvnlh
Il“
l‘n
—\
lvm
J,
s
ign‘zogp.
un
la
nonhn
do
IÊcoMu
lnuq‘ulrlrcdt'l
de
nia-quo
nn'n
t
au“
h
on
un
un
n
._
surur
.1.
c
n
doux
vola:
un."
peruonx
1.
o:
un
et
(o
12-45").
1..
flxnu
1m...“
don
.uu
âurot
l‘un:
un:
‘2
"'“I'Ï‘u‘
‘P'
4:
0l
(Ana
'Ilnh
“l'un”
pour
901p
4]
fnul
uintnntr
la
J‘flll!
du
panna
.nfnnah.
Apr).
ehlquo
-'
'
v
"tu
h
(“.0
m)’
"Mut"
v'rcutnrhn
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abnrvo
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plus!
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pou
vnrnr
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O”
U)
15"
5'
,5
ol.’
"mm"
"n
'“îvî-
Sur
h
mon»
pflparé.
uïaemo
1c:
ugn-ux
on
.u
-x‘mm
c...‘
1.
puhxue.
x‘u
qui
,n‘
d‘un.
pan-in.
un.
“‘1'
‘5
°"
{annon
sœur
lu
autrui
àuunra.
Lonquc
le
Nrcauufi
ut
choux,
h
lu...“
“14.,
p"
1.
“M1,;
q“,
un.
(m.
un}
.g
p":
“Mu”
a?
‘6
°"
M'EN!-
tu“
de
nouvuu
“clau-
aprh
cil-Quo
cou;
4‘
(ÿ
jœsqual
d"un,“
.
l
9.
‘0’
0l-
I!
c'cnfi
ou
fl‘
qu:
max-À
:ou‘.
La
chou
.‘u:
tu"
“un.
Jusqu'uu
'
"l
‘58
"Qu‘un
“nm
h
phnç‘u‘
"un!
canna
un‘:
b
tu,
cm
Meilutrù
Jaucun
flush"!!!
aux
51.3qu
du
pnno
40'
très:
nnxlrn
4"
Pin"
4'
'°'“‘“'
'"w‘n‘
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"ü"
1“
“N”
Pair”
cab-lu
fnn‘n
difrârgntuz
luhlntcu
15-4...
|)
virla'l‘uu,
z)
un,
.5)‘
ct
t);l‘d1u.
S)
(nu.
6)
lrh
gnn
1!
Ton-nul
nous».
A.
(un.
«dm.
grau)
|
un“.
|
grav-
|)
S:
lu
cordon}
d'
pinno
prlpnr‘n
un
du
pneu
du
Ionnn‘a
Ion!
.
,-
frhyplu
lu
un":
nuiahm
r“
un!“
In
t
.
c
ont:
a
u
“un
41‘?"
“Km”
nu
qui
a
vour
crin:
d‘lbnaur
tons
Jniqu'à
(mua-on):
u
o
non
sur
a:
lnurunnts
unllthxn
(cynbnh
gongo.
un»
Conçu
(“MU”)!
(“7"
(au.
ujtnnglu.
clochtg
vqcho.
cran-l”)
“Je:
:ounhn
suinnw'u
v
do
nbrayhcn.
a!
Jaufln
cloohux
h‘
'
v
g
Êr‘chu
“‘u'
‘nn
(hauteurs
l’un")
nouuw“
2)
h:
"51:11-"
uulnntu
nom.
‘tovfth
nu
noyau
d'un.
b-sunu
û'nnvuon
7}
cl.
un!“
gnvclonh
do
chouchou:
(‘wuflgz
v
2)
lu
tordu
du
piano
son:
nourri"
Avop
cloutchcne.
lu
Man-u
jououn
ricains-n:
'n
40mm!
uunthuomn
lut
du
imam-ana
'60.
.
i
y—‘E‘
\
Groin:
:uun
‘Mdllfi.
|
n'qu
un"
ornant.
bol:
(Cîlïhl.
ur
.
'oçdblonk.
niphhlonk.
NIE-lu
urne-nu“
1.
/E
.
Pou
du
unbour-
a:
lu,
(onchn
nulnntn
du
ulontilhnx
v
""1.
un“?
î
'
(Mm-un
ZPoÇ-u
rhlln)
"Ÿuu‘m'
nounou;
notation:
no'ilslom
v
ennui
eh‘lrd-hnnul
(|...2,
.
|
ou”.
ohln
avr—h
(4).
alu"
piccolo
(eu-oh)
(5
ann‘
lu
flonflon.)
(z).
.
a”)...
a
“cm,
"gui",
“un.
nnm.
african-
5)
sa
In
cordon
du
phno
tout
trapphu
anal-un
Ana
du
liant“...
"tu"
l"
"à."
“un”
Enfin."
in
“un
'
"afin-u“
“r
3)
hl
-nlyuhnona
sur
ha
con"
un}
Ion-lui“
“(un
que"
M.“
du
in-Irumnn
de
puu
(Il-hl)...
,teI-tnln.
un".
ehu‘n.
[tenu
“Un”...
e51
l
h
nahllonlm.
‘.
“Ë'
u:
lmuumt-
nn
sont
donc
pas
nous.
un
uulumt
lnur
un".
y
bu
“un.”
n
nouant
11-141!"an
Jour
hur-
flcui-u
rychntqun
6h
au'u
ont
tut-Mu
n
idonflfl‘
l.
Man).
eu
l'azur.-
non
ou”
no
ao'xvvnt
pu
dur-r
plus
llhrlnnt‘nouu
dam
le
Guy".
Il,
.__.4___
verl
u
ht
an.
«and
kcnnib)
lPk
Han»)
(miennn
1'15:
en
k‘fl‘.(’l‘\v’l'l(’
hzlgÜll'lk)
x:
(:1111?
(lvude
L‘hikrà
k_VLu..r.uA11in5
van
Je
(rappon
nnAT
verlldxlinv
dont
Imixr
(nemshma,
cmn
LAm-Jc
3mm!ij
mesx
m‘
Un
à
doux
une
w
_
=
de
.
m
'
.
'
Fonchon
Frohiich
wrote
lhis
onicle
in
1852.
A?
Mot
lime
s'he
wcls
sluding
meîhophysicc
and
beccme
OnIy
lo'er
c
pointer.
The
article
go?
never
publîshed
and
was
kindly
given
lo
us
in
i's
original
form
only
Iînie
reshcped
b/
Mrs‘
Frohlîch.
"'
As
wc
have
secn,
în'ithe
neu\
conception
of
the
muterîal‘
vorld
has
resulted
from
quantum
theory,
there
is
certainclnsses
o?
events
.an
impredictabüily
which
îs
Ü'a
truc
indeterminism,
i.e.,
which
cannot
be
reduced
t0
determinism
postulating
the
existence
hidden
parameters
:
the
universe
15,
represented
as
open
at
instant
t0
influences
not
den’ved
frnm
'ts
antecedent
stace.
Alfred
Nunh
“"hilchrnxl
lhc
cnnnclll
lingllsh
phllnsnphcl.
physicisl
And
"hllhcnldlil‘
ll
(ull.limr.llcd
Mll'll
Bcllmnd
lecll
in
wrillnp:
"Prixlv
l'lpÎd
Malhcnul‘
and
mndc
.i
[henry
«il
H'inlh'ily
.lhcvndln'r
lhnl
ol
Enmcnl
hclnrc
dcvlning
Illnlsull
«nlllplcll‘h‘
l-v
lln-
llcvclopnirnl
o!
in:
uwn
"nrgnllic
phllnwphy
Mis
lnnjm
lnrmphl'sicnl
wnrk.
"PanM
.lnd
anlllv"
lnrcât'nh
4l
li}n.lnl|(
plllun:
in!
lhc
ulll“Cl’5(‘
in
whllh
illllllcdmlr
llcrsunn!
cxpcrlcnlc
n
((1'1Ct’1\’ill
lll
lhc
52ml"
:l'lms
as
lhc
inulganil
walld,
lllnl
ls
.u
cvcnll
ml
'ncllxnl
ücmsinns".
Hc
lhc
lnrln
lhc
llr\'clupl|l(n\
nl
lhcxc
.lrlllal
lllcil
gruwlll
nl
"wlnrcuclnc‘
lll
Icnglh
in
"l’rulcss
.lnd
erllilv,”
Thll‘
lllc
lit:
lllsloly
Il!
.ln
0qu:
ls
"lmlc
up
ol
.l
scrlcs
ni
lulllllnltly
lmlllulcd
cl'cllls
.llld
lhc
lmdlllmml
logil
«il
suhslnlllcl
.ulinn
l3
lunlcd
insidc
ou!
l"rnln
(hn
Im.l;;ll:.lll\‘r
H’l'nnsUuLllnll
nr
rcvlslou
of
lhc
wnrld
hc
muld
.uld
did
rcmnslxlulc
lhc
physlu
nl
lux
lLly
Bul
Wh-Il
li
[al
lnorc
inll‘rcfllllg
lluni
lhc
[lolnl
ul
vn-w
ul
lhc
pnwcr
vil
In-
lumglnnllnn
(U
gnle
lhc
wulld
lronl
hn
llll‘l.lphnlc_ll
\\'>ll.'nl
lhc
Îlnldllmcnlnl
idcas
ol'
qunnlum
ph)\l(fi,
ullizll
ulll\
.lppcnrcd
wwml
\C.Ir5
zlflcl
lllc
blmk.
an
hl-
clnllcd
[hi\
alum‘)
l‘un
:lnln
Ilix
philumphil
pn‘lul‘c
.ll
lhc
“mm
llulv
n.l|ul.\||_\'
lhc
mm
ut
un
ph“...
«il
l.“
lirllc
.nnl
il“.
lhc
"ch
4d
(l‘hllllulll
whllh
imll
nm
\c:
brou
lnrlmllnltd
\\'h('"
ht
wrnll‘
“Pnn‘cxs
and
chlill”
Alllinngh
lhl'
wnlhcs‘u
nl
lhc
“une
.nid
unrpllslulm
lhcnncs
n!
lighl.
hv
W'hll‘h
Willlcllcnd
illlml‘mw
lhr
J‘Iîllll‘.lllllll
n!
hls
mclnphyallnl
«on-
lcpls.
dcull
\\'l|h
mxplmul."
Ün'un‘
ul
Ncwlnn.
Il
n
Unminlnblc
ln
ner
rcurnl
uirllrc
‘Hlu
unplm‘nlu
.lxpuh
Il.|'-‘l"
lu
.l
un“.
llccll
rccslllblnhlrd
opliu.
Il
n
nul
oliscn‘cd
lu
hc
(.nl‘.
.ls
mil:
llliglll
cxpcfl
ml
lhl'
imslâ
r»!
lhc
wnvc
lhl‘nn
llml
nm
.nn
Jmuulll
nl
crier“
l‘un
Iw
('Xfllul‘li
hv
;l
Llfhdünfl
hmiv
ur
nhwlhcil
Iw
nnulhcr‘
(Jilll'
a
dchnllc
lnnnmnl
cncrgy
Illll'grlll
nnilnplln
nl
n
un:
mm
mm
1h15
pmœss
'Ihls
«nupm»
lhl'
nncxml
lh.ll.l<lcll\ll(\
ul
n
imlillc
Whlll»
hcnd's
roxllxlinlxun
«,Ln
ln-
.ipplml
lu
lhn
«.m-
lhc
prwcn
wuuld
hl'
inlupnml
,l't
lullnn‘:
Bnlll
:llc
nain
and
lhc
pnrlidc
:er
pcnnulwlll
lmnn
“Multîlttl
lrulll
nm
.nlnnl
"(hnllm
ln
.nnnhcn
'lln—
“mukhMpnwmlmMLHW\mwluxflpîmüAOMM
WMnn
drlinnc
qnnnluln
ni
Cncl’gv
w
zllgucsling
lhc
pnrlirlc
.nnul
[S
cmlllcd.
llic
nrdcr
l?
pcrmnlll
.nni
lhl‘rl'
<l|'('
llnm-lv
n'l.\lcd
slrnlnh
nl
pcrsnlul
nlllcr
lnnklng
up
lhc
\\'.l\'L'
lulu
.\Ill'l
mnn-
lnnr
lhc
dunnn‘nn
[calmes
ul
lllc
prrlnzwl
unll'r
Inde
IlL'lAlnk'
lln-
\ll.lllli'«
nl’
persunnl
nulL-l.
n'lllrh
ha
le'n
prrhcllding
Lunch
ulhclv
luvc
.ltqulfcd
:hc
\‘.ll|l(’
lcnlul'cL
lus!
(hcir
izxdlvldlulm
And
bccumc
wclnl
nrdcr
[hn
n
.lll
cxccllcnl
dcslrilvl'lnn
ln
mnrc
gcncrzlllzcd
(crn‘n
ni
llic
lwu
physiczllfach
v
lhnl
nnly
dcfinllc
quanta
nf
rucrlly
.llc
cllllllcd
.llld
lll.ll
lighl
Ilispluys
wän‘c
Iikc
pmpcnll‘a
mch
.n
illlflifrflkc
Huwcl‘cl.
il
(rmih
th-
lilhcr
(au
lhal
olll)‘
dclillllc
qlmnln
«d
l-llcrgy
.uc
.lblurbcd
'I'h':
rhungc
[mm
Ptl’sfinâll
In
solidl
uldcr
ul
flum
pnllirlc
ll»
wgvc
il
a
lu.“
lllt
slriflcd
kind
of
urdcr.
Il
suxgcsls,
in
lhls
rcspccl.
.ln
llrcvcrsiblc
pmccssv
'l'hus
il
don
no!
504:“)
possible
l0
slrclch
thc
description
nf
Ncwlnninn
pnmclc—
wavc
lhcur)‘
uf
lighl
lo
lhc
quaIllum'pllHXClC'deC
lhcnly
But
u
closcr
analylin
uf
w-
a
will
shnw
Whilchend's
prinrlplcs
capahlc
of
dealing
wilh
wave-nlld-p.‘lrliclc
l‘hnmclcrixliu
ill
mallcr
wcll
a:
in
lighl.
{l
shull
lulk
«boul
lrallwcmc
wnvcs
bclausc
lhcy
can
bc
diagram»
mcd.
bu!
lhc
gcncml
challlrlcrislin
huld
(fou
.lll
w.l\'cs)
wnvc
i5
:l
ccllaiu
pllllcln
lhnl
i5
rcpcalcd
uvcl
dcfin'llc
mlcn‘als
of
limc.
Il
is
gnvcrncd
h)‘
lhc
rvlnllnll
Vclorily
tqunll
wlwc
lcnglh
llmcs
lrcquæ‘nr)
wm'r
o!
n
glvcn
valorily
in
.1
box
al
.l
gwen
lcllghl
laxullfl
jual
.my
flcqllmry
llnd
w;lvc
lcllglll
une
mlghl
rhume.
Il;
possible
lcnglhs
.m-
rlçlL-rllnncd
b)‘
lhc
(ondlllon
lhnl
(hc
wnvc
Icngkh
must
hl
llllo
lhc
box
au
illlcgml
llulnlwr
of
limcl
lhix
la
nul
lhc
(lut.
dlflclcnl
phnlcl
o!
lhc
wavc
wull
(oinudc
and
lnlcllclc
wilh
cnch
olhcl.
and
cvcnllmlly
lhc
wavc
will
dit
uut.
Sn
lhcrc
ls
.l
rcwnnncc
conditlnll
hclnnging
ln
.i
wgivc,
Alm
Illcrc
la
lhc
mndilinn
rhnl
lu
rhnmrlcmc
.1
wavc
un:
musl
wnil
loi
'ns
complcl:
pclind
lllc
“Jmlllünla
‘(nlcmcnl
fur
(hl:
laws
nl’
mcchnnics
hl‘llcc
nl
lhc
wu)
mallcl
mnvcl
w
m‘y:
lhnl
Ihe
inlcgrnl
ol
lhc
ilillcrcnrc
llclwrcn
lln-
kincln-
:lnd
lhc
pnlcntial
cnclgic‘
should
llc
.l
lnillinlunl
'ch
{unddmtnldl
Llqu
upllc:
l5
llml
lhc
l‘nnc
lakcn
lu
luvcrsc
a
givcn
pnh
shuuld
In:
a
minimum
Il
wns
Dl:
Brngllc
whn
(in!
nulitcd
thl‘
slmllnnlll‘l
in
lhcsr
and
dcnvcli
h
lhc
cqulnnm
show-mg
lhc
wachlkc
pmpmm
un
mznlcr
Hcrc
m|'
ih
lllc
“une
lcllglll.
lll
il
(hc
"nm
nlld
i.\
lhc
w-lm’ily
Il
n
l’hlnk's
tullslmll
glu-n
hy
lhc
cqllaüon
llp.
whch
lv
'ls
lhc
llcqucnn‘
nf
lhu
wavc
Ïhcrc
{Arc
qunlllimlian
(ondilionl
in
mcfhllllfs
rurrcspunlilnp
n-
rcsonnnl'c
mndlllmls
in
nplics.
Thc
dlscrclcncss
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lhc
pimihll'
lncnz)‘
urbiu
in
(hl:
Bnhr
Lllulll
ix
1l
mnscqucllcv
uf
lhis
chuw
.lll
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{rnln
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lcvcl
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.llld
mnnnl
«un;
.lll)‘k‘ht(c
brlwccn,
cllcrily
clnillcd
in
qnnnlilxcs
nl
sulnc
lnlcgcl
limes
lhc
dlllu
It‘lKC
ln
nltlxy
lcvcls.
Slmllnrll‘
.l
pholon
In
collldlng
Wllh
.llIHll
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(htî
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cllcrgy
lcwk
Whrn
lhcsc
physlrnl
Concrpls
arc
lmlhinlcd
nnn
nmlnpln‘mnl
lcrms
il
il
possible
(u
m6
lllnl
lhcy
.lrc
rl'l.l(<‘d
.is
:m:
lhc
gcnmr
uhlmns
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Whllchcnd's
syslclll
Thc
rcumnnlc
(«millions
ln
lvnl-cs
lfiln'h
in“!
in
disllllcl
Ulcmy
Irrch
lhc
Llllbnl
hllVC
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.l
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nlnnllun
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u'avc's
Shilpt
.mlî
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lhc
walls
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(hc
hnxi
l’hc
l‘ulllinuilv
nl'
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.lnd
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lwn
prchl‘n
Hnll".
.lxld
,lllu
lhcil
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lllrnlllplclcnc“,
Îrnm
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rl-Errl'nll'
(h:
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.lim
‘v‘v'hl‘
lhcy
lee
lhc
dilccliun
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.lmmrcnl
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Illc
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Verbrcitu:
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zuchtiger‘.
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w-rmn.
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Gefänmx.
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Hua
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mm<mwmg
“amendande
dîmflm
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'Z
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Die
Originalgenies
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Sclnvubing
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Avantgardislen-Quarten:
Von
Sturm
erschrecket
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nnav'm
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rounds“!le
dœlulnq
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Au“
1962M
Ordu-
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r
Wrw
andin
nana...
W.
“duit
accomlbvllon
cf
Mal
rorh.
SlMlonldïh—n
and
par:
n'hn'a
Imooucnou
au
humain
lnlwuld
ll‘ko
vo
ol'lnck
lb.
mm
mit-l4
bor-
un
[un
polllh
la
anul:
0h:
Col-nm
Mot
en.
z,
Tln
canton
nain!
wlllyvÎ-vm:
nm
l0,
aigle-finnois
ulfilrnleo
mh.
m.
«mon
Ib-
mm:
i?nyan
li-ln'y
h
pur
hou
ou
m‘immbnhn
tu
"—1.719914!—
rnnoa
whhu
fini-r
'èarinndlon'lolv.
né.
2.
il
will
lnow
Air-«1E0
locolanlbâomhmln
rie.
3.
"la
lnlalen
d‘il».
ml
no.
lb.
Idlnlwlen
dl
Cu
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no.
13.69.
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rua
“la
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wlll
bouffi
.‘
«ringard
rulm
vlan
limon-lle
'
no.
6,.v
Th-
Wmd‘CMlnlllfl
no.
2.
'lh-
[Wl'hfian’d
Ph:
low
(v-y
1mn
"Il!
will
mon
N10
mm
leur
cl
Ennlmd
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1h:
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Scandium
will
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'vldim
Iofiixnm
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bd
vay
“filial-clin)
no.
8.
wbwll‘l
lln’wwim
iront
in
pollu
nu.
nom
Ma
in;
flou-c
rhi’rur
rhay
wnv
Ihofnqh'lhl
wàll
:wu
a
Hivnçllon,“
Urka
nm
bu
Murmlnm
le
Andine.
v
|I
w‘lll
mm
lb.
«Man
clin
lhon
Mnicn
cl
lb.
[valan-
mlan
q‘lll.
[la
la
rh‘."
mm
'onm
'po
r.
un
bah.
ri.
puu'bllîly
cl
main
mon
un
rurw
culmm
l
:wld’.
’Yhm
I‘lwe
i:
Iln
lama
‘lroèlx
and
Iln
pallÿlcol
«hl!
la
i
ml
ulong
qui“:
Il..."
01‘50"th
pas
Rame.
n.
nwrgiwxodrouawiag
,JMFIenthlwolrfi'l
r
m,
nm
berneyçlh
In
.mo.
un
arum:
io‘rrrnu
Auchv
«modal
enllqhinnwd
Murmy‘oî
Flac
qnd‘
ll‘æ
me
or
lu.
gliuanali:
mlllmry
diclaiorihlp
whkh
n—
'plocnl
1.3.3!
govnfl'llnlll,
un
q!
1M
mm.
lonm
al
quy
llnelmwlm
caillou,
v
ne
nul
ollllulu
Flan
lie-n
:npd'il‘l
'(Iomlñg
hfmm
'rrr
pvanmnvîvè
mr
and
un
l‘un-m
midi.
il,“
in.”
mrh
l9b2.
Al
arum"
.rnewrrg
nlll
var
lu
'91qu
mg,
le
imam
mil
prow.
.5,
llha
nchÿbenomtmn
w
Mz‘dunlmndlw—
o;
au”!
5m,
n'y
“d
"lb
5‘.
me
,,
vuy
maigrir
‘uhn
"la
wm
hlw
Mid
hy
m'elvvr
un
swing
Iodullwfloa
l.
..r
nm
"la
eh
h
mm“.
Nana“
cabana...
in
Wur
Gmnyi
cm
ur
ami-r,
05m
m.
qbgmrq.
«un.
inemçlub
mmvmntmchr‘mr‘ochnzm.
Iy
mr_
îun
un
undmnnna‘m.
Mal
clpl’o
Irlälc“
moka.
so'ciel'lvh
:um
unrlrpurñoä.
a}
o‘ll
'
me
Vlul‘lpl
ou
Ma!
m
ubrqwlpg
(Nm!
'o
lwm’cn
{bar
sah‘mlmdmàämm
in‘
mon
r
rolrdau
wmi
m.
h
l
mm.
mm
aclclhq'l‘en
un!
qqu
n-
rnmxnglujwiio,
lui.
on.
woy
av
mis!
ç
Mm
mu
nuly
domlmflp
m,
lu“?!
Thln
lin
9qu
hrncwipplwllnl.
a:
M4
me
mil—de!
main:
r
fin
soclol
uruciuro
wbicb
'Iriillln
lic‘
nw
ron-
mrzm
le:
Grn‘edmpure
m'ima
lhtlllvualiç‘
Amer.
Tri-p»
mien
al
r
l
ullom.
l‘hin
mu
d
mil);
B!"
0è:-
mh‘
aurai...
Gu_
d'mhclù,
charmeur
r
mini
gfllon
pogrom-ù.
h
lnvlalva
plafond
vuixion‘èl
Munglu
rbclrinn
9nd
ç
canular.
n-
wlwlon
ultan
grandi:
h
rçrslo'q
nir‘lhq
Sema!—
novîcn
mneopcvol
:ulmrt.
lhin
nyw
Idiology
and
pliîlwltlul
Ibeery
wt
mg
oÿnly
ululnvgwomn
whl‘dumq
'hntll'nm
Illo
«qdcvclnpo
la
qll
l'l
calme!»
Vole
W}
cl.
l
M“"‘**"""“°‘W
l‘a-w
'“b'
un"
i343
iri'iÊËi’Î'ii.
51%.».
and
davalopth'logj.
Dw‘mqil-
liur
livo
ynn
lei-,-
ndlm‘n
alleman-
ol
gînlon
huadr'lçm
"un
lev.
lo‘rl
luth
pagme
maluth
si
r
,
nltu'çllonin’e'nmndu
la
Grau!
Illluln,
Îveînw'
Ml."
la?"
"“N'dfln‘h
"95""
'
llcly.
“0"094.
hl‘pl’um
Nerprun
Gmny,
"w
m"
"W‘W'"
"
"°‘
"M
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""
11mm.
SuidmnndFlnlchd.
Nndlme‘ü
Iny
mmlr’rœl
unddwn
han
lapirlllcd
lln
fl
'H
licol
'z
UnnllLllwuñMlol
""
’°'“’“'4
‘M’°"'
3°"?!va
-'"°'
nii'rlâïrï
auïia‘n'inïm’
r
“rama;
Ricard
1h.
Pool:
dichrch
cun—
c
5mn
“qu'ihuiflu
n‘
napon
fic
‘dlscndll
puma
Spm
im'fc'mn
Only'nfm
"a
«rle
çclîon
main".
un
lllI
inv-ll'nerunl
lml
la
wlhllng‘hoïn
n
mir.
1h.
m9!
al
"in
and
la‘
àwidrlhgdlwpbîn
emcnw
rhl
dluon.
1l!-
Dulch
Iqarumlnllw
Joœuolllu
'_
'J_o_nq
vaùI'lfln
Silwlonll
fi
r"
pppk'tvrln
lb:
tic-d"un
s
shçfd
hl”!
lb,
rînlulonlp
progmnz
mg:
phlloñphy'
al.
Ru
mimer:
hy'
Mngflh.
cmlfld
manit-
[alpin
an’cnyom
Hua
lô‘boce'me
a
mon"-
u
roi
vll
vint.
‘nuy
en
Iuck
ni
urnh
lhlnllmimmmp,
.
.
mm.
u
loch
nu.
gamin“
anwanmîa.
Irql‘nnm
ullrgv-er
nvquv—wrdîmro
in
al
m.
vain“
Intuch
«au
n:
n
baud
ln
Euh
P91
Van;
gxèludœd
1M
Gumn
LllwllnI-ùh
çdùclng
«gamm-
ml
(menu.
Kiiiml.
bruni“!!!
char
w.
hum
roylc‘uila
fichu:
toœr
:mdfi.
h
wlvüldbyl
ban
unno'unèèdœ
oth
wddmly
«dual
un
ci
manqua"
d'un
0M
vhc
‘lllwlfiûîïl
in
lib:
ufl-nun
ra
old-iahîond,
elagicpl
,ulrruuigidpqmm
ol’
Minier.
onch
Milan
nu.
finale)!
gporlnl
lorrmlilln.
In
y
lhu
Inuit".
al
inelvllm
and
nclu.
.m
r
m“
r
have
callod
9min”.
h
bang
on
un,
mu-
wd'iifihmfïrnpuu"â"lïlîï.îî
elfilro‘
lima!
dancwc’y
lnnumclv
a,
li
or
"Nb'.
Anlclu
publllhcd
la
“lalmlùilc
civdu
all
Farn-
a}
mmth
privilcgc.
Iv
il
(ha
Slowlcnlm'
(and
Ilu
Ci:me
1mn!
"In.
lampion"
d-zlmd
vhm
vlan
{mm
Irwlonirn
«640d
leSÇcmi-rix
un!“
amas“.
“au
daim-va
me
un
16min
th)
hue
ban
01‘
,4
ohm-65mm
Ihn
Sl
.,
dlvld-ol
ln
on
campu-
‘aoelay
dnlviod
k2"
diionln
Inl'nulîcml.
Tboyalœ
In
‘lo
il»
wno.
S‘en“
n’y.
du
flmld
dm
lulu
m'an'necuèllw
ogdm'u'i
«lu
mld
l’appui
.myonc
«016|le
m“.
ru.
«(man
cl
lima.
min-mm
mshal
nm.
la
lhd
wall'ould
olldlg
çlhnrndum.
W.‘
tondu
ll
poulhl‘
lot
d‘un
rob.
la.
odbu
h
oin
Ml.
ln
lb:
Slhnllonîu
mlutlon.
Wv
:l'nllgonrlm
tu
au
dqty.
Hammam;
la
au“.
llh.
îhlxàmnnlyl‘nppon
llcvùy-
glu.
ou.
Il
nllowcd
la“
lndlvlûacl
l'iné-
o‘
par...
'
‘o
panna!
5mm
oh.
Mu
MM).
W.
look
uponrliii
galon
«mu-l'y.
îh'e
ocljm
hmln'n
Madame
uxl'
lbgmllmw
mulot
m.
ibllq
per
hui
v
unly
w-pmory.
w.
familial
Ofl
Shun—
Ilonlu
cv‘olÿlînn
.ondlhcl
Wl‘lclÿltn'îlxrqolu
in
Paul!
wîll
hi
lcllwcd‘hy
unëau
Europimiîluq-
licnlû
Mqurmr.
me
"tu
group»
and.
ml-
‘n'nq
lrun
tu
wn‘m
cl
9;on
anduçmmdn
uhnlrl'oocù'y
min
[nm
a
Smala-in
lucr-
mllçml.
v
,1
foc
m.
90h
al
Swap.-
lr
hwry
inventant
vhm
mine
dIK-rmuu
énä
wrl‘eah‘nln'uld
lin!
b-
nppmu‘d.
On
lb.
courant.
lit-u
chùnçluih
liçdmumq
hw.
vloral
par
la
ploy
In
1h.
dcwlopm
al
n
üwuui:
lerly.
cml‘y
emugll,
magma:
hhÿon,
habile-m1
v‘ho
un.
mnd
a.
nu
Cami’ll
lmmlianal
du)”
0h.
la!
mm.
"la
latin
maraud
la»
I9
1h
2nd
Socl'al
Dmfic
lumllunl‘nnd
la"
in»
finirai
Coq-W9
‘lmrmriond'.
th
.ux
Il”
preumhœhm‘vcodl'r.
municide
thé.“
Ilflu'ofl
In
wmch
pstde
xplinl-r
«maximal-mur.
lb.
plans-ça»-
na!
bu
mldrmd
mlyln
'm
ni
Monial-o";
crll
'n,
m
l'un
unany
sa...
donna
lh.
wlu
ml:
have
Ioakod
l’or
aploauvlw
al
chnnqu
in
miel
imde
Vil
ll’cul'
î»
dwa
Nl-h
Beh'l
“:wlmmlu‘ry'
"hall!
Mm
ahuwflon
Ilm
on:
eau-al
givo
u
gäüllonm
Métallo"
ai
puûllcn'und
Nul:
ll
m.
mon
o
punly
chacun
alcalin:
'nbnnn-
M.
In
lut
MM»;
il):
m'insmi.
hllîly
lama!
pmiilonend
romani
«né-mu
lelv'l
nlmiÿî:
La
in
luthr'mcnl
Glu-ardu».
imman-
o?
malmlneflu‘ndad
d’un
Inourprmnv‘
wm‘wn.
ny.
tu!
gamm-
'!hd
"le
Scçndlncÿlen
‘cnd
Frcnchr
ingénieur
cl.
boni
mlly
roll.
«timing.
lMullig-nl
and
«un
W.
glu"
vlan
flnd'rh'm
"un
lx
u
lunünqnnhl
rame..."
olr
mwiim
un.
Il
«Fard
au
prciv-
dlansh‘allna
Ihnlu
Maman
nul
by
Guy
Bt_bud
fion
495d:
point
cl
vint.
la
puñnly
mm:
ni
l‘amon-
Ïhg
un.
eppllu
lu
Ibh
.‘œlymu
manioc.
1h.
Seurn'r'mylon
“look
la
couplu'lymm,
Il
lnbmdm
and
nublllly.
Once
wnmdqnundlhhélflermo
lläl‘pll!
bgmm
llu
“9M
imam!
and
letwc.
W.
iang
aoru
le
dm:
Xn
àrh‘
in
lu!
Ph.“
In
eppedm
rndäwla
mark
«n'er
nlvnllen.
Any
mw‘h‘
un.
tbn'huh
live
lhnpmt
mm
will
la."
hlmlon‘md.
Yvnhr
9mm”.
Ylhnfanlho
qnflon
u
2M
Sllwllunli
lMun'ulqml
lulu
a
Mu
ni
préj-
u—
et
«grain.
in
thym!
nœhd'in
uwlenli
fldmm
væhîzlrm
Fia-M
a",
W.
v
culm"
l
W.
mm
Do
Il"!
clou!
ol
Porixion
ploblomn
million
m
Inmv
umil
luth
rima:
lhnepfoblenu
huvu
baen
clmiîlcd
lo
lhe
poinl
whare
lhey
bacon.
cmnnable
vo
iyxlemlic
and
rmlonul
dl!-
cuuien.
Pmirional
nilwlionism
nom
oui
by
mokîng
proiecu.
Tth
in
nlypicollylalinponern,
wlluecIScondinm/inn
Social
Dommcy
iscollad
relormulivn
bncause
in
plan;
crin
ou!
ll‘c
lilwlion
imlî.
Thi:
mellwd
Menu
In
be
qui“!
olian
la
lheFlenchwuy
ollhlnking
a!
ilu-pcnenl
lime
and
Ihny
vlwrelorn
regard
il
m
#nbu.
"une
dlllerences
ouiomiïcnlly
preclude
ony
Faim
cl
Clou!
Franco-deic
cevoperolion.
In
lhîl
argu—
mon!
ncillwr
ride
con
cluim
bave
monopon
o‘
lhe
rlghl
Idem.
Green—Roman
thînking
i:
mou-d
in
polillcal
(mil
social
ll'leory.
Il
il
appoxed
le
ou!
own
woy
0l
ihlnkinghnwm
wobplirwq
"th
mon
mu
lumen
boit-19
and
individuel
alandn
u!
Il“:
canne
ol
oll
wonhwhîle
acrwivy.
Surna's
Mllo‘luliciarn
km
becn
culled
humonlsric‘
bu!
In
lncl
hîx
lwmon
aning
i:
a
wch-crnlric
crcolure.
The
Flancqjelglnfl
ailuclionlil:
bain
rhumsolvm
on
0l».-
uxms
princlplex
a!
Pascal
Dessertes.
Glace
and
GEL-le.
Acvlon
prucodol
errorion.
You
only
bngîn
:o
leel
religioua
aller
you
mu!-
Ieud
your
pruyeu.
Accoflling
la
Scoudinuvion
xiluulionisl
phllowphy,
uclion
la
lhc
lmll
al
:mulicn
and
urisu
ou!
o‘l
cmminn.
Fmolion
îr
uprimory,
non-relleclive
intelligence:
passionne
llloughli'iñinking
passion.
“Ne
me
no!
snyingtbur
me
Froncb
merbed
i5
wronç)
or
"la!
ix
canna!
“no
uurd
luccesslully.
We
meraly
my
Ihm
au!
rwo
oulloaksole
incorrpnilblc,
bal
lhey
con
brrnnde
Io
wpplomcnl’
me
amrher.
Lmlly,
lhir
Scandi—
navian
polillclnn.
who
ro
ignare
liww
Fun-
domonlal
dillunncn
wiil
no
no
al
rbulr
own
pu
ril.
î‘nzy
wm
gel
un
unplmmm
surprise
nl
me
Nordlc
mlional
rencviail.
Thc
2nd
Siluuvî‘onin
lnlemavroncl
i)
irvcly
or.
gunllod
movmnnnl.
Il
in
volumarynsmcimionof
autonomm
Wk
gmups,
whoxc
progiummo
m
ugrood
al
Slockholm
is
brlclly
us
follews:
Scientific
lmowlodgz-
thall
be
pack-d.
erc
ochievemenlx
cl
sciencn
belong
la
mciely
us
whole.
world
organlunion
mu)!
lue
se)
up
le
emth
leo!
scicn'îilc
discovevinx
me
mode
lo
benelil
nll
munkîna.
Sciunlilic
inv‘emion:
hall
nal
basequesrercc‘
by
lncivlduo!
57mn
or
depcn.
menu
cf
ünlr.
Science
nholl
mi
b:
usen'
m
on
inllmmen!
lcplnuicn
or
levier.
Tlm
nuw
wcrldorgunimlîcnwlll
'cumbleUneico,
bu!
withaul
boing
dariainavod
by
ony
ningle
poll—
licol
power
group
or
alliancr.
Il
sbcll
be
baud
on
Plugua.
Bul
Czeclmslovukiu
mua!
(in!
b:
relecsed
lrom
il:
wlellîle
mmchmenv
le
Ihe
Sovicl
Unlun.
This
i:
paieclly
lwsible
dc-
mond.
ll
Î!
inevilnble
rbct
Kienlilic
knowlegde
and
Iochnologicol
:kill
shouldbe
unnenlydislribulec
vhoughoul
rhe
worlrl.
li
l;
vherelora
inpossible
Io
mlulise
science
on
u
global
seule.
8m
vhe
och'
vmnn
science
con
and
sholl
br:
mode
cvnilolale
la
oll.
An
mon
ho
for
m.
benufif
cl
mankindr
and
cullure
con
onl‘y
luncliun
prople
when
lhey
are
l'en
from
polilîcul
imminente,
i:
nez:ch
mty
vo
mabliih
Dulanomoux
cen‘lres
al
cullurul
aclivily
undcollegaîcr
Il»
peuple.
Such
initi-
luliom
will
:ome
undcrihe
proleclimcl
lhe
new
Unuçn
in
The
labour
mas/amen!
nm
onca
cemidaed
1o
be
lha
wlr
al
vh.
mnh.
ïo-doy
il
l:
rime
lilw
n
milch
cow,
whose
uddcnmo
beingpurmed
inan
ellovl
le
gel
mon
and
me
malarial
bcnelîh
al
Ihn
«peine
ol
lho
All
me
lame.
ow
mamlol
Ilundold:
have
no!
rimn
iuch
grec!
holglnu
wlum
"en
evcrall.
W:
have
ll’w
spec-
lacla
ol
o
mciely
which,
on
'hz
on:
bond,
in
consumer-minde
bu!
on
llw
othu
hqnd
con—
lrollad
by
slnpknpnrs
o.‘
every
kind.
llæy
me
in
chgc
al
bullneu,
politiu
and
culluml
ul-
inin.
ThaSnueüonin
movemcnl
womueuchievc
Frudam
ol
m.
mina.
We
Ihallwork
luwcrdnhe
accorrçrlia‘vvnenlor'
lnn
programme
for
inter—planrlmy
econo-
mîc
expansion:
lho
nbolirionol
mililury
neiigm'
lhedeshvclion
oinll
muni:
wecpnm.
llmnkinä
i5
nevalheleu
doomed,
w.-
pevimllsur
we
shoalrl
all
perish
Iogcibcr.
W:
ure
appauvri
îo
Ony
plan
whicl’v
levouu
il“!
aurvivnl
cf
xmnker
crucv.
amwomsrâ.
.
.
admit
lhal
Scunnînuvmm
me
mmlrplnnnera
nnu'
probabl‘y
nva-n
leablu
m
rcmryinq
ou!
nvhnr
pirople's
plans.
We
du
nov
ulwoys
Jimm
'
hnel
lwenn
lhr-ory
and
prucl‘ice.
W:
lrnri
l0
profil,“
cm
I'neorien
alla!
ll'w
"un.
rua:
wr
'lnvc
becomc
invnlved
in
lilunlloniu
(al‘rl'
on:
planning
lnwmd)
lonslblc
ernch
wcrk
exocny
lhe
Ollîl‘!
way
rormn.
mm;
won!
evcrylhing
:nnighe
lwlore
ll‘le/
saur!
overylxscy
‘xus
vo
lineup
Lcnncely.
Min
tînm
h
i:
Full
in
or
grl
0m".
A;
lo‘r
ancre
nkcy
bc-
lievo
in
Frontal
cllccks<rcguzdlcnul
mu.
l‘îny‘
de
nol
Menin:
reoliielhm
byrraking
wenklmm
l
ml
nnucka
lhey
arc
ploying
inlo
lue
hondx
ai
I'ne
enemy
and
wmling
lhrir
owrr
srrenglhi
l!
pays
mu
le
provok:
suc'n
aussi.
Wr
do
nov
bclirwr-
in
mi,
slmfcgy.
Anol'nul
in’pollum
riiFlz—rcnce
il
ibis.
l"‘m
Scan—
dinnvîanr
anlvc'owrus
Ielbl'nwhere
v-
r
r
rrim
uwclullofl.
Wn
build
on
lhr-
Pn'r'l
w:
lev
now
luron
giow
ou!
o'
pur!
r:
prlirntc.
Α”?!
canine
colin!
organic
pnn
c,
cm
au;
b:
culled
ulrnra—conwvulimz.
Ïo—o'oy
lonm
like
comermlâsm,
progreu,
rava-
lulion
and
roacllonism
have
become
mecnîng—
lcss,
Thc
leimîmlogy
ci
liberclîsm
il
r-quqlly
luluou!
and
ployed
cm.
Thnra
Es
na
pair!
in
Jsing
plumes
ol
lhia
kind
for
I'm-
Nornic
philo-
sophyaf
xiluoiiomwhich
isesse.
iullvlradilien.
u'ilcclnd.
Hflein
lies
ou!
mnngth.
Cm
mis
’ch
base
au!
ideology
and
ou!
workin'i
pri
If
rho
rrcnch
xilnmrionsxsu
cannol
accepr
o‘n
viow,
lhcy
n’alta
lhelr
own
plans
und
checd
lndepenôanvly.
There
ure
nome
peuple
wiro
will
lell
la
mrup
Inc
significonce
cf
lh:
Silw'îcnri-A
muggln.
Tue
heccl-on
collision
lnwl’lîch
wc
orernvoiwuwill
:lrike
lllem
m
inuxpllmble.
Bu!
wc
me
Luth/in»
ced
on:
àay
lhix
pmm
wili
uL-
un
even!
cl
primnry
imponunce
la:
Eumpot
me
mornanl
baloma
dccisive
breukflvough.
'lo
vhose
wha
Phink
lhol
verbal
boule
r“;
na!
wunh
figlulng,
ws
wnuld
like
la
wy
thix
word
w‘nr
ix
bencr
lhcn
world
wurr
Signal:-
Jélgcn
chh
l
Denrnallt
il
Jergrn
(Dmmrk);
Gordon
Fowkulcy
lGrecl
Brimin):
Hardy
Sln'd;
Slulîan
Lorswn
(Swedenl:
Amgur
Elido
(Swedenl‘
Jocquclinn
de
long
(Holluña'l'
Parrick
O'Srien
(Eireir.
(Memben
al
il")
Sloc'x-
hc‘lm
Ccnletence
in
r‘wqun
l962‘r
.
.
n
v
la
y
à
l'onl
dans
nL
ure
no
exalples
o!
Lhe
influence
whlch
m:
can
consider
.‘o
mal”:
pubilcaLIz-n
of
the
mmnt-mnil’esl
1h
me
:‘1
manne?
g.
.mnim
Times
whlch
cam
out
in
lay
2,01;
1m:
m:
"en
ber.)
a
X'F‘Bcîlc,“
of
me
Expresx
îetrv
cf
Engam:
tzxki:
in
ou:
pro“
'amJatex‘
Ims
J‘ollowed
t2
,I'Ah,
une
1h
me
pr
mur.
"Oct-[110d
by
the
huracrut.
l.'r.ll‘l(l.&î.
——
I:
Il.“
m:
“Espace
course
Espace
remplace
la
guerre
comme
slimulanl
(lé-
cisif
de
science.
Elle
modifie
noire
vie
quotidienne.
au
mu...»-
..
6mn.
nvlrnl
.on-
m
m,
mu
«un-m.“
"mm...
mua-4:
un“.
.
ru
n-
.nmm
«un
nm.
«mu-ç"
luth!
(«nm
mm
n
«4
>m
un...“
(horwuu
r4
[ulle
du.
.
1:14pm.
Il!
m
m
non:
N‘
un.»
la‘
n.
.
.
mxwrv
a
.
.
..
Lunvlulkcra
Awu
cg“;
..r‘,.m.-.—
z-m
nurmr.‘lu
,quAlI;uszNY
Sun
"un"
V.
v”.
.9
du"
«
:o
squat;
Mur
mm
“nm!
[J
wwhn
La
et
la
mu
A.
(mm-u
.1
plut.
xuul
1.
Nm!
"nPlohng'
a.
Monnmu
A.
Mmuha
a‘lvu'
(naw
a.
r‘a
Rubvvchc
Soinhhqu.
.c
0mm...
AIE-quvl
.v
59m."...
J952
Païen
du
Avmme
Satin-r:
7'
(un:
Lu
umunl
Han.
L:
ul-m.
h
mlsr'un
formall
u
m.\
Infini...“
m.
,unmpm.‘
xF
un
1\\I<.r
nui
lu
puun!l
.æ.
nm...
.1
1.44m.
l'\l
EW‘hl.
“nm-V"
.1)...
J.
1.
11m.."-
‘n'zrnhñqu’
u
m.
un.
m...“
\<.
.
n...
in
«punir-
L.
m,
4..n-:xl
\|
uni!
m.
n”,
h
_.
l.
.Vu
l'un-
\,..
“m
.3
hum
\|r,\lul>v.
\l
1.]
I-nm
\.Hx--:HÀ
.I
qmmln.
n-u
.Iv
lxxmx-»1.n'y
Pnpnumrr
.
n
mm...
«NUL».
Hum.
.1,
mm...“
P...
Inr
Mm-m!
K.
l
l(\.
.1.
m...“-
hum...
.1
\
1.
h"
Iurr
\\
l:
\I\\'\\H
l.
v”
.a.
1..
“LU-h
In..r,.1.........n
mmn
.i'l
“ml...”
«mua:
puma
du“.
I.
nm.
.4.
la
man
lulmn
(un/"04m?
par
I.
«.m-ul
\I‘fll\lË[(E.
Hurrlnll
Général
du
ï
En.
.Illnmnon
de
Mummu
1.nn.n
Mmilhr
v‘l
Han.
rhmrgè
dr
la
Hu‘hnthr
Sn'nhhqu"
F‘
du
Qnr‘lmnl
Unnnan-
xwvmr-
[A
H'lil‘Jlll‘l
Nu..."
Trr’tchu
r'u
Jmm‘...”
.L.
l'hl
hn
H\\/l
“mm-m
mu.-
.
v
Rapyavlnu
r-
.1
.1.
1.
«mm-nm
man",
\L
in
In
,hm
4..
lump..-”
1m
n
2.,
u-
.1
..v/'
mm,
|M.
11.1:r1‘5nn.1».;n7...-
1..
fana”...
x.
'mnarlrîuun.
,m
\l.
l'un:
u
\\
Ingmwr
un.
11..."...
..
.
Hum..."
on...y.u;.....‘m..1).,
....,.m........‘
par
I-
Ln.
\.
Hum
Hum
(n
Lu!
mm"...
.1.
MW...
,1“
u.
par
\L
Jnvn
13an
a
un
mxw
u
\,
Ingrnzl'ul
.
“mm—un
Hum-nm
Împllu
.1.
“arum...”
numu..îl.h
.
2..
4mm",
d:
rflufllm‘r
nulnmunql.»
:1.
"mvum.
,._.,
.u
puy-4....
1.4.”...
.1.
Mm.
Mm
r..,...p.,mu
..
\rmn:uh\un
m
.1‘)>..n.....,...
m,"
4,
m4....
r)
dxjjunon
.un.,..,,A,,......
pu
\l\l.
Hrnn
l'AHHl
u
‘hfhrl
[hum—“h
du
Télécommunmmuu-
.Iu
Urlmllrnlrnl
du
1min
Nunnnul
nI'hunlr
vln
'l’elccummnnnunv,>n.
_
à
k
g
Al
h
marié.
nm
un
Moyim
nm“
.M
.V,
nm."
«m.
2.:
\uul
mmxux
un
lr
u'un‘
w‘nux
“mu/4'
Rüvkblvndc
var
dom
l'rlt‘ilsspruch
une.“
i'mm
mm.
,numhm4.”.51.A.nnhm.m
1H].
“ml
"mu
ndnmun
J“:
p1...“
‘Inun\î.apnn‘r1-mjynhnnllpnl
lnulnntmhm.
un"...
nm
ln
l
tu
Dm
rh‘il:
IA-lwnslîinglivh
l'ül'
‘y‘M‘pnA
\,.,4,
t1
“È
mxÿx
.
ààæï
.xê
K\\\
Na
«èk
.
..
ËË=Ë._
m>rrmœ
n.
ä
aHWPâfizaxwmmwtmn‘x
mor>5>nm
à‘.
mrmnaæocm
Vr
Henwi
Salvado.
âh‘iil
Xwnnnn
la.
Lament
pasiphaée
Peu
s’en
fallait,
qu'son
parsi
fal
dans
la
prosopopée.
D’un
coup
d’chacone
dans
l’oberkampf
lle
auvergna
(t)
Tu
n’te
rends
pas
compte
qu’jadîs
'ette
fille
qui
minaude
est
compl
Refrain
The
supposedl
'developed‘
worla'
cleplores
the
continued
freedom
oF
existence
of
the
cannibals
of
New
Guineo.
Îhe
over-developed
and
under—
developed
peoples
of
the
world
are
aquolly
anxious
concerned
about
the
problem
of
increasing
overpopulation
in
the
Nether—
lands.
We
propose
a
solution:
the
esta—
blishment
in
Holland
of
a
suffi—
ciently
large
contingent
al
can—
nibal
master—cookswho
con
play
on
effective
part,
bath
taurants
and
in
the
home,
in
re-
ducing
the
surplus
popu—
lation
to
manageable
proporti-
in
res-
We
wisli
ta
point
out
that
rne
re-
cent
ban
issued
by
the
DUlClî
government
on
tlie
sale
and
con—
sumtîon
of
lresli
lierrings
(graene
haring)
makes
this
proposed
re-
course
to
anthropophagous
proc-
tises
a
proiect
ol
the
greutest
ulgency.
wmïr
1|:
sur;
r
vals
2075185“
Mus
mng'
5L
hammam
Il-
«un.
L'O.N.U.
Le
monde
prétendument
dévelop—
déplore
la
survivance
en
lî—
berté
des
cannibales
cle
la
Nou—
velle—Guinée.
Les
peuples
développés
et
les
peuples
sous-développes
s‘in—
quiètent
de
la
surpopulation
dont
souffrent
les
Pays—Bas.
Naus
proposons
une
solution:
l'installation
en
Hollande
d'un
nombre
de
maîtres-
queux
cannibales
qui
contribue—
suffisant
vont,
tant
dans
les
restaurants
que
dans
les
familles,
a
la
ré—
sorption
a'e
l‘excédent
de
papu—
Iation
hollandaise.
ooservera
que
la
récente
in-
terdiction
prononcée
par
le
gou-
vernement
hollandais
contre
les
harengs
lraislgroene
haringl
rend
indispensable
le
recours
aux
pra—
tiques
anthropophagiques
Die
sogenannte
entwickelte
Welt
bedauert,
dass
Mensrhenfresser
auF
freiem
Fus—
în
Neuguinea
se
noch
leben
Den
entwickelten
uncl
unterent—
wickelten
V'ôlkern
bereitet
die
Uberbevôlkerung
în
den
Nieder—
landen
grosse
Sorge.
Wir
schlagen
eine
L'ésung
var:
die
Niederlassung
in
den
Nie-
derlanden
einer
genUgenden
An—
zahl
kannibalischer
Meister—
k'aclie,
die
danr
sorgenwerden,
in
Speiselokalen
wie
innerhalb
der
Eamilîen,
dass
die
Uberzahl
der
holl‘dndischen
Bev'olkerung
resorbiert
werde.
wird
darauf
auïmerksam
9e-
machî,
dass
dagneulich
van
der
niederl'ondischen
Regierung
er—
lassene
Verbot
gegen
den
Ver—
zehr
frischer
Heringelgroene
ho»
ring
,1
die
Zuflucht
zu
diesem
menschenfr
esserischen
Verfahren
natwendig
macht.
ï
(Basché
De!
drsvefluüœ
Proie“
de:
Auxemandcueuw‘q
des
bnxhel
(hrulhrh
surnom»
srwvnllcm'.
me
den
neurn
lnhsvren,
mwohl
.n
der
qcxcmçm.
'rthrn
mg-
m
der
momdueum
Eau/401m9
.pœlr
mh
nom
:um
gromen
Toi
04'
nm."
revenu-n
Esene
un
anhev
homml
en
mu,
don
drr
«ronge
Menu"
mm
me!“
nm
m
wumMm
m
"me!
Piyth:
un?
m
mm“
Urvgeowg
vunxmgebr
un!
ev
,a
nom
rmohuwal
a“
dre
allers"
M’m‘œ
gentnüfn
a!
nonsevn
stehr
coulan
'ov
hampe
Aoweuung
"a."
‘Jrrfl
wd
ezps'
menu-l'a»
Vevhsvrsngswenen
goal—none:
Mu
aller)
.n
1»st
en"
Man-w
wpvden
du.
Neuf"
'ta‘r"
8tduv'mue
Ahlvt.‘Na/b
de;
u"d
se:
une".
.Merd'ui'
olc
nurrhmsc
Oldmmc
unan
v!“
due
5m,
gx;
«m
mon
mg
um
de
(4.63ng
mm
gr'rnl'en
uns
inndvho
"rien
5m.
ne
Jr
v"
.h-ev
une
em
[MM-n
m
sq-
Panna»:
01;;ch
mu
U'wu‘üummcoficd
devmsrn
mu,
dune
Dom/M
"us
ms
mus
h»:
,çhmo'mwgr
ËHV'sflungxmoghtñlrdr‘!
Mm"!
n
Ignavcfieve"
son
xcmr
Mflfcl
“r
du
hrlu‘hl'ndl'"
Gem‘xnam'um
w»:
sa:
U'lev.‘
me:
Snul
bewm:
wwdr
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men-n
Pmnpæn
ver
‘own
Km):
wu’üe
mm
nm
dam
Msnlsh
emes
Kmuheuœndqro
m
:m
.omu
n"“JLJ‘Jn-n
bsvlrrn“
nom
wurden
drs
attach‘m
Prob'eme
arma“:
de'
mm
ond
du
lebrm
se'unmquv
nem
de‘
Maman
wn’
au.”
:1-
je"
Msnr
m.
dor"
7m
wxr'rr
Grne‘Vfl‘mN
mm».
semhung
:u
Kwu
murets:
nul,
qnchwr
g:-
dcr-
Arbr‘rcn
verMedrM-I
Kwu:
‘rv
:1
.-
.nnema:n
au
“mode-men
Kmu
.1
4-
(ngznlhcn
mchn
onde-vu
a'x
emc
GNV‘V’”C"58(Q(‘1€’E\”l"Amflÿifldhünl‘îiîiqktl’Y”
:rr-‘thonar
wwlæn
Amener-M
and
ow
«crie
Kurm.
nI‘Khr
dm
bunîehondr
Gexcflxchsh
m<hl
.n
‘vsar
ne”:
vhd
derme!"
cime“
ode:
‘V'dnçnk’
cm:
Rechflemgung
de:
m‘sen
dame”!
O-e
Rectum
de:
erçhn
u!
nm
cm
Imam
dslur
mu
wrlzhe'v
Mvuun
sic
polnemche
Omdmg
qegu
Cvuppsn
vmgehl,
me
me
vad'nun
imam
nnlnllrr‘
ode'
mer
n
unie/groom
brgmn'n
En
Axlhlu'010we\r.don
man
dve
lnha‘1en
vcnchœdener
Brunch!
vue
Euhquan
and
Selusflebsn
ob/ekhv
serramm
isrm,
und
ne
demnsrh
dem
rolahvnsnden
Proun
de'
Kunu
trflvel’r‘büfl
kann
Wsnn
mon
den
votwle‘
ne
wuldefl
drs
lnhane
de:
Rehmon
vnd
on
,,xu:h»
ngn'
Sen/clubs!"
IsuIOIsn.
xu
m
<1qu
bemcrkr.
du:
ne
dues:
Begmie
en
xzhon
"1110:!
'vkannl
haben,
und,
dan
snderersevn
Kuml
durch
drc
Druruknon
nm
kan/v,
vnd
neue
Werfe
aux
sllsn
noms
au!
drn
Tic/Mme!
s'le'
manche":
flegme
z.
xtthen
vulmsg
Dmmknon
vrvld
hvu
mm
nw
si:
.,reb|e
Isae'
mschrn
veulsnden,
:ondern
si:
Duonwwnunq,
dre
avslvlahv
ollenbsvl
On"
mm
sa":
Ob/sklvvrelunqnorgsng
mu
a."
nrueIdmgx
quilslllen
Fordelungm
mach
umu
silexum'suenden
Kuny!
oder
m
sndem
Wollen
"a,
.mn
uunwwu
Rnnmnon
‘N‘
Anugxlebcn,
.n
dm
Zen.
xowle
m
der
F'xyche
du
Msmzhsnn‘
glmhumg
zummmsnfém,
ur
mu
nm
Zsichcn
lu:
dr.
GthgksrL
Adequavhovr
und
Norwcndlghmr
amer
nounn
Kunmozm
Iem
,pyçlguuhu
Konhonhven
von
Gecsnlsunn,
Scthen
von
Anhnomwn,
nblu/Ind
m
mur
Sponlsmow
vnd
Aggreumm
[weber
oliou
entleenen
Format!
nous!
lnhsu
vol/mus"
andan
derournemnnl,
ode:
dwleknsche
Gogenvb'vuuunq,
wobev
Dvl
der
Konelsnon
dort-[bon
nous)
lumen
wird
Dg]
nous
Kvnlrwnk
mu
nul
unmnllolbar
wukefl
und
mchx
duvch
asson-
ahomwldnndo
lnhalls,
no
doch
Kwul
wœdu
m
Wezhnlwnkung
rml
dam
roddphe
Allrsg
:rehen
mil,
e!!!ch
Bszug
hsben
son
xum
Uvgrund
dam
s‘e
sont";
le"
m
Dsbrr
(mon
d/e
:m‘ere
Spomunene:
und
delarllger
An»
xzhewngen
mçm
duvch
nsdnhonelle
Kunmovmen
orient
worden,
rcct
d'un
y/gtndwekhe
lele!
hmdwchgesrossr
wwden
Du
heu:
Gedmh:
hem
ebrn
mm
m
me
s/len
FO'mon
hmr'îgrp’tfl!
werden,
wsil
dm:-
mzm
sic-Qqu
xmd
ww
m-
‘w
sme
29.:
ente/0'19"
wsrdcn
rire
vozù'oez
[:5
Momremr
un:
1’54"40"
mcr‘v(
valablr
ou
axnvosmev
la
penses
qur
sv
’rsnsiolmc
dans
i‘o
du'cr,
sl
ne
mscnicc
Fin
nm‘om
J'uwmrmcr
'Jv‘.
"rumen-us
nouveau:
sans
une
forme
,.<u'nowvv
W“
mm
non
de!
Schnnung
min-r
nruun
Kgmfl/va"
I;r}f
:ym
('k‘vfl’m‘
.om
rrvo’shanalrn
Emgtr”
m;
aHrnqhï"v
lr-hon
m
n
vat'n
uLw'
Kurv'runl'wuug
de;
ÀHrnm
mu
dm
ubçuflwc"
Vnha‘m-
5c,
tube.
nu'
je
l'atnlrndcnmlen
Vw‘anqcuw‘glfl
nom-mm
J5
1,
Seront-la!
Yw
qu'un
Verdrsncwo
heure
mU‘r
mch-
du
Mur
.
smog
mle
Myrnen
Kunxl.
Revvqroo,
wwm
8min;va
mg
D\)"E‘
'abu
vedwlun
'amtmux
nnqt‘nmcm
“un-n
mm
amas-m
8m»:
.n-
|:"rv"berr
nude
dm
aux
de!"
Auxglc‘rn
“Mm
mh
.‘wuc'
Fiche
V"(’
wwcvvm
1mm
n'nwhmb
dev
mwmen
Somme
:u
en)
Dan
dm
au
dcv
Mono
de)
scnslcn
Lrhom
gcsmuu»
mur-e
V/wl
amer"
me"!
9mm
mm
gw
Crglflilvi<hùflî
SuntaHebcn
aimons,
wa;
'h
Mange»
Syflev‘xksfldsle
mncmavo
au
Cru-"uns"
dur
HuDL-‘w
lehv‘leusna
drullrc’w
:um
Auxdwçi
0:”ng
-;r
ncM
welfur
Cfsiaun"‘
Andcœ-mn
mm
d-ox
atm
r‘o(h
au
unbr‘wtsilr‘
Aui31mnw-g
.ac'bsf
swem
dvuov
Gerrhxchnhnc'vmhf
gegcn
me
Ençe
de:
won
dm
net/€190"
Sen“:
Izhafllbvm
ro'cneue-v
Venme
vl‘nlnndrn
wordm
Do
nd."
aunen
pru‘u
zrs/ic
Scham
and
Ëmnow"g
uber
salue-Ha
Fstc-l
uv‘d
'Mbcscnden'
ohm
dre
Inlegnrrung
gang-Ne:
remmmoqœ
and
Ini‘aHr‘
u:
:m-
Kum
,n
w
Vemzn,
des
wrlkhthen
Wunuh
nsth
mm
der/amas"
Heu)"
Lama"
whhmnven
odcr
sbuussçversn
Cure
auon
Ben-4mm
des
rmdcmen
Lue.
mm
es
suth
dam
Scwaflcben,
vor
dem
äev
Mimsr'z
emr'vemder
m:
in,
an
Sponmnmtah
m
xemer
Unxu'ncdonhcm
vv'mnq
n‘w
'fltJ’I‘L‘ffll‘
Mv
nuv
nor’v
leele
Sçhematc;
emex
ncch
uwwcn
L‘ebt"!
"a
ru
gros
andere'xsle
wnIl
man
nadv
ausssn
vovbevqon
wo;
un
mng
anailrbru
ampœ't
wenn
mon
'urhf
ruagwro”
wuvae
m
masse
Zuqebrn.
via}
n
Wrrkhchkeu
m—
anslvebon
dz"
Renn-
(en
Gexcnschauucm
passlelf,
coenlm‘v;
gslu-
e:
une
Wechmw
"lanicn
dm
m
:wndwn
dresev
Ïofemnz
und
der
Achafe"
d’1
Bewossrw
der
ergonlhcben
Bedurlmsse,
dve
dock
dr
hongchwzdc
Ordmmg
.nsh
negvcrsn
odev
xubhrms'en
wvH
Oie
Konhonherung
de:
Kumr
me”
mrl
penen
ncuen
Sercrthcn
gnsm'
mthf
vom
Slsndpunhl
de,
sus
due“
oxprumemieile:
Suche
n
neuen
rdecn,
dw
du:
gegenwmhge
knrudm
Svlushon
m
der
Kunn
v’m'
Sranku
bohcben
le“,
nom,
dvux
H:
a!"
ersxcv
Schnsl.
cm
chuch
:w
(nrsgnewng
ssmlhchrr
Bcrevrhe
un
du:
Kuml‘
wn:
mdvl
nw
exne
He!e>tfir‘
"mg
und
du;
Zrel
denslhen
ut,
sondern
ebcnlsdls
des
AHlancbcns,
u’fl
du;
es
heule
gshl,
durch
d'ese
Mregvohon
son
dam:
“raversrb‘û-
men!"
eme
volhqc
Aullcsung
der
Kunxl
'm
Atlteg
cuerchl
werden
Dwz
ware
rhr
Ende
oh
spenslmerle
Sonalo
Funkitan
Dm;
elle:
sreh!
naturhch
vm
ngenssu
zu
de!
plopogmlwn
Lsere
der
Vemerel
de!
mode/men
Kunsl
und
de'
Anndflen
der
Grslswschler
vo'v
(unituhenen
une!
Zen.
dze
ex
mchr
mchr
gibf
q
l’intenti>n
de
l’archevêque
de
Iunieh
et
de
son
tribunal,
il
serait
aisé
de
reproduire
ici
les
"calomnies"
et
"diffamations",
les
"blasphèmes"
et
les
"obscénités"
dont
usèrent
les
polémistes
grotestants,
les
théologiens
protestants
(Luther
tout
le
premier)
l’endroit
d’une
des
"deux
grandes
églises
chrétiennes",
de
ses
euppôts
et
de
ses
dogmes.
Les
imprécations
des
Réformée
contre
les
nonnes
et
les
moines
corrom
us,
les
prêtres
ignares
et
débauchés,
les
prélats
simoniaques
ram
neraient
au
rang
de
la
controverse
cour-
toise
les
injures
des
spuristes.
Le
Jeu
est
tentant,
il
serait
sans
portée.
Pire
encore,
il
ris
uerait
d’accorder
le
beau
rôle
au
pro-
testantisme,
alors
que
la
orme
n’a
eu
de
cesse
qu’elle
n’ait
"assaini"
la
religion
chrétienne
comme
on
nettoie
les
chiottes
au
crésyl
x
ce
n’en
sont
pas
moins
des
chiottes.
La
putréfaction
avan—
cée
de
l’Eglise
romains
présentait
même
quel
es
avantages
on
peut
tout
attendre,
tout
espérer
de
la
décomposit
on
d’une
charogne
qu’elle
nous
instruise
sur
les
moeurs
de
certaines
larves
d’apparence
humaine
ou
qu’enfin
elle
tourne
en
eau
et
disparaisse.
Il
n’est
pas
absurde
de
penser
que,
sans
la
régénération
protestante
et
la
remise
en
ordre
de
l’Eglise
romaine
qui
s’en
est
suivi,
le
christianisme
aurait
subi
ce
sort
des
plus
naturels.
Georges
Palante
dénouait
déjà
les
faveurs
dont
certains
esprits
qui
se
croient
libres
ou
habiles
entourent
les
hérésies
:
Wsm
J’hénéaig
tend
e]]:_mgmg
à
sa
aggjaliagzl
d‘anguille:
sa
najnnane
92:-
uslls_causs_ds_naisunissamsnt.
Un
Etat
qui
batit
son
code
pénal
sous
l’influence
conjointe
de
Luther
et
du
vatican
ne
fait
qu’additionner
les
interdits,
la
Justice
muni-
choise
en
offre
un
excellent
exemple.
Quant
aux
pays
le
protestan-
tisme
s’est
assuré
la
suprématie,
on
s’illusionnerait
fort
en
croyant
que
la
liberté
artistique
y
est
mieux
traitée
que
dans
les
zones
d’obédience
catholique.
si
le
nu
naturiste
s’y
affiche
volontiers,
si
les
livres
d’éducation
sexuelle
s’y
distribuent
à
l’âge
des
abécé-
daires,
c’est
pour
prévenir
les
perversions,
les
déviations,
les
vices,
autrement
dit
pour
pasteurieer
les
rêves,
stériliser
l’imagination,
éviter
ses
écarts,
ses
éclats
sans
lesquels
il
n’y
a
ni
art
ni
liberté
artistique,
et
de
liberté
point.
Loin
de
faire
contre-poids
aux
dogmes
catholiques,
1e
protestantisme
les
ciments
de
son
puritanisme.
Que
la
Suède
admette
l’avortement
médical,
qualifié
de
crime
par
le
Vatican
(on
attend
que
Madame
Finkbine
intdnte
au
Saint-Siège
un
procès
en
diffamation)
ne
lui
fait
pas
comprendre
autrement
que
la
catholique
Bavière
l’art
et
sa
dynamique
trans
essive.
Que
son
roi
ou
celui
d’à
côté
se
promène
à
bicyclette
c’est
ainsi
du
moins
que
le
voient
les
démocrates
étrangers
et
ce
dont
ils
s’émerveillent)
ne
vaut,
à
nos
yeux,
us
pour
être
le
symbole
d’un
manque
absolu
d’au-
dace,
le
signe
caract
riel
d’un
gâtisme
congénital
proposé
comme
"mode
de
vie"
à
tout
un
peuple.
Le
temps
n’est
plus
1a
pensée
libre
opposer
l’une
à
l’autre
les
églises
chrétiennes,
entretenir
leurs
dissens
ions
et
en
tirer
profit.
L’unité
des
Eglises
s’est
re—
formée,
l’"oecuménisme"
est
réalisé
dans
le
code
énal
de
la
Re-
gubäîgue
Fédérale
allemande
et
munich
nous
donne
En
aperçu
de
cette
des
dr
;
dont
revent,
nous
n’en
doutons
pas,
tous
les
"hommes
îor
e
-
pour
faire
droit
aux
exigences
des
diverses
confes-
â
ons,
la
loi
applicable
chaque
citoyen
combinerait
les
conman-
ements
du
catholicisme,
du
protestantisme,
du
Judaïsme
et
de
l'Islam.
va
Uùlnqh
o
a.
4..
m:
3*.“
mn—
a...
d-
“‘V‘
Sur
.15
Ingestion:
Lrtenpe
est
subdivisé
en
"secondes".
qui
sont
plut
un
noyau
d'orienuçion
que
dès
valeurs
absolues.
r
v.
Minima:
sont
donné:
de
l‘un
à
l'autro
du
ax‘çutonts
pour
indiqua:-
19:
ontr‘lu‘:
lever
très
hou:
la
bogue“.
ou
‘=
enchaîner
ouqsuôt
apr):
la
ung
Les
actions
'sur
les
instruments
sont:
l
.__..._
:
trappe
normale,
:
frotter
circulairannt
et
rapidement
au
bord
de
l'inserunont
avec
une
baguette
a.
métal‘ou
un
médiator;
une
goule
fois
ou:
K5)
x
plusieurs
fois,
lentonent
î
'
:
trénoxo
norul
x
trénolo
vitano‘urnblo
r
6')
ouM
glisser
transversalement
.,..-
1.4....
Lu»
t
"quasi
pizz.“'=
avec
l'ongle
ou
un
médiator-
{u-n,»
-
p...
.w
v
1.
“.‘4
P."
4.-!
'l
V-
n
Avec
un
archet
do
controbou'o‘.
porpohdioulaironont
au
bordr-nouvnnoñt
nous
rond.
V"
-—q
:
du
Bord
ou
contre
10)
la
l
x
laisser
vibrer-
_
11)
(toufror
immédiatement.
12)
u.‘
a
6toufîer
on
ulnhunt'lo
bois
de
)n
bogue".
v
contro
l'obJot
vibrant
Les
bague
tu
a
dures
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“r
vin-option"
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nzsmvtummnnïsîlonmêins
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1111:1“?
'mp'ääêä‘ä]
5':—
‘_
L11
‘g
Jill“
246.
Cambridge
245.
Decorcl‘ed
Englîsh
monuscrîpf
Bodleiun
(10th
cenfuorw
247.
Cofhedml
Iîbrcxry
monuscripr
b.
(.unbridza.
l’mwmly
1.11m“
)
:ç,
f.
x3
b
248.
tngrovlng
'1'
'..
8th
centuory;
n
.
l
h
h
van-#41
TLnufigu;ÊL4=V-rràglèqî;t;:næ‘u-c
32;;chnnnm1u-4mnäm,
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WDI'Dnnnm
"In
nnx.\.\n-:\'1'\L
svr‘m-rl‘man
0x
_\lu\'l'\ll'\r.<
331,3
"a
ara,“
7.-",
.th
un,
1mn
m.-
Im‘s-oufla
{anu-
lle'""3—'T‘
“Fuvrrls'n
‘J
99‘
q
w!"
ln-
'ullhll
tu
mlmal,
nul
2L4
un
[ho
Innn-inus
mm“
u!‘
mu
i“.i.‘;u-n<iv
x:
{m
u
'TJIQÏJnr‘HCa-Nnäh
1:1:5'
c
‘cñz
ï"
.
a
33...“
netsuf
bauds
rrussmg
cul-l:
uthvr.
but
nf
nutvhkc
Sîrllt'tlll't'a
lnî.v|'\\u\’x'n.
g
.2
à
tour'
probllll
(bus
r.
’3
.3
(Dhynul
thun-
flan).
chfld:
a
x
B.
u-Ihnpnd
t
banchgîJoY.
n,
à
-
2‘
Ur,
.C.7
a
d_
J;
An
Îrregflür
'ney-
1.
2,
3'
ä;
[15.
Bible,
Spain
(th
centuory)
ln'rrlm-l
nm“
Mm“!
r
1m.
Km:
.m
34,
“""'=’
pnnern.
'OH‘:
:Vz
rlmwî
kilnlnî
llflvl'lm'v
«Ï-“ulk
i.»
campus”!
n-mirn-l}
ul'
A.“
mail,
[I
l':ll|
lu‘
xix‘l‘H'mË
:Hn'
rr'îivuizlhfl
linv
lmHul'n
!:\‘
w-Hïng
(Iw
.
‘muhar
1’
figllrvs
:llml‘l
(un!
('nmlvining
un?)
:nm'
similm‘
nl‘
"1)14'1
wnm
ni
50L
:11»:an
in
llu-
\n_\.
l’y
plm'inu
ulw
un
rhv
In];
..!
1h.
nm.
1‘
x
.nsçuinouncn
and
n;:1kînj_rllnrlxm-»
mrnhnwis
vlnwÿ
‘_
“j
‘îä
4o
L144
1g
".1
1H.
-
'arJnrfi
îjïr'ÆLFJI—L:
1rJ-chan
ErÜ—ùg’lî—Lfi
’JtLrJ‘arl':
5111511411:
"H
vil:
(nm.
nul:
mnzwq
nm}.
mm
m.
mu:
mm
.
,1.“
‘ka
Iwwlwf
mm.”
Imw,
e‘
un
n
.4
17mm".
I4
rJ
“17"!!!”
m\:|Lav>{=;'aLDuvvmpmlko\-Lv
“a.
Mosoîc
ponnel,
Bethlehem
(4th
cenîucry)
pcmïsh
‘Çholn
poîmîng
."
î"
50m.:ernorc:
In
Surnwnir
un
Iln-
au:crlm'wl-mq'l;
is
grnvmll)
t‘->!lll_“"<'ll
xlmighï
bauds
“ilh
shnxin
ungzllur
lu-mh
“In
rc-
(ln-
<lirm'îiun
lh.
Mm!
(-hungwa,
and
lhx‘
[mm-rus
:nn-
ubxintwly
le‘ivI-«î
frum
1-.»nmhni.m
nî'
‘tmight
llnn-s
Roman
finger
ring
keys
222.
4l
Ann
Hogen
î:
Nomegîcn
poinfar,
now
living
in
London.
Lîke
James
Joyce,
anorher
expotriate,
she
îs
hounted
by
Îmoges
and
memorias
of
her
distant
homelond,
ifs
myrhs,
foîrins
and
ifs
lundscqpe.
ln
the
Figures
cf
her
"Trolls"
she
marges
orgiosfîc
abandon
whh
rhe
cool
cf
îhe
nordîc
Icndscape.
Her
powar
îs
consîderuble
and
sîill
growing
and
l
nm
con-
vinced
fin?
shc
stands
on
fhe
fhreshold
of
grec?
success.
un!
bus
Alvin.“
Ehrenzwaee
Æäâäîl
N???"
Regarde
coin.
“j
meni
bon
campeur
u
love
n,
c’esi-à-
dira
plie
les
cordages,
pour
éviier
que,
lrop
serrés,
ils
ne
s'humidiiieni
ei
ne
moisisseni.
Exerce-ioi
à
laire
les
nœuds
indi-
184,
Boni",
Afrim
qués
ici,
aussi
bien
de
jour
que
de
nuii.
rg'g
.1
18].
d
‘85.
Scout
knofs
de
d.
î
l"lC.
Tupv
'me
1‘
.xx
:um
and
mmm-
d.
m
-\
al
minus.
I83.
Papercufl
ë/
Scoîlond
(Fyvie)
Wcles
l86.
Double
ovol
rings
‘87“
crosswise
Interloced,
England
5%,
circuler
ring
with
four
exieriour
ioops
disrorfed
so
os
io
fit
info
c
circuler
spocé
Scotl.
Skinner
188.
186°.
Quodrupple
strqighî
Iine
spiral
-7
._Relîgicns
Dunce,
Donmark
106.
Voeve
Vodmel
14.—Jordan
curve
n
tuner
region
(l)
.1
un
un:
nxlon
(0).
Thc
boundary
of
a
simply
conneclcd
ümjted
region
bu
lhe
tracter
of
a
Jordan
curve.
Jordm
curve
i5
deñncd
as
a
Dpologicll,
5.6.,
as
a
onc
io
one
conünuous,
image
of
circlc.
I!
îs
therefore
a
closed
curve
which
does
no!
interscct
ilsclfA
Aside
from
this
the
shqpe
the
curve
irrclcvant.
Na.
un.
ÿSynun—ztml
14‘
v
gklfllwlv
I92.
Linc‘mr
l.c'yr:
.vtlh
Donish
Dance
109.
H4.
Vildmose,
well
Donmmk
1'11
M30
S'mpem
‘nend
S/memcal
Ioop,
Scorl
Focing
îo
lhe
Ieff.
113.
[mord
plaît
or
twist,
ScotLond
n
n
à
}(
v
c
_
Tipasa
w
n
ë
'
by
Mon
Ehrenzweig.
Abstract
art
has
becorne
a
greot
commercial
success,
a
situation
that
wos
quite
unthinkable
only
ten
years
ago.
lt
may
be
equaliy
unthinkable
today
that
the
very
success
of
abstract
art
may
have
sealed
its
doorn
and
that
ten
years
hence
the
circle
af
artistic
fashian
may
turn
once
again
and
oust
abstract
art
by
a
new
reference
to
nature
whether
you
care
to
call
such
reierence
reaiism,
representationalism,
naturalism
and
whot
else.
Ta
my
mind
the
time
cannot
be
far
oii
that
abstrac-
tion
exhausts
its
power
os
an
exciting
new
art
forrn,
if
it
has
not
reoched
this
paint
olreody
now.
It
is
hard
ta
remember
that
abstraction
when
it
iirst
orrived
carne
as
a
truc
Iiberation
ai
artistic
sensibilities.
No
langer
wos
it
necessary
for
the
artist
ta
match
form,
tone
and
calour
with
obiects
in
outer
reality,
he
could
ireeiy
indulge
in
the
emational
interaction
between
abstract
values
of
colour,
tone
and
form.
lnexploring
this
interaction
the
obstract
artist
ielt
that
he
was
obeyinga
formol
discipline
more
praiound
and
stingent
than
the
mere
imitation
oi
nature.
But
perhaps
ali
tao
quickly
the
new
ernotional
experience
vos
stunted
by
familiarity
and
hemmed
in
by
superficial
conventions
that
restricted
his
newly
won
artistic
irecdom
more
severly
thon
the
realistic
convevtiom
of
old.
For
instance,
it
bas
become
bad
taste
to
mix
in
the
sarne
picture
extreme
styles
likes
constructivism
and
tachism:
or
once
the
pointer
hos
chasen
one
kind
of
texture
there
remains
aniy
a
limited
range
oi
other
textures
irom
which
he
con
choose.
Still
the
obstract
artist
con
throw
such
demamk
of
good
tasteto
the
winà
thoughhe
rnay
do
saat
his
peril
.
ihere
exists
another
more
insiduous
restriction
in
obstroct
art
which
isiar
more
difficult
to
resist.
ltwas
found
thot
the
obstractartist
did
nat
need
the
illusionist
tricks
of
the
old
realism
to
creote
the
illusion
of
a
three-dirnensional
space;
the
abstract
values
of
t'orrn,
tone
and
colour
coulcl
construct
their
own
obstract
space
which
was
equaily
precise
os
the
former
realistic
space
illusion.
sure
sign
of
decadence,
ocademicteaching
particularly
in
theUnited
States
evolved
a
systernatic
method
for
studying
the
space-rndlting
propenies
oi
abstraction,
and
this
course
is
often
part
of
on
academic
syllabus.
This
devellopment
undaes
one
of
the
greot
achievernents
of
madern
art,
the
achievement
to
manipulate
only
the
two-dimensional
painted
surface
without
bothering
about
an
illusianist
three-dirnensianal
space
exponding
beyond
the
convas.
The
bottle
af
moaern
art
ta
regain
the
flat
painted
surface
has
been
Iost
once
beiore.
‘ihe
Impressianist
revalution
begon
as
a
liberation
ai
the
single
brush
mark
that
borlre
up
ail
coherent
line
and
precise
space
illusion.
But
the
enioyment
af
the
brush
mark
on
the
fiat
surface
did
not
last
long.
Saon
the
art
critics
discovered
that
by
stepping
bock
irom
the
canvos
the
eye
could
fuse
once
again
the
single
bhuh
strokes
intoa
caherent
texture
that
gave
a
new
illusion
of
space,
this
time
the
atmoæheric
space
of
the
open-air.
The
decadence
of
impressionism
set
in
when
the
painters
thermalves
accepted
os
their
prime
task
the
creation
of
an
atmospheiic
space.
lt
was
left
ta
the
modem
action
painters
and
tachists
to
rediscaver
the
quality
ai
the
single
mark
on
the
fiat
canvos.
The
dissolution
af
precise
space
was
not
without
pain.
One
remembers
the
disploaoure
which
contempories
of
Jacksoni’ailock
iirst
felt
when
they
were
faced
with
Poiloclr's
transparent
curtaîns
al
interlacing
loaps.
Today
we
no
longer
bother
ta
de-
tach
these
loops
and
treat
them
as
so
much
decorative
textures,
but
this
was
not
so
at
the
first
inpact
af
new
Americon
painting.
But
the
academic
reaction
whlch
l
have
aiready
described
was
not
langin
corning.
When
the
critics
discoveted
the
precise
space-making
properties
of
abstract
art,
the
artists
thernselves
soon
occepted
it
as
their
duty
to
construct
abstract
puce.
To
resist
the
demand
for
precise
space
is
dîificult.
This
is
borne
out
by
the
very
damaging
influence
which
American
gairrting
hod
an
British
art.
its
influence
reached
Britoin
rather
late
in
the
doy
when
the
acadernic
decadenee
had
olready
begun
in
America
itseli.
Sa
the
American
influence
was
overcome
and
swarrped
by
its
awn
ocadernic
backwash.
serious
and
honest
British
art
critic,
L.
Allowayinaw
curator
at
the
New
York
Guggenheim
Museum)
took
it
upon
itselF
at
the
time
ta
interpret
American
painting
ta
his
British
foliowers
and
greatiy
its
space—rndsing
ochievements.
As
a
result
the
British
painters
largely
absorbed
American
style
influences
in
their
already
decandent
acodemic
form.
At
a
meeting
of
Alloway's
fallowers
at
the
London
lnstitute
af
Contenporary
Arts
l
was
imprudent
enough
ta
try
and
correct
their
Iop—sided
perpective
of
American
art.
l
told
thon:
ai
my
visits
to
United
States
art
schaols
and
of
their
systematic
teaching
of
vaca-
rnaking.
i
told
them
how
l
hnd
tried
to
trace
this
practice
to
its
source
and
wos
repeatedly
given
the
îliustriaus
nome
ai
Han:
Hafmann
for
its
imtliication.
lt
proved
the
proiundity
oi
the
misunderstanding
that
Hofmann's
own
ldeas
are
quite
different.
He
llkes
to
speak
ai
the
pointer's
first
duty
towards
argonîzîng
the
flot
suface
of
his
canvas.
If
the
surface
was
well
organized
it
wouid
at
a
much
Iater
stage
of
the
work
automatically
reverberate
into
a
resanating
space.
But
this
space
was
a
by-prodlct,
a
reward
far
good
work
donc
on
the
flot
surface.
(There
is
a
parollel
totnis
in
musical
composition
where
a
good
plastic
soundis
a
reward
for
good
work
done
an
the
inner
polyphonie
structure;
to
use
musical
iargon:
a
good
vertical
sound
is
a
secondary
phenornenan
and
a
byprodsct
oi
a
goad
horizontal
polyphonie
structure.)
Ta
aim
outright
ot
a
precise
spatial
illusion
is
ta
neglect
the
painter's
primary
dvty
towarde
the
fiat
painted
surface.
told
the
young
Btitish
painters
how
the
American
painters
thernselve
had
risen
in
revoit
ogoinst
their
own
brand
of
acodem-
icisrr.
When
the
Californîan
pointer,
Dibenltarn,
turned
away
forrn
pure
abstraction,
he
used
reolistic
allusions
to
break
the
precise
abstract
space;
he
would
plant
amidst
his
abstract
planes
same
femie
figure,
iike
a
spider
in
her
web,
wha
by
her
mde
all
toa
concrete
presence
wouid
throw
the
precise
aberact
pace
around
her
into
confusion.
The
“Hard—edge'
pointer!
mode
a
tuner
uee
of
abstract
spoce
convention.
ihey
purposiey
constructed
an
aubiguaus
pace
thot
could
be
"me"
in
ditierent
ways
In
daing
sa
they
still
poid
bornage
ta
iust
these
conventions.
Tl'n
ovtcome
of
my
intervention
at
the
artists'
meeting
wos
pathetic.l
Nos
immediotely
accused
ai
advocating
anarchy
and
Allaway
pronounced
that
without
Ipoce
construction
abstract
art
would
becorne
a
"mess".
But
why
not
a
"mon"?
An
artist
bas
to
risk
chaos
os
often
as
he
ventures
into
new
territory.
Abstract
art
has
becnmc
so
tome
prgcîz-cly
becouse
it
is
sa
tidy,
sa
precise,
sa
well
ardered
by
acodemic
convention.
li
there
is
any
virtuein
academic
t
is
its
obility
to
prevent
making
a
mess.
lndeed
what
we
may
need,
could
be
a
new
"mess"
.
Perhaps
it
is
Pour
'1'
we
are
sa
afraid
of
any
referenca
to
nature.
Nature
is
indeed
disorderly,
it
places
next
ta
each
ather
iorms,
rextures
against
the
canons
of
good
obstract
taste.
When
abstraction
first
arrived
it
certainly
brought
a
new
:4“
"un
a
narraw
realistic
imitation.
Converser
could
it
not
be
that
a
renwed
contact
with
nature
way
now
help
us
ta
emonciyuie
ourselves
frorn
the
niceties
of
acadernlc
abstraction?
We
often
attack
an
oid
enemy
for
the
wrong
reasan.
The
old
reuiism
was
ielt
as
restrictive
becouse
it
forced
the
artia
ta
copy
existing
shapes
and
colours
much
in
the
way
in
which
a
photogrqshic
cornera
registers
the
proiections
ai
real
obiects.
ln
truth
the
artist
in
his
relation
to
nature
romains
entirely
Ms
awn
rnoster.
li
he
wishes
to
represent
real
obiects
he
is
free
to
invent
entirely
arbitrary
"equivalences'
oftheseobiects
that
have
not
relation
whatsoever
with
photographic
precisian.
lt
ls
the
great
achievement
of
Professor
E.
Gornbrich's
non
ciaxslcai
boak
Art
and
Illusion
ta
have
disposedonce
and
far
ail
ot
the
old
bogey
idoa
that
therealistic
artist
ai
ald
ruerer
copled
bis
awn
perceptions
of
nature.
Perception
is
euch
a
cornplex
process
that
almost
any
I‘equîvalence"
will
do
to
represent
roc?
e._-.-r.ts
on
a
fiat
oiece
of
oqter.
The
child
dons
nat
cheat
vrhen
he
treats
his
first
crude
scrawls
on
paper
as
true
alants
ai
daddy,
mumrny.
a
horse
or
a
home
or
indeed
any
abiect.
Ho
reaily
'sees"
thern
sa.
bomanch
came
tirst
t'ne
incredible
ilcxibiiity
ai
perception
and
the
arbitrariness
oi
the
artistic
equivolences
ot’
these
preceptions
in
an
s
ier
study
ai
the
caricature
which
ha
undertaok
with
the
psychoanaiyst-art
historien
E.
Kris.
It
îs
extremeiy
difficuit,
il
na‘
'rircssible,
to
underxtond
haw
and
why
a
good
caricature
succeeds.
The
caricaturist
abeys
na
teocbable
discipline,
he
a's‘
Is
tire
"correct“
autlines
ofa
face
or
bodyln
a
seemingiyarbitrary
way.
Yet
these
distortians
andmaiformatians,
partic-
.
crly
i‘
they
are
very
extrerne,
will
balance
each
ather
and
sa
produce
a
new
equlvalence
of
the
partrayed
thing
that
is
mure
nznsive
thon
a
conventiona!
drawing.
One
inonder:
why
the
art
ai
caricature
hos
remained
on
isolated
speciality
uncorwscted
with
the
main
streom
fa
art.
ihe
magic
ot'
transformation
inherent
in
a
good
caricature
shauld
yield
a
patent
Mec.
for
mare
ambitiaus
atterrpts
ot
representing
nature.
"Ennbrich
applied
the
imights
he
won
in
his
analysis
af
the
caricature
ta
a
better
understanding
of
Western
realîsm
in
geneml.
tic
rightly
recognized
that
the
magie
by
which
a
child
transforma
a
scrlbble
inta
a
satisiyîng
equivalence
af
his
parents
was
oi
the
same
kind
that
turned
the
malformations
of
a
caicature
into
a
crueliîkenessJ
myself
believe
that
the
cures
which
the
child,
the
caricaturist
and
the
artist
in
generai
creates
of
real
abiects
are
fundamentally
arbitrary
ot
the
mystery
af
human
crativnass,
but
Gombrlch
thinks
that
the
act
of
creating
a
lilreness
ar
equivalemce
must
nm
stages
a
phase
ai
arbitrory
“moking”
which
is
followed
by
a
mare
precise
'matching"
af
the
product
against
.
...
maigre.
The
child
gradually
refines
hls
first
crude
“schema'
of
the
human
face
by
adding
to
his
scrowi
further
‘..|owi!
rupresanting
eras,
halr
and
sa
on
thot
his
work
graduolly
approaches
a
botter
matched
likeness.
This
may
well
be
ra.
But
the
point
romains
that
the
iirst
free
invention
succeeds
accarding
ta
its
own
mysterious
laws
the
same
freedom
may
npply
to
later
refinementsand
modifications
that
can
claimthe
same
pantaniety
and
originallty.
Gambrich
hirnselfdiscussed
tize
'run
ni
Doumier
who
applied
the
freedom
of
the
caricatureto
his
serious
painting.
As
in
the
caricature
he
blindiygroped
icr
t
..-
l
wi
iveoutline,
superirrposingline
upon
Iine
urûil
the
miracle
ai
a
convincing
equivaience
was
achieved.
He
mode
attempt
at
obiectlve
matching.
lt
is
this
kind
of
free
realisrn
irom
whlch
a
future
new
realisrn
Inay
well
grow.
x,’
.
t.....I
cheats
usa
little
bychoosing
as
hismain
exarrpie
for
successful
innovation
ln
realîsrnthe
achievement
oi
Constable
wlio
brolu
a
:entury-old
schema
af
representing
depth
in
a
landsccpe.
tradition
going
bock
to
antiquity
distinguished
tire
fn'ground
by
a
warrn
galden-brawn
colour.
This
schema
was
a
free
oquivalence
because
no
attenpt
ot
nsatching
could
Mu
praved
that
colours
in
the
iorground
were
invariany
a
golden
brawn.
Constable
was
able
to
destroy
this
arbritrary
yet
:wv'mt
convention
by
matchlng
the'foreground
against
lts
'true'
colaurs,
far
instance
by
using
a
pure
greeninstead
ai
brown
îu
point
vegetation.
But
the
real
colour
revolutian
came
a
llttle
later
with
the
lnpressionists,
there
we
meet
with
the
true
artistlc
freedom,
without
matchîng,
that
is
ta
say,
wîth
a
free
arbitraryinventian
of
a
new
calour
scale
that
had
nopoœible
match
in
nature.
The
lnpressionists
forced
us
to
accept
their
distorted
colaurs
much
in
the
way
in
which
the
caricaturiet
rndms
us
accepts
his
malforrnatiom
os
a
convincing
likeness.
The
lrnprenionim
revelled
in
an
entirely
free
use
af
calour
penche:
as
rnuch
as
they
indulged
in
their
enioyment
of
the
single
brush
stroke
that
had
hardly
any
match
in
anlective
s
,.cs.
Later
the
lmpressionists
in
their
acadernic
decadense
fell
a
victim
to
their
men
illusionist
triurnph
and
tried
to
analyse
their
coloursaccording
to
the
lava
of
optics,
in
analogy
to
thebreaking
up
oiday
iight
in
the
spectmrn.
Fartunately
they
were
net
consistent
in
their
scientificpretensians.
ihe
Yorluhire
pointer,
Harry
Thubnon,
once
paintedto
the
inconsistent
use
of
colaur
in
sarne
of
Seurot's
and
Monet's
lest
wcceesful
plctures.
One
corner
of
a
painting
might
be
filled
by
an
imitation
af
pallid
atrnospher‘c
bine-
and
greens;
but
in
another
corner
the
artist
would
forget
all
matching
in
a
free
tumble
of
unrealable
colour
patches
and,
paodoxically,
ochleve
there
a
truer
image
ot
reolity.
.r.,;,v
38..“
110.8
«4%
0-
bovl
neutcheon:
Saxon
monanery
of
Ihitby
Guldho
m
,Gal
Iehul
Danmnrk
5115m9!“
and
Seldjunerie
54'
(‘mfls’noLrto‘m'
Scotl'
.c
rosa—51a!)
ut
[irriemuin
aNII—hendmt
Lenmhago'ficotl.
“l
ne
Bomdrup
rune—staerilkeleÆennul‘k.
Sand—draving
of
the
way
of
çhe
semant
anapimhich
creuted
the
route
u!‘
the
water.Austrnlia.
Œbe
triceps,
an
olô
flcrùic
sign.
Q1
symva
cf
beabmlg
pomer.
Bu
tracing
ite
perimeter
from
tbe
apex
bach
to
tbz
aux
me
rmlisetbrmeaning
oftbemctôs:
i.
«42%..
ès:ä\\
wq
çà;
151):
il)!!!
ofŒob
ôcsœnbmg
sa
.sg'.
upon
tbe
motlô,
55mm
to
anb
575/5443
:533:
‘33
_:fi\\'
294:2
“Prïght
cm3!—
V.
_
fro
01)?!th
Œartb
anb
tztume
‘7'
15»,
llnbçfionvle
.Scofl
46.
again
on
ñigb.”
'ryr
.nd
tho
Fonrinolf
vith
headl
trllkolc.
m
.Viking
ÿart
.vooden—c
hurch
‘Iorning
.Denlnrk
Connu
Mi"
m
All
week
long
tbe
Indioatlal
lied
been
coming
in.
HaIr-fine
the
IIttle
flmrel
in
the
structure,
but
deadly,
reody
to
crack
open
lnto
Iagged
ineperdale
wounds.
girl
In
Wondsworth
had
woken
up
one
mornîng
with
her
hoir
turned
te
green;
bolf
a
column
of
local
news
in
tire
had
inexplicany
æpeared
in
ripper-case;
a
traffIc—beaeon
In
Oxforqutreet
liad
lofl
a
foot
in
belght
frorn
one
second
to
the
next.
Ploned
agaîmt
tlme,
the
outbreak
show-d
o
rising
curve;
plotted
ogoimt
puce,
a
phare
dentered
on
Ladoroke
Grave
with
îts
periphery
already
in
the
wburbs,
and
çreoding
fut.
Another
month,
and
we
were
ail
undone.
Surnmoning
up
tbe
attitude
of
a
Roman
Senotor,
l
rang
through
for
black
coffee
and
Norma
Streatfield.
The
coffee
nova
corne;
office
polltlcs
were
running
ogainst
me
that
week.
Normo
never
came,
eîther,
but
about
two
home
loter
a
rather
floshy
blonde
în
a
ginghom
frock
qapoared
at
my
desk
wlthout
warning
and
saId
breathlmly,
"Noana-con't-come-she's—stili-recoverIng—from-o—tbrash—at-Fulham-she—soid—would-I-do?"
gloorned.
"You'II
have
to
do.
Con
you
îrnlate
constants
In
a
flux?
Do
you
know
wbat
sang
tire
Sirem
sang?
Con
you
cost
Hosperîan
copies?"
"Corne
ogoin?“
“Never
mInd.
Here's
a
quid.
Go
do'wn
to
Westbourne
Park,
pick
tp
this
fellow
called
Maloney.
Spode,
but
born
of
the
Old
Country,
cross
my
heart.
Blockest
thlng
that
ever
came
out
of
Kerrynhere's
hîs
address.
He
Imam
the
d‘iII--
you're
ta
work
the
area
over
wIth
him
looking
for
Irveguloritîes.’I
'What
kind?"
'Anything
obviausly
“Huit
must
be
recent.
Fîve-legged
kittens,
outbreaks
of
impossible
diseuses,
antique
dealers
in
the
Portobello
Rood
giving
away
Sheraton
Iideboards-œnything
In
that
line.
Try
tire
odd
paragraphinthe
and
the
TIMES--they
mîght
give
you
a
lead.
Maloney
knom
a
lot
of
tl'le
locals.
Incîdentolly,
keep
an
eye
on
him-wnobtrusive,
like.
get
along
fine
with
hlm
myself,
but
I'rn
not
pald
to
get
on
with
poople,
iust
to
make
sure
that
when
we
poy
‘em,
tbey
work
far
us,
not
for
Ihonh"
'Wl'lo's—-?"
'Never
you
mInd.
Thînk
yourself
lucky
you
don't
knw.
Wbat's
your
narne?‘
'Mary.
Mory
Banks.
How
do
Iget
pain?"
“In
englisl!
money.
When
you
delivor.
Sbove
off,
now--|
qu
tbe
bath
of
you
here
at
nine
tonight.
Rous."
She
raused.
Sornething
cool
was
nuzzling
into
my
hand;
the
yellow
phone.
rcpped
ît
over
the
earpiece.
“Idiot.
You're
supposed
to
be
a
phone,
not
a
cocker
spaniel.
Anyway,
what
Is
it?“
No
onswer.
l
sbook
it.
"Don't
sulk,
and
don't
waste
my
tlme.
Whot
it?"
"You
don't
love
me,"
said
a
small,
tînny
voice.
took
a
deep
breath.
"Honey,
l
love
you
to
deatb.
Wby
else
slxauldl
turn
you
into
a
telephane
sa
l
can
have
you
on
my
desk
to
look
at
all
day
long?"
'Thcre's
two
ather
phones
on
the
desk.
Do
you
love
thon
toa?‘
'Tliey're
different.
Anywoy,
rweetheart,
hæpen
to
be
in
the
mlddle
of
a
crhIs
rlght
now.
Have
you
onythlng
te
tell
me,
or
net?”
“Yes.
Jonson
over
at
Griffith
House
Is
worried.
He
says
the
buses
have
been
runnlng
to
scliedrle
for
two
whole
days.‘
'They
baye:
Hurling
Yellow
down
on
tire
blottingaad,
where
she
Iay
squeddng
lndlgnantly,
l
matched
up
Redl
"Notting
Hill
GateuAlert
One.
operatives
drop
what
you're
doing
and
concentrote
for
the
next
two
hoon
on
delayina
buses
pauîng
through
your
areu,
This
I:
urgent,
repent
urgent.
Report
bock
on
progreu
in
one
hour.
ml...“
Raymond's
Cayf
stands—-being
supported
on
one
sîde
by
a
Vendor
of
Gents'
American
Sultlng
and
on
the
other
by
one
of
Londan's
Iost
remaining
genuine
flea-pit
cinernanusomewhere
along
tIie
lowef
reaches
of
the
Portobello
Road.
On
mekends,
the
detritus
of
the
Market
forms
a
sort
of
leu—ride
mark
o
few
yards
up
the
road.
lndud,
one
of
the
reasons
for
the
Cayf's
continued
existence
îs
probany
the
custom
of
those
wlio
sIt
there
through
the
long
Saturdoy
ofternoom
and
avenian
brooding
aver
tepid
cups
of
tea,
waiting
tiII
the
stalls
pack
up
and
9o.
At
that
time
thon
humon
voitures
Ially
forth,
confident
of
picking
up
the
odd
bit
of
kindling-waod,
the
totally
unusoble
canvasuwho
knovn?
aven
porhæs
sorne
indestructibly
anciem
chair
that
the
vendor
sinply
cannot
stand
tbe
sigle
of
ony
longer.
Patience.
Cunnlng.
With
tlrne,
things
can
be
acqvired.
Meanwhile,
Raymond's
Cayf
endures,
o
sort
of
wperannuated
Robbers'
Cave.
Wbo
was
the
srnall
dork
mon
with
the
enormovs
note
wbo
sot
in
the
shadows
of
this
noiuome
place
lote
thot
ofter-
noon?
Why
did
he
keep
fingering
the
bock
of
bis
neck?
Who
wos
the
tall,
willowy
blonde
who
sot
acrou
front
hîm?
Why
did
she
keep
looking
op
at
the
celling?
And
l—Mtiednnuflmmfinî
l
have
no
idea
who
the
srnall
dork,
etc.
mon
was.
bad
never
“en
hirn
before,
and
hope
ta
God
never
see
him
again.
At
a
guess,
l
would
say
he
wos
fingering
the
bock
of
bis
neck
because
fie
suspected
be
was
developing
leptosy
thora-
The
tall
willowy
blonde
was
Ellen
Dag--a
rore
piece
of
Danîsh
r
let
t
payina
her
ten
shillings
on
bout
to
be
there.
could
spore
the
moneyîaîutyl
needmeGd
filelr
l:e:c:r.ocîl::
l
m”
celtentlon
of
Harry
Ackers.
Gold,
real-estate,
folding
money,
smalloibleruall
those
things
meant
Iittle
ta
Har
r
-—b
t
ha
l‘um
the
contents
of
a
pair
of
lS-denier
fuIIy-fasliioned,
and
he
was
with
you.
And
once
you
had
him
with
ou
something,
because
Harry
Îs
one
end
of
a
piece
af
string
tbe
other
end
of
which
is
attached
to
tl1e
Old
Ori
zou
the
Darkneu
that
Iay
upon
the
Waters,
la
tbe
lîps
of
Lilllth,
to-—l
swear
it--tbe
Absolute
itself
knew
tbît
if
l
cule?
fînd
out
the
real
origin
of
tbe
rot
that
was
spreading
so
fast
across
London,
Harry
was
my
man.
Ând
l
knew
tl'nat
worfh'
lo
during
Harry's
circuitous
daily
tour
oi
town
be
would
pas:
Roymond's
Coyf,
wouId
peer
In
brieil
and
would
th
me
mg
pass
by,
according
to
whetlun
lie
saw
trouer;
or
skirts.
Sa
there
sot
Ellen.
Y,
en
gay
or
i
And
l?
lw—wltat's
that?
Why
did
sl'ue
keep
looking
up
at
the
ceiling?
Don't
be
sîlIy-—tbat
was
iqu
becouse
she
dldn
t
want
to
look
at
the
.small
dark
rnan
with
tlw
anormaux
nase.
Obvious,
isn‘t
It?
Dol
have
to
tell
you
everythi
Well,
as
was
saylngul
,
dear
reader,
lw
was
Raymond.
Yes.
Thd
bulking
barrell—cliested
figure
wrestling
Cigth
the
samovar
on
tl‘ie
countel,
it
is
no
les:
thon
your
humble
servant,
Sarn
Swivell,
private
investigator,
man
of
all
arts
Il
d
magncnan
to
the
Coth
of
King
Oberon,
and
Keoper
ai
the
Royal
Ïolly
to
boot.
Àllos
Raymond
at
the
time
naflurall’
:m.
great
lover
oI
the
grossly
obvious,
in
my
normal
manifestations
escliew
ovendeveloped
clients
and
gorilld
orrm
But-if
o
wont
to
rnoîntaîn
even
the
appearance
of
keeping
order
in
a
gaff
lîke
tbat,
you
bave
to,
show
‘iou've
got
what
it
take
you
when
a
few
et
the
boys
drop
around
for
a
punch—up.
Hence
the
get-up.
Fortunately
for
my
sanity,
only
needed
to
un:
it
for
o
Iew
haurs
a
week——I
don't
think
l
could
have
stood
rnvch
mare
of
standing
straighl
uprîght
and
still
bruising
rny
knuckies
en
tl’n
floar.
Of
course,
Raymond,
had
to
be
In
the
Cayf,
day
In
and
day
out,
no
matter
where
Sarn
Wol.
Ibis
was
no
grief,
thougli;
iust
switcbed
the
controls
over
to
on
exceptionally
stupid
poltergela
l
had
foolisbly
collected
in
a
mixed
swqt
one
rother
heavy
Midsommer
Nigl’it's
Eve.
tbink
somaone
had
put
medlcal
alcohol
In
my
potion.
Anyway,
It
worked
out
rIgIe,
became,
altliough
this
poltergeist
couldn't
polter
wartb
twopence,
he
was
perfectly
suited
ta
running
a
cretin-
type
body
IIke
Raymond's.
Nice
deal,
really.
.
.
'Yoo-hoo."
Get
that
old
rebel
yell
.
shadow
now
darkendd
the
doorway--a
tall,
thin
beanpole
of
a
shadownHam/‘s.
My
luck
was
in.
The
tiny
bead
ducked
undor
tbe
Iintel;
the
tall
cadaverou:
body
àifted
towords
Ellen
Iike
math
to
candle.
Harry's
face
rmnbled
o
anal!
Iurrp
of
dough
with
o
dong'u-button
for
o
non,
a
beny
for
o
mouth,
and
two
enormous
black
prunes
for
eyes.
Eilen
beamed
bock,
the
while
l
flipped
up
the
lid
of
the
tourner
and
sidled
up
behind
them.
Ïhe
beonpole
bent
over
towards
that
enticing
unile--or
strated
to.
Sornetbing
stopped
him--my
enormouw
paw,
gripping
a
hanäul
of
looso
cootback.
Tbe
other
paw
came
up,
çipped
tbe
seat
of
Harry's
ponts,
lifted;
In
a
moment
l
was
carrying
hîm
horizontally
past
rhe
coonter
and
into
the
murky
hinterland
of
the
’6
Iowered
Ilim
to
the
floor,
with
my
foot
flrmly
on
his
choc.
He
on
there,
wrlthing
and
hining.
Quite
Iîterally;
l've
never
been
oble
to
get
Pli.
documentation,
but
I'Il
swou'
lue
wasborn
with
a
make
body.
His
tangue
îns't
actuolly
forked,
but
lt
Is
preternaturally
long,
and
In
moments
of
rage-nos
lus!
nom,
for
imtonce--it
flickes
in
and
out
în
paroxyum.
l
shoved
Iny
face
down
twards
bis,
stopping
iust
short
of
thdt
dortan
tangue,
and
put
on
my
tbe
Ape-Man
Face.
'Yeu
wonna
tolk
to
Ellefl,
bof?"
The
hissan
stopped,
the
eye:
drew
smoller
and
duller.
“Venu.
Let
me
go.“
"Yau
tell
Raymond
sometliing
firxt.
Thon
Raymond
let
you
talk
with
Ellen.“
(Soma
hopes.
Tl'ut
briglæt—eyed
beauty
had
take'n
ber
money
from
the
tIIl
and
skipped
out
the
chor
the
minute
l
havlad
Harry
away
from
ber.)
Silence.
l
bent
Iomer,
grimacan
and
expoeing
my
Iogged
incllorl.
'Who
Il
It,
Harry?“
'lss
wl'lat?"
“You
know
what
mean.
Wl'lo's
tearîng
up
the
gaine?"
Under
my
foot,
Harry
suddenly
rîgîd
a!
on
îron
bu.
Silence.
silence
that
went
on
and
on.
l
could
feel
the
aîr
in
thot
grim
place
tautenlng
os
thevgil
God
Almighty
wa:
hauling
on
tbe
gay-repas,
could
feel
the
course
plg-bristle
tbat
possed
for
hait
on
Raymond'l
scalpnmy
scalp—‘stirring
and
lifting.
Pressing
my
foot
down
flrmer,
rldsed
a
glance
around.
lt
vos
Impossible
to
see
post
the
counter
Into
the
Cayf;
three
feet
In
any
direction
around
me
the
air
I'Iad
curdled
into
the
comlstency
and
calour
of
oatmeal
porrldge.
lmtinctlvely
l
shoved
border
with
my
foot.
It
gave;
looked
bock
and
bien
at
Harry,
and
pave
a
yelp.
Ho
wo:
sidslno.
.
He
won
sunk.
.,
à
.
h
'
=
t
w
_
'
:hupe
alinéa
Waîuç/Ma’za’w
4Ëoxwuäruld
Dtç
4bù4vtä%firul4
äïuuno
mù./Èx44’âa
4/1:
dz.
’àw
1&4
74W.
nm“!
«(i
fia/W
ou»
Woï
0&4
"œfiw
4%?“
dz.
1pä'æ’W:
un“
fjudz'rual
4M
4/1-
W/
Wc
face/ngé-
4,4
wm
4mww
ut
W‘
m3014.
ll/ÆW
A:
J—c
W’m
4/.
Mge—
a:
'
The
shape
which
the
triquetra
M‘
mple
wample
Knot
assumas
the
coins
fihe
Daniah
King
Anlaf
of
1-
Northumbria.
is
certainly
suggestive
of
the
"triskele"
ra
of
tho
three-cornerad
Knot.
curve
0'
Soppe
x
z
ces
t(3
ces
1)
the
Knot
31'
cor:
t
sin
t
z
r
sin
t(?5
ces”
_
1)
q.
Example
Ribbon
of
Machina
tue
thrfie
Ringsif
one
takes
zmail
(me
ring
tL-Ie
_'
"—
ä
-—
p1
other
two
are
disjoined.
5.
4_1ÿ
l.”
}
Thus
each
rlng
the
initial
ribbon
supports
the
tvo
othere
'the
ribbon
of
Hoebius
is
not'
orientable
By
making
one
or
more
cuts
complex
topological
multiplications
can
be
transformed
into
figure
a
simple
connection
tho
ribbon
of
Moobius
being
sactioned
twice
x
=
a
sin
Paranotric
equationa
a
a
sin
3e
x—,
Guldhorn
og
Lukkehiul
Asger
.lorn,
Danmark
Pour
la
forme
-
Asger
Jorn,
France
Rindermalereien
aus
Australien
cat.
Kunstgewerbemseum,
Zurich
Vollultunst
aus
Groubünden
Kunstgewerbe
museum,
Zurich.
Cat.
Art
nouveau
und
Jugendstil,
Um
Kunstgewerbomuseum
Zurich.
Cot.
De
l'art
des
Goules
a
l'art
Français
Toulouse.
Cat.
Kunstgewerbe
der
Merowingerzeit
Mainz.
Cat.
La
reine
Bathilde
et
son
tonps,
Exposition
Merovlngienne
Ville
de
Chellos.
Cat.
10.
Le
musée
départemental
des
Antiquités
de
la
Seine
Inférieure.
Cat.
Il.
Le
moyen
age
et
les
origlnas
de
L'Europe
Ch.
Dawson
(translated
from
English)
L'Europe
préhistorique
Sophus
(tronslated
from
Swedish)
13.
Den
Danske
Billeàribel
(kalkmalerier
in
de
Danske
kirker)
Braby-Jchansen.
l4.
Kuml
'51,
Kuml
'56,
Kuml
'59
aarbag
for
Jysk
arkaeologisk
selskab.,
Danmark
l5.
Damnarks
Sanglege
Tvermase
Thyregod
16.
Jaar—boek
Twente
I962,
Holland
Merovingische
ombochtskunst
Glazema,
J.
Ypey,
Holland
l8.
Van
Friozen,
Franken
en
Saksen,
350-750,
Holland
l9.
Symbollster
l
red.
Ragner
Josephson,
Sweden
De
Volksvermaken
ter
Gouw,
Holland
187l
.
Synagoga
Stadtîsclte
Kunsthalle
Recklinghausen.
Cah,
Germony
22.
Engravings
from
Narmandy
Scandinavien
lmnstltute
for
Comparative
Vondalism,
Danmark
Cultures
materlelles
de
la
cote
d'lvaire
Hollas,
France
The
bock
of
signs
-—
Rudolf
Koch,
England
(translated
from
German)
Die
Saline
der
Sonne
Marcel
Homet,
Germany
(translated
from
Franch)
DieWelt
ols
Labyrintln
Gurtav
René
Hocke,
Germany
Gedichte
Paul
Klee,
Switzerland
Paul
Klee
Werner
Haftmann,
Germany
Jackson
Pollock
O'Haro
30.
Plastiek
des
Jahlhunderts
Caralo
Gideon
Welckel
3l.
Paul
Klee
-W.
Grohmann
Gaudi
Le
Corbusier
33.
Le
long
voyage
Tapiwerie
-
Jorn,
Wemaere,
France
34.
Jouons
avec
du
papier
Th.
Bank-Jansen,
France
ltranslated
fram
Danisl'I)
35.
Premiers
preuves
pour
devenir
scout
de
France
36.
Le
livre
des
noeuds
par
Kaa
France
37.
L'Art
populaire
en
Roumanie
38.
Die
Nardgermanen
Eric
Graf
Oxenstierna,
Germany
(translatcd
from
Swedish)
39.
Les
Arts
primitif
Francais
Art
Mérovingien-art
Carolingien-art
Roman
Léon
Gischia
et
Lucien
Mazenod
40.
Art
populaire
tamel
t
ll,
France
4l
.
Les
arts
décoratifs
Turcs-Celol
Esod
Aneven
Das
Erbe
unseref
Aluth
Franz
Carl
Endres,
Germony
43.
Archaeologia
volume
96,
89,
9l
Miscellaneous
tracts
relating
to
antiqulty-socioty
of
antiquaries
of
London
.
w
44.
Tl'Ie
early
Christian
monuments
of
Scatland,
a
classified,
illustrated,
descrptive
list
of
the
monuments,
with
an
anolysî
of
their
symbolism
and
oroamentation
Romailly
Allen,
Han.
Scot
-
Dedinburgh
45.
Principles
of
Topological
Psycholagy
Kurt
Lewin,
l936
England
(translatod
frorn
Gennan)
Photo's
wicli
are
nat
from
ene
of
the
bock:
ara
klndly
given
to
us
by
the
Scandinavlan
lnstitute
ai
Couperotive
Vondalism.
Koptische
Geworbe
(Textilkumt
der
'dgyptischen
Frut-christen
des
2.
bis
Jahrh.
Kunstgeworbe
museum,
Zu'îch.
Cçt.
h
Someone
wax
rocklng
the
bout.
This
n°17,
os
said_by
tne
aurnof,
George
Hoy
to
be
mode
in
a
topological
mariner,
coincides
strangely
enaugh
with
a
worls
realiud
in
the
l5th
centuary
and
completer
unknown
to
the
author.
Among
the
Church
(chalk)
palntings
in
Danmark
happen
ta
live
tlw
very
xame
image)
as
used
'by
George
Hay
in
his
story:
short
trlpp
ta
chaos.
Tire
deformed
creatvres
and
moving
smells
are
happîly
put
together
and
mixed
up
on
the
bore
walls
of
these
smalbwhlto
churchcs.
How
did
tllm
images
mpeal
on
the
wolls
mode
by
a
greot
Renaissance—master-lwnd,
and
how
did
tney
change
place
a
yocrs
Inter
to
renew
their
plastic
eappacities
on
the
other
sirle
al
the
Channel
in
the
stary
af
t'ne
new—choissanca
artist
George
A:
wid
tl'te
cotiser
had
never
seen
or
even
fteord
of
those
prae-topological
church-images
in
far
away
Danmark,
theîr
is
no
doubt
that
until
the
very
abusent
et
this
printing
of
hi;
text,
all
possibility
of
any
early
similarity
was
quit
unknown
to
him.
We
can
only
conclude
that
it
might
happen
to
be
due
to
the
great
faculty
ol
deformation
and
derivation
a!
the
topalogical
placticties
Wl'lîch
forces
their
products
to
penetrote
onywhere
nt
any
tirne
in
any
farm.
Where,
when
and
how
will
the
next
realisotion
be.
Therefofe
any
deformation,
reproduction,
modification,
derivotion
and
transformation
of
the
tîmes
is
permitted.
’Bvâ
55H
in
.
lron
338b.
k
ports
à
j
'
u
.
-.r
Î'
v.
ï'vv"
ô]
28|.
BobGîll
-
las?
word
on
iozz
(I962)
33"”?
"‘
m"
(“É-l!"
il,
‘t’
..1}
Î.
'v
‘79.
Knot
wrirîng
of
|nca's
Simh‘on:
I.i!r
<parr
pan
ni
n
mmmd
in
km“
nl
au
comcnl
nuumn
Thc
mg
"me
ma)
ont
mqun
ur
nl
(In
mm
mvulawm
silmliam
’l'hc
11mlth
xrfrn
u‘uhu
(o
me
xcncral
m:
muni:
ar
:he
maman“)
.umun
Simnüon,
aval-main;
Tvm
m
mur:
silualintu‘n
mu
nmnîumuh
and
whlrh
luvc
:\
u‘mrwm
put,
wgm
u
gcuemll)’
1mm
mm
mi;
memn
à“:
ol
(me
movrmrnl:
chions
“(:stth
(o
lhc
pnsnn
(mm
hi.
pn-J'nr
nmuun.
'Ihu:
spncc
n!
hce
mon'mrnl
îs
usunlly'
a
muinply
mnle
IrniorL
lu
arc
dcxrrminud
mmuy
hy
(x)
“km
in
fmmd—
u:
r
persan,
(:1
nm
i;
leunvî
his
mania.
Smcrurc
ol
n
region:kc!zmwl'1]drgrcn
n!
(liant-numînn
lh‘
'rvênr
I"!
BU,"
son
nflo
Silos
(noir
nmxgv-mml
[un
rcgkms,
u,
11mm
n!
l-Jnnminn
bclwrn
-.
pue
“1
4‘
l962
European
critique
ai
the
inadequate
programme
which
lnas
iust
been
presented
ta
President
Kennedy
and
Governor
Rocke-
Feller
by
the
ocademic
staff
oi
Universities,
Colleges,
and
Research
Institutes
far
New
York
City
and
the
Cambridge—Boston
Area,
with
the
aim
of
bverthrarwing
il'tQ
absurd
procedures
oi
"civil
deiense"
in
the
United
States.
We
should
like
to
point
out
the
absurdity
and
complote
emptiness
of
the
decalratian
mode
by
you
as
the
"Civil
Defense
Letter
Commettee"
in
the
l'New
York
Times"
ci
Saturday
December
30,
I961
(International
Édition),
uniess
one
considers
lt
onlyas
a
pure
declaration
of
personal
conscience
against
the
new
American
defense
palicy.
We
regret
the
tact
thatthere
cannot
be
found
a
single
element
of
real
importance
in
all
your
opposition,
and
we
propose
that
you
ioin
us
in
a
concrete
attitude
towardsour
common
oim.
We
therefore
suggest
that
you
adopt
the
positive
programme
of
the“Comit6
European
pour
une
Relance
de
l'
Expansion
Humaine“
(European
Committee
For
the
Persuit
of
Hurnan
Expamsion)
which
proposes
to
croate
a
new
cultural
Renoimnce,
a
new
practical
liberty.
'
For
this,
it
is
necessary
to
subscribe
to
ou!
three
fundamental
demands.
l.
promise
that
shall
never,
personnaliy,
under
any
circumstances,
set
foot
in
an
atomic
shelter.
lt
is
botter
to
dîe
standing
with
all
tbe
cultural
heritage
oi
humanity,
the
perpetual
modification
ai
which
must
romain
our
task.
2.
l
refuse
to
have
anyhing
whatsaever
to
do
wîth
the
new
aristocracy
of
the
caves,
and
never
to
drink
in
the
company
of
on
owner
or
builder
of
an
atomic
shelter;
Far
thîs
subterranean
aristocracy,
even
if
ît
manage:
to
survive
the
disaster,
will
be
of
the
quality
of
sewer
rats,
and
could
in
no
case
be
considered
a
continuation
of
the
human
race.
3.
At
this
point
in
our
present
situation
it
is
not
so
much
the
thermonuclear
war,
but
rother
the
threat
of
this
wos,
which
shows
the
absolute
bankruptcy
of
all
the
politicians
in
the
world.
The
capitalist
or
bureaucratic
leaders
ot
bath
East
and
West,
already
moka
use
oi
their
bombs
every
day,
in
order
to
secure
power
for
them-
salves.
Only
it
one
realizes
thot
they
have
placedtl’remselves
beyond
the
law
can
one
establisha
new
legality
l
therefore
pledge
myself
not
to
expect
tl'le
necessary
upheavals
oF
society
by
any
of
the
existing
formations
of
speciaiised
politics.
ln
the
First
stages
ane
can
demanda
neutralisation
ai
the
detense
program
ot
states
by
theirtransference
into
anArmed
Force
controlled
by
the
United
Nations.
At
the
same
time
military
programme
of
conquest
could
be
submîtted
ta
a
warld
organ-
ization
like
U.N.E.S.C.O.
thaugh
radically
transformed
and
divested
ct
its
dependecy
upon
state
bureaucracies.
This
organization
would
coordinate
the
development
of
spacial—interplanetary
activites
of
different
groups
intoa
perspective
oi
human
solidarîty.
Only
the
unification
ai
our
military
traditions
in
the
whole
warld
towards
a
spacial
expansion
can
guarnotee
world
peace,
the
alternative
of
peace
and
atomic
war
beeing
false,
because
in
iact
there
is
no
chaice.
The
choice
which
imposes
itseli
upon
modem
man
is
tbe
continuation
of
imperialis
competition
oi
human
destruction
or
the
Renaissance
oi
humanîty
on
a
spacial
scale.
But
the
new
Frontier
of
mankind
is
not
only
in
Outer
Space;
it
is
in
tire
radical
transformation
of
life
on
this
planet.
If
the
nations
can
corne
to
an
agreement
to
maintain
peace
in
transforming
it
into
spacial
expansion,
on
the
question
ai
total
expansion
of
mankind
we
cannat
corne
to
an
understandlng
withthe
"nations".
Weare
not
unconditianal
partisansai
peace:
the
profound
error
of
the
intellectual
Americans
in
their
defense,
devoid
of
imagination,
of
the
actual
peace
which
they
wish
to
preserve.
Nobody
really
Iîkes
this
peace,
which
nourishes
not
only
the
menace
of
such
a
was,
but
also
the
total
alienation
of
actual
dain
lite,
and
the
absolut
boredom
of
a
society
on
the
road
ta
cybernîtîsation.
Peace
remains,
Iike
this
lite
itself,
without
importance;
and
what
is
important
is
human
expansion:
tire
creation
of
events
tbat
suit
us.
We
are
going
to
inforrn
you
ingreater
detall
in
our
reviewMUTANT,
which
will
appear
in
the
spring,
of
your
underdevelop-
ped
attitudes,
as
well
as
those
of
the
Russions.
We
hope
that
many
of
the
subscribers
ta
your
manifest
will
iain
us
in
this
perspective,
which
can
give
a
future
to
your
direction.
Tin
Round
Pond
ai
a
May
morning.
Tha
Pomp
and
Circumsîancc
March.
Gonflan
l
once
grw
in
a
atone
sink.
The
Alphablu
And
in."
was
lighî.
And
rha
athers
wara
talklng
Iogeiher
and
l
could
hear
rhum,
and
me
fiwm
lookan
acrou
a!
ma.
Undar
my
fingors,
[in
formîca
was
cool
and
hard
and
mec!
and
Lamina],
And
hard
and
mon
and
ratîanal
wa:
Iny
mînd,
a:
il“
barn:
of
vîdory
saundad
acres:
ria
rnargu
of
fine
warld,
and
all
lin
îlags
fiat
avcr
Flew
snained
l‘ard
and
nm
in
rha
winds
ai
vîclory.
A:
fram
a
grau?
dinancel
was
myseli
rislng
irom
rire
tabla,
rha
follomîng,
and
aur
dopanuro
irom
îha?
place.
Sîill
from
aiar,
l
saw
our
cab
riding
lo
Naning
Hill
Gain:
a:
in
a
draamnyoî
brîghî,
wlîd,
crystal-cloarni
saw
l!
failawad
by
a
groaî
Progrcn
ai
vic'arîous
charîaîs,
was-horm,
conard-wagons,
b7
ail
lime
man
and
women
wha
aver
fough’
againsî
coniusîon
and
doubî,
and
won.
Brigh'
khan
wan
their
armour
and
'he
lighl
on
îheir
weapamc—buî
brlghhr
and
sweater
and
iniîninly
ioyful
rite
light
an
finir
Facas.
Hall
imam,
and
inann
dans
na!
carn,
wha!
had
bean
brwing
ai
me
Winpy
Bar.
When
aur
cab
anived
îho
placo
mon
lnfomo
of
billowing
Flama
and
Ihlck,
oîly
black
moka.
The
Opponam
knows
iusiicenof
a
kîndnlwî
no?
morcy,
and
lli
iiwy
fa.
wha
blunder
in
his
came.
l
slçr,
lhen,
far
a
long
and
resliul
lima.
Tin
las!
îhlng
recall
îs
9h.
sighl
of
Maloney's
ann
raun
Mary'n
shou'dars,
a
rast-
cf
bock,
and
Oh.
saund
ai
many
volcan
singing.
The
Scandinavlan
revue
Drakabyggeî
ha:
published
an
article
which
ihey
callad
Gog
and
Magog,
signed
wiîh
nome.
This
is
an
obvîous
defaurnemem
of
an
article
called
Luxar
or
Martyr
which
wrore
indaed
and
zend
lo
iham
la
go!
publîshed.
Nwould
îo
make
a
reflecrion
on
anoiher
daîournarnenî:
and
well
ihe
manifasf
whlch
declares
rhe
Siiucrafie
baing
une
lo
us
by
“Drakabyggct”
and
which
appeared
în
fin
Tîmcs
(page
60-62),
was
evidenîlynoî
ihe
roal
form
oF
aur
doclararion
on
Siîucra‘lic
Socioîy.
Werhcroforc
published
il
as
ihere
comrlburlon
wîrhour
furthor
connoction
fo
lino
"Mi,
in
a
rdher
illisible
Happy
ro
b0
las?
able
to
print
the
changed
poims.
We
wlîh
ail
our
force
sign
haro
rire
real
manifest
for
a
Sirucmvic
Saciafy.
Drakabyggers
derourncment
capaciries
mighr
be
considored
a:
an
answor
la
rire
poor
aîfack
mode
by
lsidor
hou
on
il“
lack
of
'his
detournemenh—spirit
in
aur
Sifuafionisrîc
derîve
blood.
We
are
graieful
ro
Drakabyggar
la
add
thon
points.
Red.
As
the
translation
oi
lin
definii
declararion
far
the
Situcraîy'did
no?
arlve
in
rima,
w.
wîll
only
be
dais
fo
plblish
il
in
fhe
coming
number
ci
the
Situationisl
Times.
Rad.
v
j
c
m
.
'
.
-_
Ê‘ullez‘
caun-thie
Ve
'
'
u
ctor
“ïnllbr'
——
nm
en
lsotroplc
Ÿector
matrix——a
svstem
in
Ëïch
:11].mm
t
r8
the
length;
‘mnce
au
ver-:H-w‘
ars
m'uiäïi’v‘r:
lräâc
3:8
.-
4.‘
-
.4
lS
cmm—urectlonal},
concentric,
Lopolorical
form
-urn
snes
uynamic
co—ordlnate
S'-stem,
accorïodâtinp
the
pquire:.:ents
01'
many
complex
plwsicallaïxs
and
va
v—‘vf'
v
analogues
02'
cheir
functions.
As
complex
‘Ë'holc
Ëg'tealèllîïsÿnâîâlèêble
en.
a“
(un:
:ndelr-IIU
pollllvl'd'ahM01IM
un-
m
n.
m.
enmhao.
,.
œseû
dorm
into
its
conpenent
tetrahedra.
15::
’A'ä‘rlâlè“
mm.
«v
'A‘
:015»
e
'
en»:
A'
vflflnv”
24»
o
o
A;
.13.
.uvnv.
97:7
y‘
5.4::
15:5»:
",44qu4
.015:
n"
il"
me
'47
.y
qi;
o
y
Ah
L153“;
mas»?
êâàängaèæâæv:
a:
äflÊE
Pâë"“?æ
à:
gag;
ñagægaamaa‘fggaaga
mm.»
mm“.
Ch'
Asturic
Spcin
33Ë555Ê’4*Ï:"4â.""fl4î
“Mm
umneys,
>05“
:éæ'æ
‘0’“
:hn‘ä'n'n
65.0.2
:7:
:agäàäg4ngä
‘—
4p
44,,
âïàäàaîgs-W
«45201:4.
.4.
276'
Buckmhda
Fuller
a
We
put
sîeel
:phere
m
of
cube
whlch
Is
ulso
of
tefruhedron
and
one
stell
tubes
from
îo
four
corners
of
nogutîve
fefruhed‘on
.G
.'
The
iuncfion
befween
îwotetruhed'a.
The
sysfem
i5
non—reducdonr,
u
basic
disconfinuous—conpression,
confin—
uous—fensîcn,
or
"fensegvîfy"
struc—
Pure.
Bail
ioinfs
and
ure
puHed
fowurd
une
unoîhar
by
verHcaI
fen—
sîon
stoy
rhus
Iwîsfîng
universally
2/1.
Tower
port,
Posrmon
Fera‘inond
Cheval
Drôme,
France
Gaudi,
burcemno
terrohedron's
centre
of
gruvîty
(CG)
ha:
four
radîqls
from
îhe
fo
the
four
corners
of
rhe
refrahedron.
‘iointed
legs
outwurflytheîr
oufword
huis?
being
stablyrnsîruîned
by
fin".
ang
clowre
Y,
X,
Z,
W.
Hare
we
have
stock
of
radial
tube
feiruhedro
51mn
wlth
horlmnîul
(qpproximafe)
tension
slings
and
verfical
tension
gays
and
diagonal
tension
edgos
of
tl’w
Four
wpor—lnp-
osed
fatrohedru
whlch,
becauu
of
9h:
(upproxîme'e)
horizontal
slîngs
can-
nor
corne
ony
close!“
to
on:
aneth“
becuuse
of
thelr
vertical
gay:
cunnot
gef
owoy
from
on:
unoîher,
and
thora-
fore
compose
u
noble
relaflomhlp,
o
sîructurn.
Tire
Patern
et
Situeloglcal
Agent:
i:
based
on
twe
mais,
«Mat.
gave
us
tire
pau'biilty
ta
penetrde
in
tire
richneee
ai“
Situ-
ological
credlon:
A)
Eariy
Christian
monuments
in
Scotland
5)
Principell
ai
topologloal
peychoiogy
Kurt
Lewin
"le
motiremotioai
(amiysls
sitar)
Intraùrctîon
is
kindly
mode
iry
Max
Ducoille
lt
le
an
Mdence
tint
thon
Apecta
a.
vary
ineanplete
but
we
hçe
that
tbey
will
give
the
necenary
loucir
ta
continue
tir.
very
urgent
reswelr
on
Sltuoiog'y.
Hoppo'scurve
Tirekrrnt
‘l’be
ribbonofMoebius
Goornetry
ai
situation
a
geornetry
whlch
is
not
purer
qualitative
as
is
the
Analysis
Situe
et
Riemann
had
been
anticin
by
Lelbnlz
and
Grosernonn;
but
its
ancestry
is
best
traced
ta
Euler,
to
hleresoiution
of
tire
problern
ai
the
/
bridges
of
Konigsborg,
which
is
prennted
to
tbe
Academy
oi'
sciences
of
Petorsburg
in
i735.
Tire
first
systemotio
treatîso
on
topology
îs
ottributed
to
the
German
Listing.
lt
appeared
in
1847.
under
tire
title
'Vorstudien
mr
Topologie“
in
l85l
Riernnnn
first
mode
une
ai
conblnativeür
algebraîc)
topologyln
deternlrningthe
relation
between
surface
and
funation;
then
Conter
in
ereated
o
comprehenslve
tepoiogy.
Finely,
triaurlce
Freciret
con
daim
tire
distinction
cf
iirst
understandlng
tbat
tire
essentiel
lies
in
tire
topologicoi
structure
betweon
eiements
oi
thetotality
and
not
in
tiroir
nature,
which
Ieads
irim
to
define
tire
topology
ai
abstract
pacee.
Besides
applying
topology
to
tbe
study
of
ditferentîal
equoiions,
ta
tire
calculatîon
oi
voritions
and
to
tire
theory
oi
functione
oi
variable
conviens,
l
must
mention
tire
qaplîoatlon
of
tapology
to
peychoiogy,
a:
stated
by
Kurt
Lewin
in
"l’rlnciples
oi
Topological
Psychalogy'
(1936)
'lhis
curve
ls
a
curve
ta
tire
leFt
whiah
forme
a
knot;
it
in
defind
parametrically
by
tire
equations.
rucostiîlcoet+
l)
I5
coet
sint
:=sint(?5coe
t-l)
Weaansaythe
clrcunrferonceisdefined
by
the
eauation
x
tcoet
'sint
Theee
twa
aurvee
ore
itomeomorphic,
but
ne
cannat
pan
front
one
ta
tire
other,
tiraugh
an
antirer
homeomorphic
spaee,
beaouee
theee
two
ourvee
have
net.
topoloaicolly,
tire
same
situation
in
puce.
Il
Let
un
ooneider
a
terur
o
eurface
pndroed
by
a
clrcumference
turnlng
around
a
ilxed
axlr
ai
lts
plan
and
not
aoeeing
lt;
nez!
let
ne
eut
iront
lt
a
notion
it
wlll
give
a
tube
whlcil
con
Ire-mode
into
a
knot.
Let
us
bran
together
tire
two
enù
and
glue
tirent
in
euch
a
that
tire
points
tl'iat'
were
aolncldlno
on
tire
ring
naw
coïncide
on
tire
surface.
At
eachlpoint
et
the
ring
rue
con
find
a
oarrependlng
point
irerrl
tire
errfaoe
oi
tire
knot.
Two
adiolent
points
correqrond
to
two
adrolent
paille
on
tire
other
surface.
Tire
ring
and
the
knat
tiers
carrequ
in
a
bl-unequivaoal
and
bi-contimal
mœformotion
în
a
horneomorpiric
çace.
lut
lt
le
inoulbie
te
pas
tram
one
to
tire
other
wltilaut
teorlng
or
re—oovering,
beoouoe
eacir
figure
le
bathing
in
a
pa‘ilwlor
çace.
We
muet
cernruct
a
patievlor
l'amphi:
qroce
lntervenina
in
raidlve
topology.
lt
il
easy
to
undentand
that
tire
tram
tire
ring
to
tire
knat
doee
nm
redrce
ltoeii,
te
o
continuol
sequenae
ai
cqracioi
untle,
betore
tire
tea'iollwing
it
had
2aorreçondlngpoints
ta
eaohpoint
of
tire
clrcurnference
prodrclng
tire
ring.
lll
a)
Tire
rlbison
in:
only
one
eùe.
ln
foot,
in
turniœ
In
tire
une
direction
startlm
tram
A,
we
descth
thon
tire
ride
ndDarelnter-mr
ondmretumtpA.(CbeiœmergedwithA).
le)
Tin(rli:lron
le
a
orie-eldee
:2“
Vie
con
pas
tram
slde
to
tire
ather
witirout
araerlng
tire
«lue.
Tirle
l3
euein
verltied
in
tire
route
pp'
after
twlrflng
and
gluelng.
e)
Tire
rilrban
:e-u':
Igluante,
beaause
if
lt
cauld
lt
would
ire
potable
ta
eilift
a
srnoll
clrcunference
on
lts
surface
by
dlearlbiœctlteoednaoantlnlomm
lnmhowaytirdtwoparilorlafthis
clrcurnference
wwldh’anthe
rame
«indien.
o
d)
livesirould
maketlrerlirbonASCD
aetieougir
atwlstai
rao
ailreeectlenoftherlbban
will
glveoneslnale
large
iece.
1m
seotlen
Inde
on
tire
glven
ribban
vlll
give
me
No
lnterieoed
perte.
tillrd
section
flore
eaell
ou
lendirenr
it
wltlrout
divldlœ
ltseif
u
regard
lendir.
Afaurtlrsectlenandtlre2rlbberueqeratettnqeiveeln4
e003.
Nnnfltwedrouldmrimuiuthhenatvlflef
,540
eta.lrnnde.tlrenlturn,ilitunetc.werlrould
menti!!!
"Il
relult.
"l’heuteeelsoneeldedifttreruüerat’twlstiaumenf
mm,
'
mË-är
rater?
«L.-7...u:m»gr«nm
Fu-
l.
u
pan—«71353
à?
.
f”
.,
._k
"u.
cdv-‘d.
'
.‘
:-
l”
OFF-#4
'_
MW”,
_
mwww
ä:
fifrämunïtäggçg
me»;
sa};
“"5
satin
“æ
,cunut
Afin»
lib-t
1,0%:
w.çähçæmærwf
nu-
’Œ-
'
a.“ng
qul
“Î
mwfiadm
4'114”
dmle
uf'qmeH-d
mule!“
g‘ïmmwf'
’11
r4
Ë"
"l
un
.xvmrsa
æ
,n
242.
Leonotdo
du
Vincî
R.
R1
R,
(a)
—Topnlnm-
nl
un
milan.
(a)
Scies
cl
"Il:
wmwu
commun
plnl:
(b)
«un».
wilh
commun
part-L
i'.
palan;
pflwn:
r.
n11.
Il)
Locmnoflon
1mm
B;
(b)
rflnlmumm-I
-n
‘..
v
\
s
see
Sweden
_
f
n
x
®
/
72.
Mexico
73.
Mexico
_.
v
mmño.
Honte
l‘?‘
«l
.
nelczrmtnr
773.
Mexico
75.
Mexico
76.
Arowokicn,
Torumon,
Amozon
77.
Tronsdanube,
Hongorlo
Sculptured
heod
Oseberé
78_
usenerg.
Gnä
.
r0,
52'239"
n
7‘:
Prc.
4L—Topolofly
a(
tho
‘3‘."
personw
motar—
.
nain;
I.
lnner-
n-
ç
ïùm:
ÿ.
peñphcrll
pur!-
al
I;
central
9ms
I;
_l
comment.
174.
(6))
Q;
.—Triquo(n
Km)!
u
wulu
ulm
Loop.
‘Rosemnrlzie,
.\'n_
)
,_.iJ
.
m.
Scoîlond
\\)
A,
Ë!
‘ï.—'I-
aum—
tans“
36:).
Ainu
wny
corrying
child,
î70."V‘vege
zum
Kno'en"-Poul
Klee
[M
"
pllcod
ding-Jumy.
n
‘d
«Mu
hnw
to
xhc
Norvuun
"Xovn's
knol"
on
ont
b-nd.
r
hou
xo
lie
me
mm
knul
ou
un
bnndn.
Elimbelh
\'illirr't
"flac
lnvex'n
Imam".
Iôô.
Gcrb
uctor,
Cosr
“12-4
’îï‘a
.5“
vflmimunun
nî'
163.
Linen
fringe
of
îhe
"Pu‘chlbcnren"
.
169,
Holf
zzzzzszQZZZÿZ-ïZÂ-‘Z’ÏSJ
H.
wnmrkn'.
Nu.
l
>Thm
limes
a
lrumlovc's
hmt
l72.
Vindumhede
hoirplcitspcnmcrk
fie
secure:
l"irm
bl‘
me
knoL
firm
Ïnu
alm'unnnl
(vi
"lie
“mm
nll‘hyÀnII'.
On.
plun—vl
vilh
mm
"mua",
lhe
mhu
'im
leu
"man".
50H»
[hem
nn-
nuanuLvIund
à]
mm:
"la
Il
PI“.
Kil!
‘nM
lrurnl
hnh'
la
lie-
xh-
In).
h"
M"
h
may
his
love
endurer.
\
Ïndissaluhltmcnî
\
_
-‘
.
.de
177.
Roman
Cutholic
.
_
unis
praylng
Image
(196,2)
“s
fixé?!
178.
The
Corrick
Scout
knof
coma.»
"v
(au
Ê‘Aô‘l‘ïV‘ABLV
.
_
l
l
Study
în.
the
morphology
of
orange
peols
(1%2)
by
Pierre
Alechinskypnd
Reînhoud
d'Ham
277.
trou:
'StJmcia
and
the
Wolf
cf
Gubbio‘
a
salantic
opera
in
two
acta
Massa
au»
0'”
text
and.
mueio
by
Stefan
Thamarnon
editod
and
orohaatrated
by
Alu:
Cohon
'V
lie
'has
no
heartl
Paterfamillas
mais:
“A
Ha
has
heart”
l
x
x
1l
i
ï“
*-
i
.
:F—Jîîfl.
|
I”
film-1
a
H8
:
eut
off
:
portion
ofanotherfa
n
mlytreexformb
lygraftedontothes
H8
I185
tocktoformanewgrow
thxtumsouttobeast
erilesçamenconve
“panel-f
rceiLÇËOpc—tal
naspntex‘fa
01m”
aspaterfam
59m
aspeterïaci
double
haspaterz‘
‘l
flower
iSSpaterfa
with
aspaterfar:
Fatal/na
spaterfam
a
v:
.
rfamllmaspa‘cer
r.
l
:‘amlisspaterf
ou.)
argillaspaîurfa
en
m
t
e
:mliaspaterfam
h
iliaspaterfami
e
'3__
:h:
;:'-
magnat-ami;
statue
iaspaterfamili
p
“‘
aspaterfamilm
r
1,3
_no
heart’.
r,
c
spaterfamilias
âme
youmest
patert‘amiliasp
bud
who
lest
aterï‘amiliaspa
1'
all
hopc
and
terfamiliaspat
n‘
""7
Will
preæently
erfamiliaspate
t
‘—
4"
fal‘.
off
and
rfamliaspater
nov;
mac
familiaspaterf
has
no
heart"
new
amiliaspaterfa
.
'[
a
miliaspaterfam
zliaapaterfami
'
ZBOJnsfrumenr
te
lia“
_
apabeusmll
,"i,
.
v
iaspaterfamili
>—‘
v
m
‘L
a
aepeterfamilia
spatternpaterf
Open:
Semonlîc
dîverfissemen's
279.
Heewp,
.
v
.
o!
in
un
n
Ring.
\>\\
l
.
_
ë
.
‘<
ï
:
l
:
.
v
n
w
n
Naturel:
docitinns
Ire
bond
upon
o
foc:
resuleing
ou:
ol'
o
preliminary
neoenity.
As
elle
impulse
of
monËind
docides
chie,
reculan
from
on:
point
lie
con
no:
alwoy:
rengaine
nature'l
woy
of
nains.
Man’s
impulse
dots
no:
resul:
ou:
of
o
nacesiry
bu:
con
crane
one.
Tint
i:
why
mon
ou
o
mer
il
luxury.
The
noturisr
ethic
in
o
contradiction
to
crenüvo
mnnkind
o:
i:
elle
plume,
beeoune
nlher
of
(hem
go
ou:
from
an
impulse
m
creation,
but
by
disconsidering
impulse
doe:
no:
mule
ou:
ol'
noncesity
but
can
crane
une.
Tlm
i:
why
man
u
a
croahor
i:
luxury.
The
onurin
ethio
i:
a
contradiction
vo
native
monkind
is
due
plomnic
bonus:
neitller
of
rhem
go
ou:
from
an
impulse
no
creuion
bu:
by
disconsidering
impulse
:hey
30‘
ou:
from
'either
nuure's
or
from
socio-
Icienciological
neseessities
which
a
priori
are
ami—luxuriant
The
puritanisme
os
woll
in
iudoism
as
in
chrisdonisln
deniu
any
acception
of
eitber
impulse
or
luxury
and
:herefore
homme
icomclmie
eu.
As
lhis
menu
deuruction
of
on
essential
aspect
in
mankind,
else
hein;
had
cmœd
a
martyr.
On
Ibis
base
due
christian
and
democratic
oociety
developed
ion
vrlm
ie
in
nov.
The
place
of
cmtion
boum:
more
and
more
overwhelmed
by
du
indumioliuüon
ol'
and-luxurious
fields.
And
by
du
luxury-indunry
whieli
lus
becmne
du
pure
ourrogote
of
impulnes.
Nevenlleles
mon
creues
ond
is
purdlned
by
u
well
:he
uni-luxuriant
n
by
die
surmgm
luxury
par:
ol'
locwty.
Only
by
tryin;
sepnrote
creolive
mon
from
miety
or
dednring
him'no
mnrtyr,
tIIe
purinnniam
con
deny
rhe
existence
of
nnorganised
impulses.
The
cotholic
churolm
have
beau
oh]:
m
taire
in
a
par:
of
creotion
by
foeusing
on
du
nooeniry
of
iu
ex-
imnee
and
o:
(il:
me
(in:
witll
mer
uœpting
the
factor
of
impulse.
vidant:
dmurning
i:
inno
du
apriorial
neoesieiee
of
ie':
focus.
The
came
'ilil
byzantinin.
'l'he
sa
alled
luxeury
of
these
institutions
m
andains
else
dan
due
no
called
poveny
of
iudaion
and
so
called
protestant
poritonism:
:hey
are
zhe
obsoluœly
unimpultive
onusiq.
Only
by
escaping
from
Ibis
fake
symbolistic
organisations
motion
lus
been
oble
no
develope
in
indepen-
dence.
The
suffering
of
the
homon
hein;
for
Ibis
neighbour
in
n
false
quuory
whicli
lus
nuer
been
mepœd
by
luxoury-Imn
a:
Iheir
rufl'ering
permit:
only
m
be
for
xhemselves.
Luxoury
doer
nm
permit
martyrs.
Therel'ore
du
judaic
chrinin
allie
cannm
aooepz
titis
refusa]
of
monyrship
a:
i:
destruys
rheir
enlire
concepts.
Neither
can
the
social-demande
sociaies
as
rhey
are
based
on
d'une
concepts.
That
is
why
only
in
:he
no
colled
univin
of
popuhr
cmtion
the
escape
hui
been
paisible
withoot
being
eut
off
compleoely
front
:he
emire
miety.
'l'be
sepamion
of
creazive
vorlds
like
science
and
due
arts
fmm
vulgarimiom
lus
only
engraved
:heir
si-
tuation
inside
:be
social-demande
vorld.
LUle
0l
doeiflom
a.
bond
won
o
[ont
mollan
ou!
of
prollmlncy
nocoulfy.
M-h
lquloo
bu
no.
nul!
ou!
mnlly
bol
ho
on
ctooto
m.
A:
li
le
lwulno
In
oxmltlnd
winch
docidoe
fille
prdlmlnay
nooololly,
ho
canot
olwoyn
Mil.
nduo'a
woy
of
ocllœ.
Il.
min
chic
l:
mawy
lo
crooflvo
nul:an
os
ls
un
plolonle
olllle,
boequ
noier
of
nom
mon
from
lho
lnçuln
9o
crodo,
bylgnælngllllfllpuloo,
Olloyanonoîo
olthoritwnlllo
noeo-ltloe
of
nohno
ofSoelo-oolomology,
Midi
o
priori
ao
ml-Iunrlou.
m
purltonlonln
Judol-
on
woll
ln
Clrlûionllydmlod
onyoceçhnco
of
ollllor
lnpulooof
luxvry
ald
llwofonboooœo
loonooldlc
de.
A:
"Il:
mon
dodde
of
on
o-odlol
«pool
in
Mimi,
lbo
lunch
boqu
hud
croc-d
o
nutyr.
On
lhlu
lanocltlolm
and
donnent":
mloly
dovdqod
lnlo
vlan!
li
le
m.
'I'ln
floldof
cuollon
boom
moto
and
moto
WHùdby
finlnùdrlallnnflon
dmûI-lmrlolnflolù
ondlvy
linimry—lnàærywhlehhu
booomolho
plnwnognNon
of
lnpulnon.
Novatholo.
nm
“and
lopunuod
byllio
dl—lumrious
oovnll
by
Illo
omopnlo
quurofy
sldo
ol
mldy.
Only
by
lrylœ
le
mon
onoflvo
mon
front
soelory
or
by
doeldnq
hlm
In
nmyrùn
con
pwltmlln
dony
"Il
oxltoneo
muni-Id
lnwlloo.
Tlio
Cotliolle
olwreh
ho:
boon
Ôi.
lo
ùoorb
n
par
of
orodlon
b7
oonoomlm
on
tho
mlulîy
of
lu
oxlmo,
whllo
nov.
noeqllng
fllo
facto!
of
lnpuloo
wlthw!
hnvlno
la
m
Il
Inio
tho
priori
moult!“
ol
Il:
m
foot».
Tho
«no
Çplloo
to
Iynnfinlon.
Thon
ullod'lwoflof
thon
il'illlñm
il
nono
afin!
mon
fllo
'povonr'
Juùln
and
tho
Pronom
parltmlm
rhooo
ao
duoluloly
unlwolrlvo.
Only
by
mina
5mm
lhooo
fdto
eynbolle
argonlwlom
Il:
aooflon
boon
ùlo
to
dwolop
Il:
indopondonco.
Tllo
afforlœ
ol
lho
hum
boira
for
hl;
nololbour
Il
o
foin
Iwy
whleli
ha
nova
boon
ocooptod
by
quury
mon,
u
hl:
uffælœ
pnlh
il
ody
Do
bo
for
hlmooll'.
Loxwy
dooo
me
pomll
mm.
"union
llIo
Juùle
-
Chlilon
dblc
connot
oocçl
fils
rofunl
of
marmiton
une.
mlroly
don-op
finir
ooneqm.
Nolflior
non
lho
noie-donnent“:
nelollou
os
llloy
m
h-od
on
thon
ooneoph.
'l’lul
la
why
only
In
3h.
noollod
nnlvlty
ofl‘pqwla“
crooflon
l'ail”
moboon
po-îblowllhoul
holnqoui
oifoonplotoly
front
Iocloly.
‘l'llo
mm
of
orodlvo
voilà
ml!
os
Iolonco
and
fil.
en:
fiqu
wlgorlnnllon
la
only
ongmvod
lholr
slîudlon
lneldo
il»
polo-dam]:
world.
Harry
nod
achieved
the
ponthoüt's
dreorn--he
was
One
with
the
Univem.
At
least,
he
Ira:
one
with
the
floor
of
the
Coyf.
For
o
moment
that
rudimentary
biob
of
noe-
shewed
above
floor-level,
then
that
too
va:
gone.
l
stood,
stroddled
and
watching
in
fascination.
Wauld
he
continue
ta
slrdt?
If
eo,
mld
het
stop
d
the
centre
of
the
plonet?
Would
he
advance
bockwords
lnto
New
South
Wales?
Apporently
not,
for
that
arrbigouos
outline
stayed
there.
Hod
yau
not
been
awore
of
whot
hod
taken
place,
you
would
:lrrvly
have
tdun
it
for
ground—ln
dlrt,
or
the
result
of
spllled
fat
after
carne
epic
attempt
ta
produce
a
mol.
To
me,
ît
wosnlust
Harry.
l
got
the
message,
oll
rlght,
all
right.
Not
thot
wonted
to
know.
That
ghostly
porridge
air
me
thldtening
around
me;
l
wos
beglnning
te
get
the
feel
of
lt
in
my
throot.
morlednan
ugly
sound,
coming
from
a
tl'l’od
Ilke
Rayrnond's,
even
when
ane
wat
moklng
it
oneeelf.
Thloker
it
carne,
and
thlcker,
and
now
lt
was
upon
me,
writhlng
and
cold
and
51m.!
mtedtm‘tne
neu
woil.
Thirty
pacox
laterl
realised
there
was
na
near
wall,
nothîng
but
fog,
fag,
fog...
Looking
down,
l
could
see
os
for
os
my
chut;
no
more.
The
ground
seemed
os
yet
rteady
underfoot,
but
had
sarnehar/
a
different
feel
to
it.
When
ben?
ta
try
and
obnm
ît,
l
failed
utterly
to
me
anythîng
but
that
ubiquitous
porridge
grey.
Snarling
ogain,
l
sat
down,
wropping
my
arrns
around
me,
groteful
for
once
for
theîr
inordinate
iangth-—the
cold
was
striking
ta
my
bones
alreody.
As
l
did
sa
l
felt
something
flop
put
my
:houlder
înto
the
greyneu,
hootîng
with
eldritch
Iaughter.
'Hoo-hoo.
Hoo-hoo."
“Get
lost."
l
bellowed.
Ever
hoard
of
a
fog
with
ochoes?
"Get
lost,
get
lost,
loot,
get
lost,
lest,
get
lost,
Ion,
lost..
.."
kept
rny
rnooth
shut.
Swivell-think.
Swlvelluthînk.
wa;
beîng
given
the
treatment--the
full
treotment.
Further,
l
had
been
gîve-n
tho
treotment
since
the
moment
l
hod
asked
Harry
the
sixty-four
dollar
question.
Not
a
second
hod
been
lost.
And
Harry
himself
hod
been
unclayed
before
he
could,
give
awoy
a
dicky-bird.
Harry's
position
in
the
garno
could
be
said
to
be
that
of
o
Knight.
l’oJ
don‘t
sacrifice
a
Knîght
for
nowt.
Oi
course,
ît
might
bo
thot
the
Harry
that
wos
naw
One
with
the
brickwork
floor
of
the
Cayf
wos
only
a
durnrny
body,
lîke
to
the
one
l
was
myself
weariing.
But
that
would
reduce
ta
the
me
answer,
becouse
there
had
certainly
been
na
time
for
the
Opponent
ta
do
a
swîtchîng
of
bodies;
if
it
was
a
durnmy,
it
had
been
sont
in
on
the
expectation
of
trouble.
Any
way
you
looked
at
it,
my
every
rnove
had
been
taped.
Now,
hawever
tricky
the
Opponent
might
be,
in
the
final
anolysix,
hl:
powers
nevor
reolly
exceed
those
of
the
Home
Team.
If
he
wos
putting
oll
thîs
attention
on
Your
Humble,
ho
was
by
the
tome
token
taking
it
away
from
soma
other
areo
af
oporotions,
and
wed<ening
hîrnself
to
that
extent.
i
assura
you
that
there
ls
no
mare
coven
or
unblotant
a
fellow
thon
t'ne
Opponentnfor
hîrn
to
throw
hi;
pieces
about
like
thîz
meont
he
was
taking
bîg
chances.
And
thot
meant
either
thot
he
was
damned
(ho.)
wre
he
wos
wlthin
a
rnove
or
two
of
checkrnote,
or
that
l
was
in
soma
way
poxing
ruch
a
threat
to
him
thot
he
Lad
to
thraw
the
bock
at
me
fust
and
heovy.
Yhînk,
Swivei.
lf
ha
were
of
wînning,
he
would
have
Ieft
me
to
the
last,
and
thon
have
pollshed
me
off
good
and
propen-
sornething
reeklng
of
brirndone
and
molten
molybdenum,
none
of
this
rnoping
and
mowing
in
pea-soup
porridge.
Damn
ît,
he
“admit
be
winninguon
the
contro'y,
he
must
be
in
deadly
danger,
and
throwing
overything
at
me
in
a
sort
of
Antennes
offensive
to
try
and
hide
the
foct.
(Corne
ta
think
of
it,
wasn‘t
the
Ardennes
offensive
launched
in
a
fog,
too?
Um.)
Whotever
l
hod
donc
thot
wos
neodling
hîm,
it
must
be
somethÎng
l
had
startod
in
the
lost
few
heurs.
Xnd,
corne
ta
look
at
it,
it
wos
pretty
obvious
whot
ît
wos.
The
Bonks
girl
and
Maloney
must
be
on
to
something.
Evidently,
l
wos
not
intended
ta
fînd
out
whot
is
wos.
Now
what
arrangement
had
l
mode
with
Mary
Banks?
'Be
bock
here
wlth
Maloney
ot
nîne.“
My
office
wos
în
Greelt
Street.
Raymond's
hairy
wrist
did
not,
ofcourse,
bood
a
watch,
but
l
needed
none-«w
clock,
like
thot
of
the
Hebridean
fishermen,
moves
to
internal
tidet,
and
weors
Old
Mother
Eorth
herself
for
pendulum.
It
wos
not
iust
turned
seven.
(Hell,
must
have
m
in
thix
rnurk.).
Mory
and
Mnloney,
their
precious
clue
with
them,
mu:
nov
be
markan
time
oreaaratory
te
turning
towords
Soho.
Thern-wards
must
l
hie.
But
where
vlan
l
nov.
and
how
did
locale
rnern
ana
get
tram
nonce“!
The
trarrps
of
old-—bofore
the
Welfare
State
ran
them
off
the
rood--used
ta
have
routes
of
their
ovni,
and
coboliltlc
si”
to
W",
guide
and
encourage
their
frotarnlty
merrbers.
lt
is
not
rrruch
other
wlth
their
succesnou.
lf
Mory
and
Maloney
hod
stand
haIf-on-hour
ego
from
Nottlng
Hîll
Gate--ond
l
won
sure
they
hadnwhere
would
they
be
nom?
Lozlm
and
economy
bath
lndicated
o
folrly
strolght
route
along
Westbourne
Grave,
up
post
Boker
Street
and
1o
through
to
the
Euston
Road.
Well,
there
were
only
se
many
ports
of
coll
in
thot
ana.
Ïhe
New
Caicutta?
Toa
expemive.
Tho
Supaburgefi
Cheq:
enough,
but
too
maure
for
Maloney.
Toni'r?
Cloued.
The
Bonne—Bouche?
Too
expansive,
again.
The—-my
God,
but
l
va:
a
fool.
Openlng—tirne
wa:
long
past.
lightning
seloctîon
of
neon-llt
wloom
and
public
bars
rase
in
rny
mind'.
eye,
far
ail
the
world
a:
thath
l
were
drowning
in
Gulnusnand
then
l
had
it.
The
White
Rat
Wlne
Bar,
in
Carnden
Twn.
shat
ta
my
feet.
The
porrldgo-fog
vos
as
thid:
a:
ever,
but
l
paid
lt
ne
heed--|
knew
nom
that
the
Umpire
war
not
nodding,
thot
only
time
or
my
own
stupîduty
could
Qoll
thl:
particular
Garne
for
rne.
For
a:
the
words
carne
to
rny
lipa
rrry
hand
was
cloelng
round
the
bulge
fonned
in
rny
pack-t
by
the
heavy
corkscrew
that
vos
port
of
my
înuporable
personal
equipment.
lt
won
a
drag
transferrîng
thot
heovy
walnut-hondled
thing
tram
suit
to
wit
of
my
voriws
bodîes;
more
thon
once
l
hod
been
terrpted
of
late
to
change
it
for
ana
of
theee
tlny
mochrn
domination:
thd
open:
o
bottlo
with
two
thln
metol
bladee.
l
reoliud
nom
the
meanlng
of
theword
Providence-4l
vos
with
thh
corkscrew
thot
l
had
opened
a
bottle
in
the
White
Rot
not
No
weeks
ego;
hi:
cakscrew,
and
ne
other,
therefore,
vos
my
nepping-stone
from
here
to
there.
Carofully
l
laid
it
dovm
on
the
groundnor
whetever
it
vos!
hod
underfoot
in
this
fovl
placenplacing
the
toe
of
on.
foot
ovor
it
to
keep
it
located.
My
honds
started
lnto
the
neceaay
pattern
of
panel,
rny
heod
lifted,
mouth
and
à—_—————
'àomerne,
Medoc,
or
a
tune
Whlte
thot
vos
nurtured
by
the
Rhlne;
Wood
that's
ald
and
trve
and
worn,
Fit
for
the
drird:
it
àth
adorn;
Flome
et
cool—fin
wa'm
and
red
To
wm
the
qulck
and
eke
the
deod;
Corlucrewuheld.
enouah
18v.
sold,
'Whlte
flotll
cm--peo-ooup,
ùop
dead.‘
And
there
l
w,
in
rrry
germaine
Swivel—type
body,
standing
at
the
bu,
orderlng
o
double-brandy.
'Ho‘w
de
you
buy
Killornefl‘I
Mnry
hummed
lnto
her
glaxs.
Maloney
grunted.
"Go
into
the
bock
woy
ot
Rafferty‘s,
osk
for
O'Sheo,
and
put
the
green
stuff
înto
hi:
hand.
Drink
up,
will
you?"
Mory
turned
her
glass
upside
down.
"S'errtaty/l
she
onnounced
aolomnly.
Maloney
pushed
on
enormous
zooty
finger
înto
rny
rlbs.
“The
lady
sayx
lt's
your
round."
'But
l
bought
the
laxt
round.“
"You'li
buy
the
next
round,
then.
"Tis
grateful
you
should
be
for
the
chance
of
treating
Maloney."
"And
a
Bonke.“
Mary
cost
me
a
glonce
of
alooholic
reprooch;
her
lip
quivered—-"o|l
right,
aIl
right,
you
needn't
screorn.
The
lame
ogafn,
l
presume.
Moloney,
would
you
cote
to
give
me
a
hond
wlth
this
lot?"
Wc
mode
our
way
op
the
three
sth
past
the
crackling
iire
üp
înto
the
Long
Bar.
There
was
no-one
thero
at
oll
:ave
the
bamon,
and
only
a
quiet
middle-aged
couple
occupyîng
the
polished
took
partitions
behind.
Gieaming
brosses
winked
in
tho
fîrelight;
frorn
overheod,
mm
of
barrelr
oost
o
gentle
Ihade.
A:
the
barman
busied
hirnself
wlth
our
arder,
l
turned
ta
the
hulking
figure
beside
me.
“This
l:
all
very
entertaînîng,
and
don't
think
thot
gru
e
the
tirne
or
don't
reciate
c
n
.
t
llfe
ls
short,
things
are
happening,
and
nostîer
thing:
will
hqaper‘iigyet
lfl
Qet
the
m."
ma
Bu
'iwo
grilles
chrk
ayez
gozed
lrlo
mine.
Black
dün
or
no,
Maloney
wos
a
tme
chlld
of
hi:
race.
'What
gen
would
tbot
be,
then?‘
'Sornething
that
would
wut
the
Devil
hlmself.
And
did.
And
It's
eornething
that
Mary
and
you
corne
acres
thi:
very
afternoon.‘
Well
new,
well
nom.
.
."
The
barman
was
setting
the
glose:
dewn;
Malone)’:
become
instantly
ioct
In
thot
vost
paw.
'We
did
corne
across
a
few
things,
to
be
sure.
But
which
would
be
the
one
yau‘re
aftef'?
H'rn..
.‘twould
be
xomething
powerfully
valuable,
I'm
thinking?"
ipoused
on
my
way
bock
to
the
seot,
a
glass
in
eoch
hand.
'Is
it
thot
you're
after
hining
me
for
more
Iollfi'
murrnured,
in
my
heavlest
Charing
Cross
brome.
He
gave
me
a
look
of
pained
mrprile,
a
sîghnond
o
wirdt.
Reliwed,
l
tendered
Mary's
glass
lnto
her
eager
hand.
“Tell
me,
glrlie--do
mknom
whot
lt
was
you
fovnd
out
thîx
afternoon
that
upset
the
opplecart?"
"Saftornoon?
Show
lot:
of
peaple.
Funny
people.
No
mlecortl,
llke.
Lots
op
pointings
and
staff
in
Portobello.
Daod
fvmy,
they
wos.
Antiqu—ontluxelling
ol'
lunk.
[on
know.‘
She
waved
her
glas
illustratively;
Molaney
grdäbed
at
ît
in
holy
horror.
'Don't
waxte
the
stuff,
then.‘
He
turned
hl:
attention
bock
ta
me.
“How
valuoble
would
thin
infor-
mation
be?“
l
ceuld
have
pointed
out
thot
if
l
didn't
deod
tho
dope
we'd
ali
be
dead,
or
worse.
But
l
forebore;
wnething
told
me
thot
rny
conpanîon
wauld
comîder
me
to
be
:poiiing
o
good
business
transaction
by
introducing
quîte
oxtraneous
considerotions.
lnsteod,
took
out
rny
wallet
and
started
to
àop
fivers
orio
the
table.
After
the
fourth
hod
flooted
dawn
under
hi:
reflectiÿe
eye,
l
soid
palitely,
"You
will
tell
me
when
ta
stop,
won't
you?‘
'Seven
is
a
fine
number,
now,“
he
sald
thoughtfully.
'Seventy-uven.“--this
frorn
Mary,
Iooking
pap-eyed
at
all
thi:
condemd
porchotlng—power.
“Ow.”
as
l
groond
my
heel
down
onto
her
irutep.
Soma
people
forget
that
an
exponn
is
a
funetîonal
thing,
net
a
gîft
from
Heoven.
'There
were
the
seven
sans
ai
MeCorthy,"
the
dark
fellow
w:
rnurmurîng
“and
the
Soven
Sorrowoof
Our
Lady."
Hi;
fane
grew
brighter.
“Thon
there's
the
Savon
Stan,
in
Actonnyou
thould
ne
the
barmaid
there,
young
Elleen.
They
l
__.
Ihoved
the
money
into
hl;
pocket,
and
put
owoy
the
wollet.
'The
focts,
Moloneyuthajnçn.“
mu
owore
'
x
u
|
\
eofer
Jopon‘
Taday
un
do
nat,
perhq):
Nuits
to
the
Fauves,
experienco
an
arbltmry
amamon
ar
local
calour
a:
violent
distortion
roallty,
bot
an
arbîtrary
dîstortlon
a
reallrtlc
outline
is
still
able
ta
twist
our
sensibilities
painfully.
But,
as
Gonbrîch
alla
point:
out,
the
treatmant
ai
calour
ha:
always
been
les:
rational
and
les:
restrictod
thon
the
treatrnent
af
lina,
possibly
beewse
our
ernotional
exporilnce
af
colour
tap:
deeper,
le”
conscious
levals
of
our
mînd.
For
this
very
reman
tha
irrufional
revolutlonof
the
Ilna
stlll
balangs
totlie
futureand
awaits
îuller
exploitation.
alraady
spokeaî
Daumierwhosesingnificanca
for
conterrpararyart
Î:
anly
iusf
being
realized.
Farhaps
Matiueand
also
Dubut'ïet
in
their
earliar
less
manneled
work
gropod
for
tha
lama
intangible
Freedam
ai
llne.
lt
is
sad
and
highly
significant
that
Dubuttet's
mare
inspired
art
had
boen
called
thl
'u't
brut",
a
word
that
calls
ta
mlnd
the
wild
beasts
af
the
"Fauves".
Wl'rat
we
may
have
ta
look
far
is
a
new
freedom
af
lin.
untaintad
by
tl’lo
tullng
ai
vlolence
and
brutlshneu.
This
may
only
lucarne
possible
if
tho
urge
for
finding
truc
equlvalencos
becamas
me
gamine
and
carrpulsiva,
withaut
aven
a
thought
for
aethetic
niveties.
ln
our
mphisticated
age
w.
may
findsuch
a
nalvadinct
urge
tawardsrepresentatian
only
in
tire
populat
an
af
lavatarydrawing
which
i:
inspier
by
tho
nrongest
human
drive
towards
an
abîect,
the
sexual
instinct.
Anather
equally
patent
instinct
is
the
instinct
l'or
self—
praservatian
and
hunger.
Are
we
perhaps
entîtled
ta
explaîn
part
al
the
miracle
ai
prehistoric
cava
painting,
its
incredible
frudam
and
wreneu
of
line,
from
this
underlying
drive?
Tire
iear
oF
the
flone-age
hunrers
was
grave
enough.
It
is
raid
tint
tbair
wall
d'awîng
served
wrrpthetîc
magîc
to
încrease
the
fertility
at
thelr
game
animal:
in
times
rcarcity.
Aesthtetic
camlderutiammst
have
played
a
verysrnall
part
andthere
îs
indead
a
"mets"
in
tha
wayin
whîch
the
àawingsare
scattered
along
tire
walls
and
superlmposed
withaut
pattern.
Sir
Herbert
Rend
contrasts
their
principle
ni
untamed
"vitality"
against
the
"natuer
gearnetrlclty
ef
the
Iater
new
stone
age.
Tl‘w
old
vitality
or
at
lacs!
its
shadow
marges
whenever
the
hold
cf
a
rlgld
aeathetlc
was
tenpnrarlly
broken.
Sir
Hubert
rediscovers
the
lost
vîtality
oF
cave
drawings
in
the
short
tramitianal
parlod
în
Greek
vase
painting
when
neolîthic
geometricity
begon
to
give
way
ot
Iast.
Thon
strangely
dîstorted
animal
torrns
oxtond
themulm
botween
the
remnants
ot
geometric
ornament.
Nobody,
to
my
knawledge,
ha:
yet
tried
to
explaîn
thc
endurant
lino:
et
thon
animal
toma:
îrom
obscure
style
influences,
say,
Sibirian
sculpture.
There
is
a
parallel
and
even
metramîont
interlude
in
the
hls‘tary
afold
Egyptianart
where
chŒicn'urE-like
vltalîty
înterrupted
a
millenia-oldtradition.
an
refonan
to
Akhnatcn's
realistîc
art
which
for
our
eyes
bordels
on
unmitigated
caricature.
ls
is
inconcievable
that
tire
court
artlfls
shauldhave
dared
ta
dinon
intantianally
the
factures
ai
their
gooling.
Art
historlans
did
their
duty
and
tried
ta
axplaln
this
caricature
style
tram
Foreign,
preferably
Creton,
influences.
This
ta
rny
mind
is
nonsense.
Only
acamplelely
nalve
ponton-"y
could
have
given
the
artist
the
courage
to
their
distoniom.
Nor
is
such
spontaneity
teachable
and
open
ta
a
long
Iine
ot’
tradition;
hence
also
the
tragilîty
and
tramience
of
suctr
artistic
epochs.
Tha
freedom
of
lin:
achieved
in
Greek
art
snmed
to
have
lingored
an
For
sarne
tîme.
Greek
pointing
apart
tram
vase
painting
is
lost.
But
ta
iudge
tram
the
unparalalledllghtnon
al
touchwith
whîchthe
Greek
sculpter;
carved
theirstane
draperies,
we
can
sunnise
tire
same
liglrtnus
In
thelr
palntlng.
Waht
we
passe“
af
early
Hellenîsfic
mural:
stîll
retains
a
maasure
ai
wch
freedom.
The
mural
et
Mous
in
the
Mesopatamian
synagogue
ai
Dura
Europe;
ha:
amowîng
drapery
of
unfarced
spantaneity
Lever
since
equalled
in
aur
art.
Pertan
the
early
ramonasque
mural:
and
the
provincial
Bysantino
paintings
in
Jugaslavia
and
Crate
still
have
soma
ot
the
old
grace
and
vîgour
untîl
in
the
Won
at
leost
the
classical
tradition
was
Fînally
braken
by
the
Renaissanceflhîs
soumis
Ilka
a
paradox,
but
on
"Élection
It
il
underûandable
that
a
self-conscious
imitation
of
antiquîty
in
bound
ta
destroy
its
arlglnal
Inoanlnq)
l
nal
thlrk
that
wo
can
plck
up
the
tiveods.
Only
a
rwrgenca
a!
nuly
pogrom
vl'gnfyl
a
ggmïn.
hum"
f°r
tl’n
ablect
wltlnut
a
single
thought
Far
îtz
amhetic
value,
moy
be
abla
to
bolp
us.
That
why
papular
wall
drawîngs
and
«vovmgs
are
noarar
ta
succosr.
Tire
Scandinavlan
lnstltuto
for
CorWlw
Vatdalirn
faund
very
ald
engravings
that
mmïrngîïwallzaf
ï'or'rnandy
cürcllwsl.
It
îs
mange
ta
final
among
them
:ngravings
of
deer
that
in
tir.
strange
flmh"
mh
l
cm
a?"
"2;
Æ“
cm;
:h'P
'"Îlooïl_ace.unobselïved
.among
tbe
no
much
alder
prehîstaric
cave
dlle
wi"
cm
("à
son“
h
:1"
î‘l
{90‘
l"
a"
Wlll
Ihll
have
togrow
far
qurte
a
whlle
until
agreat
artilt
'omo
ha
.
e
ap
y:
ca
iongmg
or
transcendent
reallty
rnay
prove
as
patent
as
the
naive
erotlcism
ot'
ry
a
er
ps
a
rnrxure_ot
the
sybllme
and
the
emdely
yexual
may
do
the
trick.
Wha
î:
reolly
ina
position
no
præhesy
(bout
future
art
and
Its
secret
course?
All
wbat
l
have
don.
was
to
vaico
own
grawing
l'runger
for
a
nat
yet
existîng
l'onn
ot
art
a
langîng
that
i:
made
only
border
to
beur
wlren
lt
'
hed
b
tire
Dbmuc'
un.
Is
mac
empty
postunng
cf
avr
prmflt
45.).
Rossîe,
Scorlond
0P
Il’CALlTlES—Conlinu8d.
le.
805.4pndn]
bnuuded
by
ont
convu
lml
lwo
conçu-a
dmlu
nm.
fillnl
in
mlh
modification
o!
Nm
Canna.
Nu.
808.—The
urne
us
Nu.
bu!
wuh
lhn
ring‘
inerch
dlrfertmly.
Brmny.
Two
Sîchord
knots
on
the
top
of
each
ofher,
285.
Scotlond
rî)
r;
2.6,
l
cave
clrculnr
un.
fillcd
in
plan
drru
If
Ring
And
with
(ho
un“
Illcln
No.
c-r-
nlu
la;
hui.“
lu
ex-
795.
but
Iilh
round
Du;
lanor
Loup,
dhlorud.
bolh
mule
ol‘
bar-talw-
shnpn.
mlalurl‘
l
BrϾy.
Bmy.
And
Ont
No.
“dl—S‘IL:
bounded
hy
ono
cornu
1nd
‘hm
con-
No.
809.4Jnce
bounded
l‘y
lhm
mnmve
circulnr
nu
ul'intcrhcalmork
Mnxpom-d
nf
lhree
uusymmuuiul
[mp5,
ono
of
which
1m!
l
pointa!
nul.
lhlmn
r“
Cndbol1(Z
and
double
(lino
aymbol).
Scoîl.
Englund,
(Porto)
olo
in
Istric
(9th.
cenf.)
(a.d.
795-816)
'
No.
SOI—8|“
ol
urne
flnpe
Il
la
lllnd
la
with
l
37‘
/‘>Û\
.506
.
Merovingicn
France
308.
ingon-l
stmigh
îinr.
wixh
.plœe
Scotl.
307.
Merovinqîcn
(/îh.
cent
.J
“J
2:;
:1
v
‘E
'.'\‘“Î\«
Ë'äî.
.
ÿ
<
h
rai-m
Une
broctture
editee
a
cinq
conta
exemplaires
seulement
par
l‘Aca-
démie
des
Sciences
de
l'U.R.S.S..
et
passée
presque
inaperçue
lore
de
se
parution.
est
en
train
de
bouleverser
l‘opinion
scientifique
mondiale.
Certains
le
comparent
Mie
a
la
premiare
publication
par
Einatein
de
la
tireoria
de
la
relatir
vite
reatreinte
en
1905.
D'autres.
et
ceci
en
U.R.S.S.
meme.
ne
se
peth
pas
pour
parler
d'-
imagi.
nation
délirante
n.
Le
brochure
on
question
est
l‘œuvre
de
l‘astronome
Nioolaï
Alexandrovitcn
Kozyrev.
qui
a
récemment
découvert
un
pilier
de
llammea
sur
la
Lune
et
a
qui
l'on
doit
précédemment
des
travaux
importants
sur
les
auroree
boréales
observées
sur
la
planeta
Venus.
Yempa
+
et
tempe
Kozyrev
commence
la
ou
Einatein
s'est
arrête:
il
est
impossible
d'exposer
ngnureuaemant
sel
idées
sent
malhématiquea.
Je
ferai
de
mon
mieux.
On
a
généralement
admis
que
l'intervalle
entre
deux
objets
dam
le
temps
peut
au
mesurer
par
un
nombre
positif
ou
négatil.
C'est
ainsi
qu'au
milieu
d'un
mois
de
jours.
jours
avec
la
eigne
moine
nous
:eparent
de
la
lin
du
moia
procédant
et
jour:
avec
le
plus
nous
uperent
du
debut
du
mais
prochain.
Dans
la
tneorie
d'Einstein
on
place
ce:
nombres
le
long
d'une
4'
dimension
de
l'univers.
ll
a'agit
toujours
de
nombres.
sauf
qu'ila
sont
parue
la
long
de
l'axe
imaginaire
dee
mathemeric
na.
Dena
le
tbeoria
de
Koxyrev.
n
revanc
'
valle
dans
la
temps
ne
plus
par
un
nombre
ma
par
une
de
ces
entitea
mathématiques
que
l'on
appelle
un
u
pseudœtenaeurn.
Autrement
dit.
un
intervalle
du
pane
n'est
pas
égal
a
un
inter-
valle
de
l'avenir,
pu
plus
qu‘un
poisson
n'est
egel
a
une
pomme.
Cette
nouvelle
formulation
mathe-
mattque
permet
de
reviaer
toute
la
science.
Dans
le
science
moderne.
le
passé
était
équivalant
a
l'avenir.
et
on
pouvait
inverser
le
film
du
temps.
Et.
pourtant.
l'expérience
aussi
bien
que
notre
sens
interne
du
temps
nous
disaient
bien
qu'il
est
impossible
de
voyager
dans
la
passe
et
que
celui-ci
n'est
pas
equtvalent
a
l'avenir.
Dans
lr
nouvel
univers
que
noua
présent
Kozvrev.
il
existe
automati-
quement
un
sont
du
temp!
u
passe
vers
l'avenir.
Dans
la
théorie
de
Kozylev.
le
flot
du
temps
n'eat
pas
une
image.
mais
une
force
capable
d'etre
mesurée
et
meme
d
exercer
un
travail.
Dans
toutes
les
mécaniquea:
Newton
Etnstoin.
et
poat-Einltein.
laClIDn
est
egala
a
la
reaction,
mûri/lev
aussr.
mais.
chez
lui
la
réaction
ne
répond
pas
mstanranemcnt
a
tact-on
Elle
v
reoond
a
une
vitesse
firuè.
qui
peut
ctrc
calculée.
Il
sensuit
que
deni
l"unrv'era
de
Koryrev
on
peut
dietinguer
automatiquement
le
cause
de
l'etfet.
Aussi.
la
nouvelle
science
qu'il
a
credo
t‘appelle-belle
la
mecanique
cauaale.
En
mécanique
canule.
la
non—conaervation
de
la
apparaît
automatiquement.
il
n'y
a
pas
de
principe
d‘incertitude.
la
relativité
l‘harmonica
avec
lea
quanta.
l'action
sa
distingue
mecaniquemant
de
la
réaction.
la
cause
de
l';tfet.
Lea
vlrifioatione
expérimentales
La
mécanique
cauaale
eal
suscep—
tible
de
vérifications
expert-
mentales.
Sur
un
corpa
en
rotation.
l'existence
de
la
moca-
nique
causale.
du
retard
de
la
réaction
aur
l'action.
produit
des
forces
nouvelles.
Ce
sont
cet
forces
qui
donnent
a
le
Terre
larme
de
cardioide.
déterminée
par
les
mesure:
sur
les
utellites
artificiels.
et
qui
correspond
d'une
‘acon
num’
:ue
parfaite
aux
pro.
sions
.mulees
par
Kozyrev
il
a
cinq
ans.
Les
déformations
des
planer-x
Jupiter
et
Saturne
carres-
ponde.
tgalernant
d'une
façon
c
.Ititative
aux
prevtaions
de
la
tMoria
de
Kozyrev.
L'accrois-
S.nent
de
la
pesanteur
dans
l'Arctique.
récemment
mesurée
par
les
Russes
et
les
Amaricains,
se
ded'ut
également
des
équations
de
Kotyrev.
D'autres
coma.
quences
restent
a
vérifier
par
l'expenenca
compris
la
plus
extraordinaire
d'entre
elles,
la
possibilite
de
tirer
rte
l'énergie
du
flux
temporel.
'
Ulllr
Le
problème
de
lo
causalité
est
un
faux
problème
imposé
pot
la
science
faussée,
la
science
qui
veut
prévoir.
je
peux
pénétrer
dans
le
passé
avec
une
exactitude
déterminée
par
l‘échelle
causale.
le
suis
le
résultat.
la
synthèse
créative
de
mes
deux
parents,
comme
eux
le
sont
de
leur!
parents.
Ceci
fait
que
j'ai
quatre
grands-parents,
huit
orrièrcwgrondæporents.
et
ainsi
de
suite.
Vingt
générations
en
arrière
j'ouroi
exactement
un
million
quarante-huit
mille
cinq
cent
soixante-
seize
parents.
Ce
doit
être
environ
le
siècle.
Mms
le
malheur
est
que
la
scimcc
veut
établir
des
arbres
généalogiques.
Si
l'on
choisrt
par
has::rd
un
de
ces
ancêtres
on
tombe
tout
de
suite
sur
ce
que
Sortre
appelle
le
pluralisme.
dans
ce
cas
de
parenté.
ll
a
une
confusion
indescriptible
d'enfants
et
de
fausses
couches,
d'infidélitc‘s
et
de
stérilités,
et
pourtant
ce
n'est
rien.
Pour
arriver
l'image
do
parents
que
j'ai
on
commun
avec
des
individus
vivants
OulCurd'hui.
sur
la
base
de
nos
ancêtres
en
l450
il
fout
dresser
l.048.576
Gibus
généalogiques.
Quelle
jungle.
Lo
description
causale
ne
relève
qu'un
seul
aspect
d'un
développement
:
ces
éléments
nécessaires
ou
économiques.
L'erreur
commise
est
de
considérer
ces
liens
en
même
temps
comme
suffisant:
pour
ce
développement.
et
tout
le
reste
comme
inutlilté
qut
dort
être
ignorée.
De
l'autre
coté,
il
est
aussi
idiot
de
nier
tous
les
rapports
cousoux.
Sous
le
prétexte
qu'il
y
o
outre
chose
que
ça.
ll
serait
mieux
de
placer
lu
causal-té
comme
une
échelle
particulière
de
l'optioue
de
l'homme
sur
lu
matière.
Ce
qui
pour
moi
donne
o
Soren
Kierkegoard
la
première
place
dans
l'établissemeni
d'une
philo”.
phie
artistique.
c‘est
qu'il
o
comblé
l'abîme
entre
lc
hasard
pur
et
lu
causalité
pure
en
insistant
sur
le
caractère
spécifique
des
relations
occasionnelles.
en
les
opposant
nettement
lo
causalité.
Ainsi
Kierkegoord
est
le
fondateur
d'une
renaissance
de
lo
pensée
magique.
sur
une
base
scienti-
f'quement
descriptible.
Ses
observations
sur
l'introduction
et
lo
particularité
de
l'occeaiennel
en
tant
qu'egent
de
présence
auraient
en
réalité
rendre
inutile
tout
ce
travail.
il
en
aurait
été
oinsi
si
Kierkegoard
personnellement
n'avait
pas
été
assez
làChe
pour
refuser
lui—même
de
témoigner
dc
ses
propres
vérités.I
s'il
n'avait
pas
employé
toute
so
vie
minimiser
et
effacer
ces
découvertes
de
base.
Ceci
n'exclut
pourtant
pas
que
ce
qui
est
dit
est
dit.
Ce
que
j'ai
fait
ici.
c'est
remplacer
l'
a
o
priori
a
de
la
causalité.
non
par
celui
du
hasard
pur,
mais
par
une
contrariété
des
deux
a
o
priori
a,
comme
les
deux
points
zéro
franchir
par
l'acti-
vité
de
l'homme.
Ces
deux
contraires
ont
dans
la
philosophie
physrque
été
liés
des
conceptions
atomiques
partagées
en
phénomènes
microcosmiques.
Phénomènes
l'intérieur
de
l'atome
et
entre
peu
d'atomes;
cependant
que
les
mono-phénomènes
englobent
des
grands
ensembles
d'atomes.
jusqu'à
maintenant
on
o
refusé
d'étudier
si
cette
distinction
n'était
pas
trop
spéciale.
si
elle
n'expliquoit
pas
aussi
en
général
le
comportement
l'intérieur
ou
entre
de
plus
grandes
nuitée.
dans
des
cos
de
petits
et
de
grands
nombres.
Les
expériences
avec
des
billes
le
prouvent.
Elles
ne
sont
pas
des
atomes.
Ainsi
l'idée
du
micra-
et
du
mocro—cosmos
n'est
qu'une
question
de
propor-
tlons
relatives,
Le
fait
que
nous
sommes
capables
d'établir
une
causalité
veut
dire
que
la
causalité
ou
la
fonc-
fimnalité
universelle
n'est
pas
complète.
Un
lien
causal
comme
rntre
moi
et
mes
parents
est
une
connaissance
qui,
dans
le
cas
je
décide
d'avoir
des
descendants.
peut
se
projeter
aussi
dons
le
futur.
C'est
une
loi
qui
prévoit
par
nécessité.
Mois
ce
qui
est
important.
c'est
que
dans
ce
cas
il
n'y
ouro
pas
de
suite
sons
mon
intervention.
La
couae
est
un
effet
qui
le
transforme
en
ceuae
par
un
autre
effet
qu'il
provoque
néceeaeirament.
La
fécondation
artificielle
est
une
tentative
pour
tfdulre.
par
économisation,
un
octe
la
relation
nécessaire
de
couse
effet
ou
plutôt
d'effet
en
couse.
On
voit
que
les
idées
causales
sont
faussée;
parce
qu'il
peut
avoir
des
effets
sans
cause.
mois
jamais
des
causes
qui
ne
sont
pas
produites
par
un
effet.
L'effet
précède
toujours
Io
cause.
C'est
expérimental.
C’est
la
dialectique
renversée.
L'e‘fet
est
l'unique
synthèse
qui
existe.
Ainsi
la
phénoménologie.
qui
est
l'origine
de
l'hypothèse
de
l'univers
en
dispersion.
n'est
qu'une
juste
observation
de
ce
que
lo
synthèse
est
l'origine
des
choses.
et
c‘est
celle-cl
qui
se
divise
en
contraires,
thèse
ct
antithèse.
entre
lesquelles
il
n'y
o
pos
de
lien
causal,
de
préséance.
mais
coexistence,
corrélation.
ou
plus
précisément
concomitance.
L'effet
d'tÎne
pierre
e
jetée
dans
l'eau
provoque
une
corrélation
ondu-
latoire.
Les
phénoménologues
l'ignorent,
et
les
dlolecticiens
ignorent
l'effet
immédiat
de
la
pierre.
Mais
tout
ceci
opportiEnt
un
domaine
qui
nous
dépasse.
Ce
qui
nous
intéresse
ce
sont
des
cor-
rélations
illusoires
et
partielles,
inconnues.
Le
grand
rôle
des
surréalistes
fut
d'insister
sur
la
nécessité
des
corrélations
illusoires,
déjà
décou-
verte
por
Rimbaud.
la
nécessité
des
orts
pour
la
présence
de
ce
que
l'on
appelle
l'homme.
Son
existence
dépend
de
sa
capacité
de
dépasser
ses
causes
avec
ses
effets.
Tire
French
Magazine
Plonete
no.
7published
rite
following
Iines
onthe
recent
discovery
of
tire
Russ‘on
Nicoloi‘AIexandrovltch
Kozyrev.
We
feel
on
obligation
to
remind
out
teaders
o?
the
essaye
written
in
l958
by
Asger
0qu
Jorn
in
"Pour
la
formd'.
We
only
show—nue
one
of
these
remarcobie
ports
where
Jorn
severol
yeors
oheod
oi
Kozyrev
exploines
us
the
necessory.
In
Jorna
recent
bock
(1962)
"Nuturens
Orden"
(S.l.C.V.)
he
goes
even
more
deepiy
into
lite
problem,
and
well
consîdering
Îi
not
only
from
o
scientific
and
sementic
point
oi
view
but
too
from
o
deepiy
studîcd
aestheticol
one.
uddanly
af
a
bu!
pnrcapflhlo
chlll
In
Iha
air;
glanclna
mund,
l
naIîcod
chuvful
fin
was
dyîng
IasI
on
us.
And
Ilnn
was
ang
alu,
unan
cauIdn'I
au".
place.
.."Gulal:,
yw
blg
m.»
larron-m
havan'I
lima
la
won.”
I’Ie
noddnd.
lea
Iha
un
crodII--II
yau
gava
Mm
Ilua
cash,
hn'd
nldaln
hold
ouI
on
yau.
Ha
Innnad
Iowards
ma,
In
Ihd
paoulîu‘ly
saanIIvn
way
Illa
Irllh
lava
wlnn
Iluay
whh
I0
pas
anan
IIam
cf
mac
Il
you
wara
nan-
dlœ
ana
of
Ilnm
In
Iln
mlddlo
ai
Salllbury
Plaln,
ho'd
dlll
whlqur
InIo
ynw
aur.
'lI's
Ilw
Wlnpay
Bar
In
GaIn.”
EvarymndlnIanhIIaMcuI
nul
daad.
InIlnnnoncand,
nullitde
IIviasIhd
hadhubladmawlnnl
lu
laaludaraund.
‘l'lnrawalwa
dacnIa‘*
Iln
plaça;
cor
Idtln
was
mode
bman
Ihanl.
Wlllla
un
w.
Ialklna,
all
Il.
oIlm
InlIdeIanh
cf
Il»
place
had
radially
baan
poumon
In
uch
a
way
a
slnàla
va
af
Inca—dam
Ihm
hadn'I
ban
du”.
half—ap
d’un
Inca
n
cana
In.--sd
a:
flood
bdwun
mlva:
and
oIIlm
oxII.
Al!
cf
Il)":
umd
du",
atdInary
paapla,
aIl
cf
Ibammalman
Maudy
Iaaltlœ
amy
nain
us—andII-Idal
affuI
mnilnrasllwçh
ana
wddanly
In
flnd
anuall
In
Iln
nlldda
af
Madano
Taluud's
d
mldnlglII,
md
kmlna
Ihd
Illa
«armada
won
waIIino
Far
your
naxI
m.
colda
by
Ils.
ncand,
mon
sllenl
aald
and
allant,
aald
and—
'SIap
II.‘
laid
a
vole.
dnvaIyumy
valu.
l
wal
on
nly
foot,
dwvlng
Malonay
In
fmm
al
ma
and
&agglng
Mary
char.
W0
w.
flvn
fut
non
Iran:
Iha
nana
axII.
bafan
us,
koala
In
us,
IIaod
a
couple
of
aldaly
ladIa
haldîœ
la,
glau—
lad
wIna
and
mrlna
dm
han
cf
Inc
kIndl
always
associé”
"and
FesIIvals.
Malanay
mada
Io
dafia
round
Ilnm.
a
quIvat,
naI
o
nound.
I'In
cloaer
hl:
IhnaIua
nain
thclIl
have
knawn,
wlun
mad-
in
crawdnd
bal,
Ia
nia
mon
ml.
baud
far
Ill-
mat
dnar,
anIlcipaIIng
an
aarII'qudu.
îlna
mnblo
rollad
InIo
Illa
sIIanca,
and
dlod.
un;
naI
Illa
IIma
Io
warry
saclal
nIcnIlas.
l
Ilwwd
Malanay
un
all
Illn
force
:wld
va
lnIa
Iny
apnn
llanù,
lwrlod
Maryafir
lllm,
and
myulf
dia!
bu.
Wlnn
plachad;
hé!
dm
lavant.
poll
:nqapad
In
Iha
fnnnnalr;
nana.
:lrîllod,
mon
avaakod,
Inclus
l'un
wy
faca.
Tac
latin-far
ne
wara
falllna
aIap
of
Quel!
oIllnr
Ilawdl
Illn
apnnlna
dur,
dld
Il.
namrIng
mord
Candln
Tavm'l
Irdflc
“bd
arwnd
un.
May
fall
aoaInl
ma,
lulf-falrflœ,
l‘aca
clnIk-wllIIa.
'DId
700...?"
'Yu.
nm
N°9
In
“m'y—lut
a
Shplœ.‘
Malomyhndmnlnaa;
InvasaI
Ihocorb,
wavlna
fmûlcallyfaro
ada.
Ont
mm,
dooénpanlna
andhly—aueh
Iaa
amalhly.
landellndIIloaIllnbads.
'NaIIlia
fldedl,
WaIsan,
naIIlnueand,
naIIlnIhIrd,
bu!
Ilnfaunh.‘
Tha
char
Ilmd
vlcîwdy;
a:
Ill
ùlvc
lwnclnd
Ill-
whnl
un
oauld
ne
Il»
aff-yallaw
fanas
ahuran
aI
Iha
canin
cf
hl:
IaI-nw
mh.
Wa
gaI
IhaI
faunll
ad:
a
0°th
cf
Name
Gascon.
Mary
was
dlll
Mina,
and
aven
Malanay
Vlan
unv-
ually
quIaI.
dIùI'I
blnnn
Ilnm;
l
aulne
In
ny
nlnd'z
war-
uoIna;
Iba
vIzIon
ai
Illan
ày,
bany
dwllnld
bd
vlnnndaI
un
undar
m.
IIraw
lnIg
aI
Iha
RaI.‘
'Tllo
wl
cf
un
Is'
dnnd—I
fanl
Il»
bdlœ
cf
Id:
vlan.
Et—Jna
and
Moral
saunas.”
îlla
waIInu
away.
l
mndnrodlwaualy
If
du
luman,
and
mua
wal
pa-Iblo
Io
dllînguilh
Iln
daod
flan
Ilnîundaad
Item
a
Un!”
pamalflanv-cw
cum.
My
ald
Il”!
mal-r
and
Ia
vain
agalnd
“How
rlghI
In
mu.“
w.
wllafl'
duel
Malanay,
frein
cens
Iho
Iùla.
'My
ald
math—4h,
nova!
nIInd.
Tha
Il!an
la,
ulnaI
do
va
M“
Ha
anIIod
an
unlnlpful
bled:
malle.
l
hIm
me
clml
m"
b.
Dm
la”
on
un“?!
md
y
Ma
amy,
Iaka
yvur
pan
off
gîtl
km.
Con
"Thn
mon
7.0500
Io
aniay
Ihan.‘
Hawmr,
ha
mnI
no
far
al
Io
brî
Ihn
mlnî
nand
înIo
:I
on
Iln
Iap.
Ha
wwld
nmr
hava
aùnlflad
Il,
buI
aur
mon
wuîancu
had
obvîomlçgshaknn
lui:
No
doubI
l:
maux".
ma
a
nul,
la»
ha
had
Ia
aùnlI
Il.
vos
agalnn
dId
acIualIy
oxin,
and
could
mon
a
InIa
Il:
:IquI
hum,
mon.
fram
Km;i
"len
:1:
Ilw
magna
plan
naw?"
'
mouro's
ml
la
a
la
Wa
should
du
nanthI
abouI
IhaI
“u
M‘a
W"!
“eh.-
ng
Inpy
Bar—la»
havan
a
clua
whaI.
Paillon
Tlny
dldn'l.
They
M7,
and
Il»
Iaa
was
Iukwam.
l
callld
ouI
for
“In-au
Ia
mm
bock;
wIIh
a
dan,
va
raaliud
IluI
Iha
rauquranl
nom
dounld.
Dm“,
and
grawlng
dark
omînam
midin.
sIranac
chîll
In
Ihn
aIr--'No."
armad
Mary,
'noI
nmIn.‘
Malonay
mada
Iha
flan
al
Iln
cm,
and
mhIng
scrnclnd
q;
undar
me
calllœ.
boaan
Io
nanar
could
Iocall
of
Iln
AposIIe's
Grand.
Thon
vos
Il.
sound
al
n'avons
falIIng,
and
Ib-
ghaslly
Inllng
în
Iha
bock
m7
IlvnaI
af
IhaI
paa-nup
panldga—œnly
Il!!!
Iltna,
an
mu
“pou-m.
lenr
mnd
cana
"son
nana;
mlglw
lava
bun
dnmod
In
Iha
mlddla
cf
Ilua
CoaLSocl:
anwla
far
all
knew
Io
Ihe
conIrary.
And
va:
oald,
coId,
cold...
Ihls
pain
Ilma
accu‘md
mfhîna
uIIarIy
unoxpocIad.
l
lady
my
4m.
You
m,
l
don'I
mm
Il).
lrraIInnaI.
l
Ialania
iI.
In
focI,
ana
üly
Ilcamnd
mnbor
a!
King
Obaran's
Coun,
and
a
cf
Illa
lui-national
Dothlvn
A-ocIaIIan,
l
IalavaIa
Il,
and
daaI
wIIh
van
clan-d
lump:
cf
on
Imla,
In.
mmhylîcal
and
Il»
pwaly
Iwman.
Whlch
I1
voua,
mlth'I
con
Io
Iay.
Illo
fucI
IhaI
llvn
and
braath
In
Ihls
ghanly
Inpllu
no
mmvaI-mlnr,
lha
carflary;
l
andun
baaaun
no—cna
wIIl,
and,
os
un.
Garnan
ganaral
once
raid
whan
llaulad
ont
In.
cool:
l'or
Ialtlru
dmfllc
acIIon--'Sarmana
ha:
la
b0
tl’n
miel-d”!
nghI
aI
IhaI
Ihwah,
l'on
avaII
quu'a
la,
a:
Ilwy
say
In
lanIgn.
Ind
lvad
noIlIIns
bol
chaos
Ill'ovm
a?
nIy
baad
slnca
Ilrîs
bullnn
mad—nany,
poIIy,
vIcInu,
natal—dada)!an
chaos.
“Il:
Opponom
long
pan
boul-
raddna
nana,
lu
n'as
Lownrlna.
‘I'ha
Boom
and
Pulllnq
I'ho
SIaps.
And
was
wha
mu
on
Il»
caIIocfian
and
al
al,
Illll.
Wall,
Ville
Ms
la
ha
a
farwnr?
un:
anoughuand
Ihîs
won
onaugh.
put
Iny
mInd
upan
ordar.
Tln
Wall-Tanp-ad
Clavier.
Tlu
MulIIplleaIIon
'l’abla.
Tba
oI
Iinnad
gonds
upon
Iha
slulvas
al“
local
Supcnnarhl.
Hllaîrn
Bolloc‘:
Euay
an
Iha
Fall
of
m.
Franch
Mmrchy.
Corbuslor'a
Madulor.
Un
Paflodlc
lela
Ghlrnaln
Khan’s
SImIcoy.
Evpam‘
WaIIz.
(l
cauld
ne
nom;
faInII
l
cauld
hourMnl
vole.
m.
cm
mana.
“7
7'
)
Iladmono
on
Low.
VIvaldI'I
Four
Slogans.
(le
vicw
blurnd
buI
l
was
doflnllal
lui
and
Malonn
ocres:
Ih
boglnnlng
Io
lunth
nul
alr).
n.
.
'd’
.
La
FanIaIM's
Fàln
Km—To-Mynhry
Saan
—+
3€
.r
'J
fl“w“m“°‘—
“vrpdurîp
van
Twm
Ziæpcwn
,35&%2(Æ
59m6
m‘JLcmru.n
{l‘étau—J'y
(Inca.\?.,r.äwpy
pma‘bfiflt‘qmfi
\‘€c{€(yô&bau
n'ung
F‘dwflïge
“une!
op’lm
woÿymfl?
W401i
wW
0ms:—
le».
anu
a.»
cemftrmî
flyœe’gmwmw
.4
3k
}arb@o‘
fort“;
{1,46}
0.“.
hœôÊÏn-‘Ë,
3%)!”ku
Cvm‘lw'
249.
Hond
wrîfîng,
Englîsh(lô99'
5,2"?“
(7"
y”
"m‘y/2
dm“
a?
dm‘
250.
Colligrophîc
writing
'
’4‘+").ÇÂWL."
mwvflwnvm—
mm
Pume
«MP634.
Wmvfççcffl
vétjauaMÎE‘ÎLÎLLä/Ltÿanî
5m
v
“ÿ
_’
n
0040/
1px?
tic—ka
"(hova
vuâmfln‘n
304m
mvkanG‘zQ
van/L:
EaÜwæ—o
,wç—HmAJKM
mai“
uput’..(3.‘7y(,_.\LJ
'
m
‘Lhïÿe-
t5;
“l'u‘o
fä‘Pàk“.
î\Wfl'\qäou./äyxkl—omq\‘u
nqwgwyfnm;
1‘
.
o
y}
1'.'//Z'IIL
1/11
Dam
/IlI/I(I;f7;(o\
.4:
"mu/.1
Î.
Turkîsh
colligraphy
252.
260.
manuscripr
262.
Bedcover
263.
Klee:
Abstrac?
wrîtîng
(17“?
Îa‘a‘
%9*àæ<
r
"'
1.3:“
[W/WïL’ÂfiW-
32‘51"02!
17"":
>
32"17;
3V”
a.
urêufllnll,“
J:
r1
àplf-cï”
av
g"
.\'
.\'
1-:
'I
N”“""el{'wàv3
wr’h'è‘f?”
[r
ñnhmn
4._
'
..
Diescr
akliven
Unie
kdnnen
Beglellhnicn
zugeordm‘!
wcvden:
.
‘\
k
so
enlslehl
um
duc
faste
Mcludic
cin
klcines
Polyphoney
Oder
diese
lime
umschreibt
sich
selbsl:
sue
geräl
in
sizh
in
Bcwegung,
wird
barock
und
dcm
Reichen,
aber
auch
dem
Wnrren
zugewandt.
Sic
gewinm
Polaritäl:
dans
Reichc
und
das
Wirre,
In
dieser
Polamät
IâBl
sîch
Schon
der
Ausdluck
auch
de
Psyd‘niuhcn
gul
ansicdcln.
——
Oder
zwei
Nebenlinîen
umspiclen
die
Hauptlinie.
ohne
daB
diese
selbst
encheinl:
szWæ/
253.
Klee
îexf
lignes
26/
.
Enseî_
ne
’«rt
Nsuveou‘
ModmlmonfhñnwodAn-Amflnmolg
Pd'rn
cf
Shwlogien!
Appliedlm
Introduction
by
Max
local".
.
.
c
Iudy
In
Nu
mapholooy
cf
pool:
by
Han
Aloeklnd‘ty
and
Roinhwd
Pd'lbun’
l'le
nmAdnrHflpto
check/Gourou
"47,1962.
Edlton
Mu
“1-
Vacuum,
Dmmflon
Mo'dlfleailînl
Qfimlan
and
I‘Wlen
cf
Tho
Slmlonld'
"ma
J:
and
publhlnn
Jmlim
du
Jonc
Contriburon
to
fin
Simîonln
Tîmu
3:
Anion
Ehronmîg
.
Goago
Bar.
mon
nlp
Do
chaos
Comrllwnn
ro
lha
Pomm
În'SHuoIoglccl
nm
279'
380_
39]
392_
333_
Mulucîll
l'
Ilntmùl'
&A
.
"m
Aficÿd‘ÿzfiäîwd
æfig‘;
Muffioïogx
a,
m0,
Pm.
suis
for
query
un»
by
Angor
Jorn
(I961)
Tho
Simionlü
Timon
won
prîmnd
In
«anal
and
uhhvnd
Juma‘y,
I963,
Hongolo‘
Holland,
7d“
5€
5191146”
—,,aumg"
3L“
J0
Summ
aqumômoj)
‘_“
_
k.
s
s
s
Ü,
'3’
r
6%
E34:
W:
{m1
.71M‘Ùfl‘âx
'1fo
2M
"g
à.”th
kawa
'_n.:,',::r‘,';;
:85”
“Ë
l:
flâäïäh’ää‘mægämæ
:muflçêäæmùwmgämäwÿ
-
s
’42:
s
s
s
s
7:77"???
,»-.<_
L.‘
L‘A.
u.
.1
H.
w‘
«'I
ne,
[x
3l,"
l"
x
'\
"H
u»...
3.5:,
a"
.2
If
y,
.:
æœal'lzîfl
4_
n'
'Çm,‘
i.»
.5.
117.1
in.
‘x.
141)
Ç'I'.‘
v
‘59.
Corper,‘
Norwoy
Px
'-
'
154.
Form
of
the
knoîs
of
fhe
Guerdès
carpets,
Ïurkey
155.
Dîfferenf
woys
of
Fosîening
the
knors
...
rtsnîn
fhronrk
y“
Ï?"
4'
l.”
144.
'
k/N'éim
.
ou
‘V
'v
w;
4.,
v
.w'v
\ËË_\|I
'
J.
|:‘.,n'
.‘v‘
x
\:\
“N"y'l’ù
b
M5
\'I
37v“
"51V
148.
Belts,
Suceuvo,
Romanîc
engcging
gloves'
149,
Bedclofh,
Colobrieüfcly)
æ...
A"
..,._
.-
56.
Woven
pîece,
Oseberg
._
Scoil.
Keypctfern
op
V\
_
.
Scheme
showîng
fhe
disposîfion
cf
weovîng
rhreads
which
passes
oround
îhe
rhreads
fhe
chain
which
are
indîcoîed
by
points
_)47.
Turkith
dïrk
fn
«impran
'he
fhrecds